[Official Thread] Dragon Age Inquisition
Genre : Action RPG || Pub : EA || Dev : Bioware || Release : 18 November 2014
BioWare Umumkan Dragon Age : Inquisition
Electronic Arts dan BioWare akhirnya telah mengumumkan Dragon Age III: Inquisition yang merupakan kelanjutan dari franchise Dragon Age. Game ini akan menggunakan engine FrostBite 2, yang telah dipakai pada Battlefield 3 dan Dead Space 3, serta akan mempersembahkan gameplay RPG yang mendalam. Meskipun sudah ditargetkan untuk rilis pada akhir 2013, sayangnya belum diketahui akan rilis pada platform apa.
Dragon Age III: Inquisition
"Tim Dragon Age telah mengerjakan Dragon Age III: Inquisition selama hampir dua tahun," jelas GM BioWare Edmonton dan Montreal, Aaryn Flynn. "Kita sudah mendapatkan banyak tanggapan dari para penggemar mengenai game yang lalu. Mereka benar-benar mengatakan semuanya, jadi kami juga akan melakukan yang sama. Bersama Dragon Age III: Inquisition, kami ingin memberikan para penggemar apa yang mereka inginkan - sebuah cerita hebat dengan pilihan yang berarti, dunia yang besar, kustomisasi yang mendalam, serta pertarungan yang sama-sama sadis dan taktis."
"Pada saat yang sama, kami tahu bahwa kami membutuhkan teknologi baru untuk merealisasikan visi ini," tambahnya. "Dan kami sedang bekerjasama dengan DICE untuk membuat FrosBite 2 sebagai fondasi engine Dragon Age III."
Kamu dapat membaca selengkapnya di situs resminya. Selain logo di atas, tidak ada media lain yang diperlihatkan.
sumber: VGI
Electronic Arts dan BioWare akhirnya telah mengumumkan Dragon Age III: Inquisition yang merupakan kelanjutan dari franchise Dragon Age. Game ini akan menggunakan engine FrostBite 2, yang telah dipakai pada Battlefield 3 dan Dead Space 3, serta akan mempersembahkan gameplay RPG yang mendalam. Meskipun sudah ditargetkan untuk rilis pada akhir 2013, sayangnya belum diketahui akan rilis pada platform apa.
Dragon Age III: Inquisition
"Tim Dragon Age telah mengerjakan Dragon Age III: Inquisition selama hampir dua tahun," jelas GM BioWare Edmonton dan Montreal, Aaryn Flynn. "Kita sudah mendapatkan banyak tanggapan dari para penggemar mengenai game yang lalu. Mereka benar-benar mengatakan semuanya, jadi kami juga akan melakukan yang sama. Bersama Dragon Age III: Inquisition, kami ingin memberikan para penggemar apa yang mereka inginkan - sebuah cerita hebat dengan pilihan yang berarti, dunia yang besar, kustomisasi yang mendalam, serta pertarungan yang sama-sama sadis dan taktis."
"Pada saat yang sama, kami tahu bahwa kami membutuhkan teknologi baru untuk merealisasikan visi ini," tambahnya. "Dan kami sedang bekerjasama dengan DICE untuk membuat FrosBite 2 sebagai fondasi engine Dragon Age III."
Kamu dapat membaca selengkapnya di situs resminya. Selain logo di atas, tidak ada media lain yang diperlihatkan.
sumber: VGI
Setidaknya ada sedikit bocoran plot cerita yang muncul, dan apa yang akan dikerjakan oleh gamer nantinya.
Cerita dimulai dengan terbukanya portal antar dunia yang mengawali serbuan para Demon, perang sipil yang memecah belah berbagai negara, dan korupsi yang menyeruak dimana-mana. Muncullah seseorang dibalik layar yang memiliki rencana untuk menghancurkan dunia. Dan saatnya bagi gamer untuk menyelidiki siapakah dia sebenarnya.
Gamer akan berperan sebagai Inquisitor, dan menjadi pemimpin yang memiliki tujuan menyelamatkan dunia. Memilih berbagai metoda dan membentuk kelompok tempur elit, mengirimkan mata-mata atau memainkan berbagai intrik politik, menciptakan persekutuan dan menggunakannya berbagai koneksinya itu secara tidak langsung. Semuanya terserah kepada gamer bagaimana dia memilih cara bermain dan menyelesaikan permainannya.
