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The best defense. Overview of recent advances in active protection system

The best defense. Overview of recent advances in active protection system
Yesterday, 7:14

KAZ Trophy by Rafael has been tested in battle against Israeli Merkava tanks

Although complexes (systems) active protection possible today are not fully mature solution, but they are one of the ways to ensure the safety of personnel in combat. Will review the latest technological developments in this market and products that define the current trends.

Active protection systems (KAZ) designed to protect armored vehicles from anti-tank guided missiles and ammunition at close range due to the destruction of the projectile before it hit the car.

Given all of the requirements are incredibly difficult to develop a completely perfect KAZ. Sensors must define start to assess whether the munition strikes in the car, classify it and run the interception in a very short period of time, often less than a second. However, Kaz is a better protection than passive systems, such as decoys, or even simply by adding armor to the machine.

Attempts to develop KAZ have been going on for quite some time. In earlier work, the Russian system Drozd and German system AWiSS by Diehl, to neutralize the attacking threat to use protective charges with ready-striking elements. Israeli company Rafael, however, has developed an alternative - a family of systems that shoot at a target snaryadoformiruyuschimi charges in a narrow sector.


According to the company Rafael, Trophy system is the only technologically mature KAZ, which was installed on the tanks Merkava Mk 4 and used in the operations of the Israeli army.

Over the past few years there have been attempts to develop other systems, but in the series and they did not. In 2005 KAZ Close-in Countermeasures of the company BAE reached the level of technological readiness 6 (experimental sample) and neutralized grenade RPG-7, but was made in 2009. Also went into production complex AWiSS from Diehl. The company Saab has tested its ground electronic system protection Land Electronic Defence System by car Mowag in 2007. Later, it was set at Piranha 8x8, but today there is no information on its application.

In France, the company TDA and Thales have developed KAZ SHARK, and although he reached the level of technological readiness 8 in 2008 (testing of prototypes), and there were plans to integrate this system in the VAB 4x4 armored personnel carrier and other large machines, but again at this point about it not no information. Despite the cooperation with South Korea Arena complex, developed by the Russian company MSC, is still in development.

The company Airbus Defence and Space awarded a contract for its multifunction self-defense system Multi-functional Self-Protection System (MUSS) for installation on the new Puma infantry fighting vehicles of the German army, but it still does not have the active ingredient (only decoys), although there are plans to its development.

Tactical RPG Airbag Protection System of the American company Textron, which makes use of air bags to neutralize flying up grenades, financed and tested in 2005-2009; but since all the activity was actually collapsed and its production has not begun. Representative of the company General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems about KAZ ShotScreen said that "at present we do not keep it to work due to lack of need on the part of the US Army."

In KAZ Trophy by Rafael used the so-called "energy blades" to protect against attacking munitions

Increased requirements

However, in the company of Rafael believe that, despite the lack of interest, the need for KAZ will increase due to the proliferation of more advanced anti-tank guided weapons, RPGs and other armor-piercing missiles. In addition, in the future, the threat will come from the tandem warheads, as well as unitary combat units like the RPG-7.

"You can buy an RPG-7 for $ 80 somewhere on the outskirts of Pakistan, all are well aware of these places, - said the representative of the company. - If you look at what is happening in Africa, you will see there is a tandem warhead, recoilless rifles. Unitary warhead still there are also widely used. "

He noted that the proliferation of such weapons is increased to dangerous levels and that during the French military operation "Serval" in Mali and in the UN mission MINUSMA troops clashed with rockets Sagem.

"It's like a drug. No one knows how to get the rocket Cornet from Libya to Syria, or Chinese missiles HJ-8 fall into Syria, all this Transporting is sophisticated smuggling methods. Surprisingly, these guys gain experience, and they use it not just against the forces of Assad, but also all the other guys, they do not like. "

According to the company Rafael, KAZ Trophy is designed more for the next conflict, not to participate in the last war. This means creating ways to deal with the "complex threats" such as tandem warheads rather than unitary warheads on combat which still focus other companies.

The system Trophy Heavy Vehicle (HV), developed for the Israeli army used a means of countering that can destroy attacking ammunition without undermining it.

"We are talking about a very small neaerodinamicheskih components in very limited quantities, which are issued in the form of a very focused in the direction of the singular point in the warhead to destroy the threat without its initiation" - said spokesman.

Because the system does not use explosives, at close range, it becomes safer. The machine itself is not subjected to impact and is not damaged, in addition, indirect damage to dismounted infantry and civilians minimal. It is particularly suitable for fighting in urban space.

Another advantage

KAZ Trophy is already installed and deployed as part of an entire brigade of the Israeli army and the army continues to purchase this system. At this point during the fighting have been several instances when the complex was saving the lives of soldiers. Rafael does not want to stand still as the clear leader in the market it wants to develop the system further.

"We must now translate KAZ to the next level, everyone is talking about interesting video footage of explosions and whether KAZ hit anything," - said a spokesman, adding that it was just a basic level, which other companies are trying to achieve in a non-combat area. "What we are doing now, because it ties Trophy battle management system (CICS). This allows you to take a big step forward. "

On the battlefield in armored vehicles crews often do not see the threat posed by enemy anti-tank group. Therefore, if the KAZ Trophy automatically connects to CICS, it can locate the shooter.

