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ELEKTABILITAS Prabowo melesat naik sementara si cungkring penipu menukik tajam
ELEKTABILITAS Prabowo melesat naik sementara si cungkring penipu menukik tajam

ELEKTABILITAS Prabowo melesat naik sementara si cungkring penipu menukik tajam

When it's love you give
I'll be a man of good faith.
then in love you live.
I'll make a stand. I won't break.
I'll be the rock you can build on,

be there when you're old,
to have and to hold.
When there's love inside
I swear I'll always be strong.
then there's a reason why.
I'll prove to you we belong.
I'll be the wal that protects you
from the wind and the rain,
from the hurt and pain.

Let's make it all for one and all for love.
Let the one you hold be the one you want,
the one you need,
'cause when it's all for onee it's one for all.

When there's someone that should know
then just let your feelings show
and make it all for one and all for love.

When it's love you make
I'll be the fire in your night.
then it's love you take.
I will defend, I will fight.
I'll be there when you need me.
When honor's at stake,
this vow I will make:

that it's all for one and all for love.
Let the one be the one you want,
the one you need,
'cause when it's all for one it's one for all.

When there's someone that should know
then just let your feelings show
and make it all for one and all for love.

Don't lay our love to rest
'cause we could stand up to you test.
We got everything and more than we had planned,
more than the rivers that run the land.
We've got it all in our hands.

Now it's all for one and all for love.
It's all for love.
Let the one you hold be the one you want,
the one you need,
'cause when it's all for one it's one for all.
It's one for all.

When there's someone that should know
then just let your feelings show.
When there's someone that you want,
when there's someone that you need
let's make it all, all for one and all for love.


JAKARTA -- Tren elektabilitas pasangan Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa diprediksi bakal terus meroket jelang pemilihan presiden 9 Juli 2014 ini.

Sementara tren Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla diperkirakan akan menukik tajam.

Pengamat politik dari Universitas Jayabaya Igor Dirgantara menjelaskan, tren biasanya tidak bakal bergeser dalam jangka waktu pendek.

"Pilpres tinggal hitungan hari, saya perhitungkan dalam dua pekan ke depan ini tren elektabilitas Prabowo akan terus naik, tidak bisa disetop," ungkap Igor saat dihubungi wartawan, Jumat (27/6) malam.

Igor menganalisa, sisa waktu yang sempit ini merupakan momentum yang menguntungkan kubu Prabowo-Hatta.

Sebab, ia melanjutkan, dukungan publik dan mesin partai pengusung lebih solid ketimbang kubu kompetitor.

Dia mencontohkan, Gerindra dan PKS dikenal solid, serta Golkar memiliki infrastruktur yang telah mengakar sejak lama. "Parpol sesama Koalisi Merah Putih juga sama baiknya," paparnya.

Menurut Igor pula, di kubu Jokowi kondisi terjadi sebaliknya. Bahkan, kini publik menyoroti soal dugaan kebocoran Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta.

Bagaimanapun, Igor mengatakan, hal ini akan memberikan pengaruh terhadap Jokowi. "Padahal pilpres tinggal dua pekan lagi," ungkap dia.

Mengutip survei Pusat Kajian Kebijakan dan Pembangunan Strategis (Puskaptis) pada 20-25 Mei silam, elektabilitas Jokowi-JK masih memimpin dengan 44,72 persen, sedangkan, Prabowo-Hatta masih 39,28 persen.

Lantas, kondisi berbalik seperti diperlihatkan survei Puskaptis pada 6-12 Juni. Prabowo unggul dengan 44,64 persen dan Jokowi 42,97 persen.

Kemudian, pada survei yang berlangsung 16-21 Juni, capres nomor urut satu itu melaju dengan perolehan 45,60 persen sedangkan Jokowi 43,21 persen. (boy/jpnn)



SUKURIN LU emoticon-Ngakak
Diubah oleh panastakedan. 28-06-2014 07:55
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