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Component, Kit, Module Electronics.
Leonardo - Rp 280.000
Uno R3 - Rp 250.000
Mega 2560 R3 - Rp 350.000
DUE - Rp 750.000
Mega ADK - Rp 700.000
Arduino Ethernet shield - Rp 200.000
Arduino USB host shield - Rp 300.000
SIM900 GSM/GPRS shield - Rp 650.000

Microcontroller :
ATmega32A PU - Rp 55.000
ATmega16A PU - Rp 40.000
ATmega8A PU - Rp 30.000
ATmega644PA AU - Rp 100.000
ATmega1284P AU - Rp 125.000
ATmega1284P PU - Rp 125.000
ATmega328P - Rp 55.000
ATmega8535 16PU - Rp 50.000
ATmega168PA AU - Rp 42.000
ATxmega128Al AU - Rp 160.000

Minat hubungi :

Untuk menanyakan barang stock ready atau tidak.

RC522 RFID - Rp 125.000
HY SRF05 ultrasonic RF - Rp 70.000
12mm split ultrasonic sensor - Rp 40.000
TCS230 color sensor - Rp 80.000
Flex sensor 2,2" - Rp 125.000
ADXL345 Accelerometer - Rp 110.000
Gboard - Rp 735.000
AVR isp Downloader - Rp 85.000
AVR asp Downloader - Rp 65.000
HC-05 / HC-06 Bluetooth - Rp 110.000
315m supergeneration wireless - Rp 50.000
PL2303 USB to TTL - Rp 45.00
USB to 232 - Rp 50.000
2.4" TFT 240x320 touch screan - Rp 260.00
3mm LED R/G/B - Rp 400
3mm LED Superbright - Rp 700
Slim Keypad 4x3 - Rp 35.000
DHT22 Temperature & humidity sensor - Rp 100.000
HMC5883L compas 3 AXIS magnetometer - Rp 70.000
OV7670 camera - Rp 185.000
SMD0805 R/G/B LED - Rp 800
ENC28J60 Ethernet module - Rp 110.000
W5100 Ethernet Network module - Rp 220.000
4 Chanel 5 volt Relay module - Rp 85.000

7Segment :
0,28" 4 digit Clock type - Rp 20.000
0,25" 1 digit - Rp 7.500
1" 2 digit - Rp 20.000
0,56" 3 digit - Rp 15.000
5" 1 digit - Rp 115.000
8" 1 digit - Rp 340.000
1" 1 digit - Rp 10.000
1,5" 1 digit - Rp 17.000

LCD Character :
16x2 blue background white character - Rp 45.000
16x2 black background red character - Rp 55.000
16x2 black background white character - Rp 80.000
16x4 blue background white character - Rp 115.000
20x4 blue background white charakter - Rp 120.000

Minat hubungi :

Untuk menanyakan barang stock ready atau tidak dan biaya pengiriman seluruh indonesia.

LOKASI: Malang dan Tangerang

Terimaksih Telah Berkunjung.
Diubah oleh hambalinasuha 28-12-2014 09:40
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