Tetapi sebelumnya, gamer akan memilih ingin menjadi class apakah dia. Warrior, Mage atau Rogue. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan mengumpulkan hingga 10 orang pengikut, yang tentu saja seperti biasa hadir dengan berbagai latar belakang. Kemudian pimpin mereka untuk menyerang para musuh dengan cara memata-matai, mengungkapkan kedok yang menutupinya, dan menghancurkannya hingga tuntas.
sumber : gamexeon
Cerita dimulai dengan terbukanya portal antar dunia yang mengawali serbuan para Demon, perang sipil yang memecah belah berbagai negara, dan korupsi yang menyeruak dimana-mana. Muncullah seseorang dibalik layar yang memiliki rencana untuk menghancurkan dunia. Dan saatnya bagi gamer untuk menyelidiki siapakah dia sebenarnya.
Gamer akan berperan sebagai Inquisitor, dan menjadi pemimpin yang memiliki tujuan menyelamatkan dunia. Memilih berbagai metoda dan membentuk kelompok tempur elit, mengirimkan mata-mata atau memainkan berbagai intrik politik, menciptakan persekutuan dan menggunakannya berbagai koneksinya itu secara tidak langsung. Semuanya terserah kepada gamer bagaimana dia memilih cara bermain dan menyelesaikan permainannya.
Tetapi sebelumnya, gamer akan memilih ingin menjadi class apakah dia. Warrior, Mage atau Rogue. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan mengumpulkan hingga 10 orang pengikut, yang tentu saja seperti biasa hadir dengan berbagai latar belakang. Kemudian pimpin mereka untuk menyerang para musuh dengan cara memata-matai, mengungkapkan kedok yang menutupinya, dan menghancurkannya hingga tuntas.
sumber : gamexeon
BioWare telah menguak bahwa character customization akan menjadi fitur utama dari Dragon Age III. Dragon Age III yang memiliki judul lengkap Dragon Age III: Inquisition ini akan dirilis tahun depan dan akan memiliki customization yang jauh lebih besar daripada di Dragon Age: Origins. Kita bahkan bisa mengkustomisasi follower.
David Gaider sang lead writer juga mengungkapkan bahwa ras karakter yang kita ciptakan di Dragon Age III adalah seorang human. Kita tetap akan memiliki pilihan background meskipun karakternya harus manusia. Memang tidak bisa dimainkan seperti Dragon Age: Origins, namun akan memiliki pengaruh besar pada ceritanya.
Bahkan menurut informasi, kita juga bisa memiliki sebuah kastil pribadi dan bisa meng-import character. Saat ini mereka sedang memikirkan bagaimana caranya membuat game ini tanpa melakukan save import.
Selain detail Dragon Age III: Inquisition, BioWare juga membagikan beberapa artwork game tersebut.
sumber : VGI
David Gaider sang lead writer juga mengungkapkan bahwa ras karakter yang kita ciptakan di Dragon Age III adalah seorang human. Kita tetap akan memiliki pilihan background meskipun karakternya harus manusia. Memang tidak bisa dimainkan seperti Dragon Age: Origins, namun akan memiliki pengaruh besar pada ceritanya.
Bahkan menurut informasi, kita juga bisa memiliki sebuah kastil pribadi dan bisa meng-import character. Saat ini mereka sedang memikirkan bagaimana caranya membuat game ini tanpa melakukan save import.
Selain detail Dragon Age III: Inquisition, BioWare juga membagikan beberapa artwork game tersebut.
sumber : VGI
Spoiler for details:
BioWare is planning on fusing elements of both earlier games in the series, Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II, into the creation of Dragon Age III.
Combat is also expected to differ somewhat from its predecessors and focus more on a player's ability to prepare, position, and form a cohesive team with his or her party members, requiring fewer repetitive finger strikes but better thinking.
Customization is said to be expanded in the next game. The developers addressed mainly how equipment would be handled with party members. They described a situation in which the player found a breastplate and decided to give it to a party member. Depending upon which party member received it, the breastplate would automatically adjust its shape and aesthetics in order to fit that particular character while still maintaining his or her identity. It was also hinted that armor customization will go as far as altering its color and pattern.
