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Jokowi dan Najib, Isu Perbatasan dan Isu ASEAN Car
Sorry ane ubah judulnya karena ada 2 pokok bahasan sesuai isi pertemuan Jokowi dan Najib kemaren.

Najib, Jokowi agree to resolve maritime boundary issue

20 OCTOBER 2014 @ 11:50 PM

JAKARTA: Malaysia and Indonesia agree that the maritime boundary issue between the two countries, which has been pending for a long time, has to be resolved as soon as possible, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said today.

He said this was reached at his first meeting with his Indonesian counterpart, Joko Widodo, who started work today as the seventh president of Indonesia after taking his oath of office at the People's Consultative Assembly, the highest constitutional body in the republic.

"I mentioned that the one problem hampering relations between Indonesia and Malaysia is the border issue, especially the maritime boundary involving many areas, particularly South Sulawesi or, in Indonesia, known as Ambalat.

"I have given my suggestion, which is for Malaysia and Indonesia to each appoint a chief negotiator," he told the Malaysian media delegation at the end of his two-day visit here.

Najib said this was agreed by Joko, or widely known as Jokowi, as the previous technical committee which was formed to resolve the problem failed to do so.

"The technical committee met 26 times, but no progress was made," he added.

The maritime boundaries yet to be finalised by Malaysia and Indonesia involve five segments – two in the Straits of Melaka and one each in the Straits of Singapore, South China Sea and the Sulawesi Sea.

At his meeting with Jokowi, held at the Indonesian president official residence, Najib said Jokowi agreed that all problems between Malaysia and Indonesia should be "resolved the soonest possible" to maintain the close relations among the two countries.

Joko, the former governor of Jakarta, takes over from Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono who had been the president since 2004.

Jusuf Kalla also took his oath of office, as the vice-president, before the more than 1,000 members of the assembly.

Najib, who had a personal invitation from Jokowi, 53, to attend the inauguration of the president, was accompanied by his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor at the ceremony. - BERNAMA

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Indonesia President Joko Widodo agree that the maritime boundary issue between the two countries, which has been pending for a long time, has to be resolved as soon as possible. Bernama pix


Malaysia and Indonesia to join forces to make Asean car a reality

21 OCTOBER 2014 @ 12:03 AM

JAKARTA: Malaysia and Indonesia will soon join forces in the automotive industry to make the Asean car a reality, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

He said the project would be a dream come true as newly-appointed Indonesian President Joko Widodo, popularly known as Jokowi, has expressed interest in pursuing the idea mooted by Malaysia.

National car maker, Proton Holdings Bhd, is expected to be involved in the project.

"A feasibility study of a possible joint production of the Asean car by Malaysia and Indonesia will be undertaken and it (the idea) was welcomed by President Jokowi who wants the idea to be pursued further.

"This means Proton and Indonesia will launch the Asean car as a viable project after in-depth studies," he told Malaysian journalists here today at the end of his two-day visit to the Indonesian capital to attend the swearing-in ceremony of President Jokowi.


Pak Jokowi harus hati2 mending obrolin dulu ama menteri2nya. Jangan keburu main iya iya...
Ini isu lama, soal perbatasan pak SBY ampe jengkel karena malaysia tidak serius menyelesaikan masalah. Tim perunding udah 26 kali ngobrol tanpa titik temu.

Soal ASEAN CAR hati2, jangan2 hanya akal2an malaysia biar berhasil nembus pasar Indonesia pake nama ASEAN CAR.

Ada lagi usulan malaysia yg sejak dulu gak digubris Indonesia, Industri pertahanan ASEAN. Jangan2 hanya pengen make tenaga ahli Indonesia aja.
Indonesia wajib mandiri soal pertahanan.

intinya berhati2lah
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