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OMG,Ignored by passersby, elderly man is run over after collapsing on street

An elderly man who fell down on a street in Yuhuan county, Zhejiang province was ignored by dozens of people and vehicles for eight minutes straight before he was run over by a car on February 1. Only one passerby stopped by and asked about his condition, surveillance footage shows.

The surveillance video shows that an elderly man stumbled and fell down at the crossing at 2:43 pm. In the next eight minutes, there were four automobiles and 23 people passing by, but only one aged woman stopped and tried to converse with the man.

The woman was a neighbor of the man. She went to tell the man’s family after seeing him lying on the ground and calling his name but received no response, according to local police.
About two hours later at 4:38 pm, before the woman came back, a white car drove into the scene and crushed over the man, dragging him for a short distance and didn’t stop until somebody told him there was a man under the car.

The man's condition is unknown and investigation is underway.

People have called for a "Good Samaritan Law" to go into effect across all of China following a number of cases involving people getting extorted for cash after coming to the aid of someone in need. Last year it was reported that a Guangdong man committed suicide after being 'harassed' for money by family members of an elderly man whom he'd helped on the street. China Daily ran the story with the grim opening: "Yet another negative story out of China has gone viral and made headlines, doing no good to China's image."

Stories like this and the infamous case of a self-proclaimed Good Samaritan named Peng Yu have ignited national discussion over the perceived lack of public responsibility in China. The topic was tragically brought to light and gained worldwide attention back in 2011 when a toddler named Yueyue was ran over by two vehicles and ignored by all but one person.

haiyaaa ciilaaka luuwa weelas waaa

Sepupu wa mata hati nyeee buta pedih kena asep dupa waaa!!!emoticon-Takut (S)

dan mata nyeee saking sipit,org segitu gede siang hari bolong masih digiling waaa emoticon-Bingung (S) emoticon-Takut (S)

pantes dinegara gw klo ade org Asia tabrakan 90% "cenderung" Ah Tiong
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