Ray Muzyka, BioWare's ex CEO, said in an interview with Wired.com that Dragon Age III would be influenced by more open world games, such as The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which BioWare is "checking out aggressively." Also, the developers promised their fans that they will no longer reuse environments, which was considered a main issue in Dragon Age II.[10]
Laidlaw also confirmed the ability for players to import their save files from the first two games into Dragon Age III to shore up world consistency. In addition the developers vowed to their fans that, compared to its predecessors, the decisions they made throughout the series will have a greater impact on the story and that the player will be given more control over their gaming experience.
Dragon Age III will be set in Thedas, the fantasy world in which the two previous games are set. The game will cover more geographic territory than its predecessors, with one map being described as four to five times the size of Ferelden, the setting of the first game in the series. The developers said that the next game would likely be somewhere more "French", which fans recognize as the land of Orlais. Following the events described in the supplementary novel Dragon Age: Asunder, a civil war between the loyalists of the ruling Empress and a powerful noble faction broke out in Orlais. Simultaneously, the Circle of Magi has gone rogue, in part due to the events of Dragon Age II, and the Templar Order seceded from the Chantry to wage their own civil war on the mages.
Creative Director Mike Laidlaw confirmed that the overall plot of Dragon Age III will be "saving the world from itself". It will primarily involve an all-out civil war between mages and templars, the foundations of which comprise the main plot of Dragon Age II.
According to Dragon Age writer David Gaider, the story of the first game's Warden "is over" and the story of Hawke, the second game's protagonist, would be finished through future Dragon Age II downloadable content, though BioWare has since announced an end to future Dragon Age II content. Therefore, like the previous games, Dragon Age III will showcase a new protagonist. It has been confirmed that the character will be fully voiced and that the dialogue wheel from Dragon Age II will return. However, in a Twitter post, BioWare employee Mike Laidlaw mentioned that playing as a different character "does not mean your old character may never appear in future games", which could indicate that the player may be able to meet their original protagonists.
In his open letter to the Bioware community, executive producer Mike Darrah said, "We won't be talking about the story of the game today. Though you can make some guesses from the title."
sumber: wikipedia
BioWare is planning on fusing elements of both earlier games in the series, Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II, into the creation of Dragon Age III.
Combat is also expected to differ somewhat from its predecessors and focus more on a player's ability to prepare, position, and form a cohesive team with his or her party members, requiring fewer repetitive finger strikes but better thinking.
Customization is said to be expanded in the next game. The developers addressed mainly how equipment would be handled with party members. They described a situation in which the player found a breastplate and decided to give it to a party member. Depending upon which party member received it, the breastplate would automatically adjust its shape and aesthetics in order to fit that particular character while still maintaining his or her identity. It was also hinted that armor customization will go as far as altering its color and pattern.
Ray Muzyka, BioWare's ex CEO, said in an interview with Wired.com that Dragon Age III would be influenced by more open world games, such as The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which BioWare is "checking out aggressively." Also, the developers promised their fans that they will no longer reuse environments, which was considered a main issue in Dragon Age II.[10]
Laidlaw also confirmed the ability for players to import their save files from the first two games into Dragon Age III to shore up world consistency. In addition the developers vowed to their fans that, compared to its predecessors, the decisions they made throughout the series will have a greater impact on the story and that the player will be given more control over their gaming experience.
Dragon Age III will be set in Thedas, the fantasy world in which the two previous games are set. The game will cover more geographic territory than its predecessors, with one map being described as four to five times the size of Ferelden, the setting of the first game in the series. The developers said that the next game would likely be somewhere more "French", which fans recognize as the land of Orlais. Following the events described in the supplementary novel Dragon Age: Asunder, a civil war between the loyalists of the ruling Empress and a powerful noble faction broke out in Orlais. Simultaneously, the Circle of Magi has gone rogue, in part due to the events of Dragon Age II, and the Templar Order seceded from the Chantry to wage their own civil war on the mages.
Creative Director Mike Laidlaw confirmed that the overall plot of Dragon Age III will be "saving the world from itself". It will primarily involve an all-out civil war between mages and templars, the foundations of which comprise the main plot of Dragon Age II.
