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IsmailkunAvatar border
[SHARE] Learn English by Reading Online News-BBC
Well. this is my first thread for English forum, if there's any mistake regarding my grammar, or anything, please understandable of this. emoticon-Malu (S)

Hope this thread won't be emoticon-Blue Repost

We'd like to increase our ability in English day by day don't we? But most people that i meet are confuse on how they can make their English better. I always say that there're many ways to improve our English, but the best way to do that is doing stuff which relates to your hobby. For example, we'd love to listen a music, try to hear a music in English and catch several words from it, and after listening for several times, look to the lyric and try to match whether the words that you've heard is appropriate with what you expect or not. And for those who love watching a movie, try to watch a Hollywood movie without subtitle, even if you use it, try to use English subtitle emoticon-Big Grin
Both of those ways will help you to add your vocabulary and in the other way you also know on how to pronounce them.

But here, i'd like to give a link which comes from BBC site. All of kaskusers here love to go online all day right? emoticon-Ngakak
Thus, it will be better if we also try to make our knowledge better particulary in English. Try to open this site:
Learn English with BBC

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There are a few categories there:

1. Dwi Bahasa
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Here they give us a news with English and full translation in Bahasa Indonesia. So we can know the current issues and in the other hand we also know several new words emoticon-Smilie

And also we know that to translate Bahasa Indonesia isn't simply as we do in Google Translate, i can't explain why, if there's anyone knows why please tell me, i'll put it on first page emoticon-Big Grin

2. Kosakata Dalam Berita
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This is really amazing, here they give us a report of current news which we can download and the text as well. So we can know on how to pronounce those words in proper way emoticon-Smilie
Not only stop there, they also give us the vocabulary for some difficult words and the audio on how to pronounce each word emoticon-2 Jempol

3. BBC Learning English
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For you who want to know the phrase, grammar, pronounciation tips, and even Quiz for testing how clever are you in English please kindly open this site emoticon-Smilie

4. Belajar Lewat Video
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Of course here you will be directed to learn by video of live reporting. First the reporter will tell us 5 important words regarding to that news, and then she will report the whole news while we can see the full text below the video.
And what makes this video is really great, they also give you a challenge to finish the quiz to make you really understand on how use those 5 words in sentence emoticon-Smilie
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Don't worry, there'll be answer to check your result emoticon-Smilie
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I think rather than i explain whole of that site, why don't you open that site by yourself and find that this site really help you a lot to make your English better emoticon-Smilie

If you like and find that my thread is useful, please emoticon-Rate 5 Star
And if you're really a good Kaskuser, why don't you give me a glass of emoticon-Blue Guy Cendol (L)
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