"Factor dramatically change the rules of the game, is that if all the military force is tied to the network, then all the machines can see each other in the event of an attack on one machine all anti-group division can see the exact location of the arrow and aim immediately turn weapons and neutralize the shooter, "- he said.

Change defensive concept KAZ on the offensive would improve protection because if all anti-group will know that they can destroy the retaliatory fire for a few seconds, then they will be much more restrained.

Source Selection

Company General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS) in 2012 opened an international competition to test the KAZ on their machines and selected for testing LAV-III. This platform was chosen due to the fact that integration is very difficult KAZ because of potential interference with a 25 mm cannon.

The process of selecting a contractor for the competition developed GDLS, was identical to the process used by the US government to speed up the development process, if a decision is made about the beginning of the official program. In 2012, this process led by the company GDLS took six months and, eventually, in August was chosen Rafael, which will integrate KAZ Trophy for the car LAV-III.

"The whole integration of mechanics, the development were carried out by GDLS - Canada, it took less than six months - said the representative Rafael. - Less than six months, we prepared to conduct a full test program on the new platform. Complete system tests were conducted in the summer and autumn of 2013 and in October 2013 we have successfully completed this program.

"Under this program, the company showed its customers GDLS that KAZ integrated its platform can be connected to CICS. It was a new CICS and Rafael did not know anything about it; and re-integration was successful in less than six months.

"So, demonstrated the possibility of connecting to CICS, and then demonstrated the defeat of unitary warheads at close range, tandem threats ATGM. Have been shown in the motion script, script attacks multiple, sequential attack (more on one side) at different angles. Tests were carried out not just for show "spectacular" images of explosions, but also to check the other elements - indirect damage, safety, residual penetration, impact and so on. "

In roof-mounted KAZ Trophy LV by Rafael used radar to detect targets

Option Trophy LV by Rafael protects machines light weight category

Light touch

In addition to integration with CICS, the next step for KAZ was the development of solutions for light tactical vehicles and armored personnel carriers. Lighter vehicles usually are not exposed to the same threats, some are subject to heavy armored vehicles, such as MBT and BMP. Consequently, it can be installed "younger brother" KAZ about weight, cost and performance.

As a result of the experience the company has developed a version of Rafael KAZ Trophy HV for light vehicles, designated Trophy Light Tactical Vehicles (LV).

"We immediately set a goal - to develop a system that needs to be protected from threats relevant - the entire family of RPGs. This is not only unitary warheads, the main goal - the struggle with tandem warheads. The system should be relevant for urban scenarios melee and low-intensity conflicts. It should be easy to integrate into a variety of platforms, and of course affordable. "

Rafael finalized this technology, and in December 2013 completed a set of tests of a single system installed on the roof rack. The system shoots down the so-called "energy blade" acting on flying up ammunition.

"Power Blade - is a material produced at high speed due to the minimum amount of explosive material, which allows to cut without the threat of initiation" - Continuing a company representative.

In tests conducted by the Ministry of Defence in 2011, was attended by a total of seven companies, and the company Rafael was one of them. However, in a report to Congress says that the technology is still not mature enough KAZ from a technological point of view, despite the demonstrated potential Trophy.

One of the candidates in these tests was a company with its own system Artis Iron Curtain. A company representative said that the developer has revealed himself in these tests very well and was selected for installation on a tactical vehicle. "And again, based on conclusive test results, Artis with your KAZ has been selected by BAE to install on a new machine Ground Combat Vehicle [GCV]».

As the system Trophy LV, KAZ Iron Curtain mounted on the roof. It uses radar to detect threats and optical sensors, which are classified and selected target point of the meeting. Then out of the container are shot submunitions in order to neutralize the attacking threat.

Artis conjunction with DARPA also continues to develop its complex Iron Curtain, so that it can be installed on any machine. A company representative also said that during the full-scale tests in 2012 and 2013, the complex was installed on the machine, but did not articulate the results of these tests. Iron Curtain has also been proposed as KAZ for T-90 tanks of the Indian Army.

Complex Iron curtain from the company Artis incorporates optical sensors, which are classified and selected target point, and containers containing submunitions, which are issued to destroy flies ammunition

A modular approach

Another American program that is gaining momentum, and it could reach production, conducted by the Research Centre armored TARDEC, which was created in its structure Department of modular KAZ.

Raytheon Company was working at the time on KAZ QuickKill for prospective car GCV, but since the abolition of topics at the beginning of 2014 it was transformed into a technology program led by TARDEC.

The system consists of a radar detection and tracking, fire control system for the assessment, monitoring and decision making, and direct measures of defeat. QuickKill based on the multi-function radar with active array antenna with electronic scanning, which has already reached the level of production tests, and which was originally developed for the warning system of rocket and mortar attacks on forward bases. The component counter represents the vertical launch system.

According to Raytheon, the company is working with the US Army in order to fulfill the requirements for active protection, "in the current budgetary framework." A company representative told about the recent changes in the requirements for KAZ. "The need to improve the survivability and mobility while increasing flexibility regarding the type of vehicle and operational problems forced us to change the model of development. Integrated solution gave way to a system composed of modular components that allow centralized situational awareness and get various options to protect the vehicle. "

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