According to Dragon Age writer David Gaider, the story of the first game's Warden "is over" and the story of Hawke, the second game's protagonist, would be finished through future Dragon Age II downloadable content, though BioWare has since announced an end to future Dragon Age II content. Therefore, like the previous games, Dragon Age III will showcase a new protagonist. It has been confirmed that the character will be fully voiced and that the dialogue wheel from Dragon Age II will return. However, in a Twitter post, BioWare employee Mike Laidlaw mentioned that playing as a different character "does not mean your old character may never appear in future games", which could indicate that the player may be able to meet their original protagonists.
In his open letter to the Bioware community, executive producer Mike Darrah said, "We won't be talking about the story of the game today. Though you can make some guesses from the title."
sumber: wikipedia
Tidak ada kata mundur bagi Bioware, sekarang atau tidak sama sekali, inilah satu-satunya kesempatan Bioware untuk mengembalikan nama besar Dragon Age ke tempat yang semestinya. Kehadiran seri perdananya memang menjadi pondasi yang terhitung solid, namun sayangnya terkhianati dengan kehadiran sang seri sekuel yang mencederai hampir semua pesona yang ditawarkan oleh franchise ini secara keseluruhan. Penebusan dosa tersebut kini terletak di pundak Dragon Age: Inquisition, sang seri sekuel yang memang ditujukan untuk pasar next-gen. Setelah sempat memperlihatkan beberapa teaser awal yang tidak jelas, Bioware akhirnya membuka lebih banyak detail gameplay Dragon Age: Inquisition di ajang PAX Prime yang tengah berlangsung.
Tidak hanya sekedar gambar statis, Bioware akhirnya memperlihatkan dinamika gameplay yang ditawarkan oleh Dragon Age: Inquisition untuk pertama kalinya. Seperti cita rasa seri keduanya, Inquisition juga akan mengambil sudut pandang orang ketiga, yang mencitrakan kesan game action hack and slash yang ekntara. Tidak hanya menambahkan lingkungan yang dapat dihancurkan berkat dukungan Frostbite Engine 3.0, ia juga akan menyertakan Tactical Mode dan Tactical View – dua mode yang tentu saja akan kian mendukung gaya gameplay strategis yang sempat dilupakan dari Dragon Age: Origins. Bioware sendiri sudah mengkonfirmasikan ras Qunari sebagai ras yang dapat dimainkan, di luar tiga ras yang sudah dipastikan sebelumnya: Elf, Human, dan Dwarf. Setiap karakter akan menghadirkan sensasi dan pengalaman gameplay yang berbeda.
sumber : jagatplay
Tidak hanya sekedar gambar statis, Bioware akhirnya memperlihatkan dinamika gameplay yang ditawarkan oleh Dragon Age: Inquisition untuk pertama kalinya. Seperti cita rasa seri keduanya, Inquisition juga akan mengambil sudut pandang orang ketiga, yang mencitrakan kesan game action hack and slash yang ekntara. Tidak hanya menambahkan lingkungan yang dapat dihancurkan berkat dukungan Frostbite Engine 3.0, ia juga akan menyertakan Tactical Mode dan Tactical View – dua mode yang tentu saja akan kian mendukung gaya gameplay strategis yang sempat dilupakan dari Dragon Age: Origins. Bioware sendiri sudah mengkonfirmasikan ras Qunari sebagai ras yang dapat dimainkan, di luar tiga ras yang sudah dipastikan sebelumnya: Elf, Human, dan Dwarf. Setiap karakter akan menghadirkan sensasi dan pengalaman gameplay yang berbeda.
sumber : jagatplay
Breaking Down The Latest Dragon Age: Inquisition Trailer
Breaking Down The Latest Dragon Age: Inquisition Trailer
Spoiler for Details:
The Party
BioWare has confirmed several of your companions, but the trailer gives us our first look at the whole group. Lee confirms that the hooded woman (also pictured at the top of the page) is Leliana. Other familiar faces are gathered around the table, like Cassandra, Varric, and Cullen. New allies like Vivienne, Solas, and Sera are also at the Inquisitor’s side.
