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Kobane resmi dibebaskan sepenuhnya dari teroris ISIS

Kurds 'take full control' of Kobani from Islamic State

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said "trusted sources" had reported that the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), under the leadership of Mahmoud Barkhdan, had taken "full control" of Kobani.

Kurdish forces were said to have seized "wide areas" of the neighbourhood of Maqtala - the last area Islamic State fighters occupied - though it was reported that "clashes continue" in the neighbourhood where Islamic State fighters are thought to have planted dozens of landmines.

The pushed back gained momentum earlier this year when it was reported that Kurdish fighters had regained control of 80 per cent of the town.

The claim was being disputed by some Islamic State Twitter accounts on Monday that said fierce fighting continues in the town.

However, footage also showed Kurdish fighters raising the YPG flag where an Islamic State flag had previously flown.

Kobani has become symbolically important since Islamic State fighters first began their attack on the town in September 2014.

Strategically important because of its proximity to Turkey's border, the town also became the target of propaganda campaign by both sides.

The Islamic State group filmed with British hostage John Cantlie in the town, in a bid to show Islamic State's control of the area.

A pro-YPG Twitter campaign targeted Islamic State Twitter accounts with pictures of female YPG fighters in Kobani.

For the US and its coalition partners, the importance of Kobani can be seen in the intense airstrikes campaign that supported the Kurdish fighters.

Setelah dikepung sekian lama, akhirnya kobane dibebaskan penuh dari teroris isis
Isis terguncang berat, saking gk mau malu krn kobane cuma kota kecil dan dikelilingi seluruh wilayah isis
Sampai korbanin banyak pasukan, komandan banyak mati, persenjataan hancur banyak, terus bbrp kali bikin video propajanda kemenangan di kobane. Saking gk mau malu

Eh akhirnya nyerah jg gk kirim pasukan lg, mgkn pd gk mau dikirim ke kobane krn pasti mati
sakitnya Tuh disini!!!

Bendera raksasa sepanjang 100m dikibarkan di kobane untuk menyindir isis, krn isis pernah berjanji akan mengibatkan bendera besar di Kobane
Kobane resmi dibebaskan sepenuhnya dari teroris ISIS
Diubah oleh hamvix.mewek. 26-01-2015 16:15
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