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15 ide pintar untuk memodif rumah baru
Ruangan - ruangan dalam rumah bisa jadi sangat bermanfaat dan juga keren
contohnya kyak gambar2 yg ane dapet ini emoticon-thumbsup
langsung aja dah emoticon-Matabelo
Spoiler for 1. Lower your living room to create a conversation pit:

Spoiler for 2. Turn an attic nook into a pillow room:

Spoiler for 3. Display your book collection under the stairs:

Spoiler for 4. Or use the space underneath for storage:

Spoiler for 5. Or use that space for a book nook:

Spoiler for 6. Dogs are people, too, which is why your dog should probably get his or her own little haven underneath the stairs:

Spoiler for 7. Turn your shabby garden shed into a charming artist’s shed.:

Spoiler for 8. Consider a hidden room:

Spoiler for 9. Make your walls MAGNETIC:

Spoiler for 10. Have extra tall ceilings? Stretch a ceiling hammock across it:

Spoiler for 11. Install chutes in your kitchen for your trash and recycling:

Spoiler for 12. A platform in a storage/guest room hides away all of your stuff while keeping the room usable:

Spoiler for 13. Build a bar into your deck:

Spoiler for 14. Kids will love having slumber parties in their bunkroom:

Spoiler for 15. Swap out your boring old ceiling for a star-gazing sunroof:


Spoiler for sumber:
Diubah oleh ulek4n 06-01-2014 07:56
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