The Combat
The team at BioWare wants to bring back some of the tactical edge to combat, with more strategy and pause-and-play options. This involves giving classes clear roles and making it easier for them to fight together. Strategies that emphasize teamwork will produce rewarding results, and will give players an incentive to try various party combinations and vary their approaches. “There’s nothing to stop you from taking all warriors, all mages, or all rogues,” Lee says. “But you’ll certainly have challenges if you do that.”
The Grey Wardens
In Dragon Age: Origins, players assumed the role of a Grey Warden. The Wardens are an ancient order sworn to selflessly protect the world from the Darkspawn menace, so they essentially embody the ideal fantasy heroes. And yet…it looks like the Inquisition is fighting against the Wardens in the trailer. “Your Inquisition forces are clearly storming this castle and killing Grey Wardens. We don’t want to give too much away, but we thought that was an interesting message.” Why would you be fighting these warriors? At a different point in our conversation, Lee also said, “You’ll experience multiple enemy factions, because whoever is pulling the strings here has been out to not only weaken enemy factions, but corrupt other ones.” He isn’t referring specifically to Grey Wardens in that case, but it explains why the Inquisitor might be at odds with some once-friendly faces.
The Post-Game
This is another element that isn’t a direct part of the trailer, but after you finish the story it describes, you aren’t necessarily done. High-level zones, advanced crafting, and more difficult enemies await Inquisitors who are eager to find a challenge beyond the main story. “We don’t expect players to explore all the world by the time they finish the campaign,” Lee says. “The world’s too big for that.”
The Dragons
There’s no deeper meaning or interpretation here, but these dragon shots look really cool. Then again, the game is part of a series called “Dragon Age,” so that’s not exactly unexpected.
This morning brought with it a new trailer for Dragon Age: Inquisition, but it wasn't just a lot of sizzle with no substance. Some elements of the footage are enlightening just by their presence, while others require a little bit of extra explanation. That's why we spoke with Dragon Age: Inquisition producer Cameron Lee about some of the important points of the trailer and why they're important.
The Blast
Dragon Age fans already know about the breach in the sky. It is a giant tear that opens up into the Fade, the realm from which magic and demons originate. However, the trailer reveals that circumstances surrounding its appearance are catastrophic. Not only are thousands of people killed – they are thousands of important people. The blast accompanying the breach’s opening occurs during peace talks between the mages and the Chantry, so it takes out some key players. “The very highest level of both the Chantry and the mages were at these peace talks,” Lee says. “And they’re all dead. Those two factions are absolutely in chaos. Essentially, the head has been cut off of both groups.”
The Mark
As a souvenir of your time in the Fade, you have an arcane mark on your hand. It isn’t just decorative; it allows you to interact with breaches in the Fade – the giant one in the sky, and others you may find in your journeys. This mark is what makes you uniquely suited to lead the Inquisition and end the threat, but it also makes you a target for enemy forces. “Whoever caused this massive explosion – whoever is behind all this chaos in the world – is now hunting you for your mark,” Lee says.
The Enemy
This isn’t an explicit part of the trailer, but the mysterious figure who orchestrated the tragic events of the trailer (Not pictured above. Those are just spiders.) has a far-reaching plan. It’s more than just opening a portal to the Fade – it also involves ensuring that the world is unprepared to deal with the problem. “The obvious threat is this massive breach in the sky,” Lee says. “That’s the immediate threat. But who caused it? There’s too much chaos among the factions for it to be a coincidence.” Unlike Dragon Age II, which opted for a few antagonists rather than a clear and central threat, Dragon Age: Inquisition has a person you can direct your aggression toward. Who is it? Finding that answer is one of your goals in the first part of the game. But rest assured, you will find out. “At some point during the game, the central antagonist will come and kick you in the head, basically. You form this Inquisition to face the threat and uncover the truth, and the enemy starts to see you as a serious threat, so they literally show up at your doorstep.”
sumur 2
BioWare has confirmed several of your companions, but the trailer gives us our first look at the whole group. Lee confirms that the hooded woman (also pictured at the top of the page) is Leliana. Other familiar faces are gathered around the table, like Cassandra, Varric, and Cullen. New allies like Vivienne, Solas, and Sera are also at the Inquisitor’s side.
The Combat
The team at BioWare wants to bring back some of the tactical edge to combat, with more strategy and pause-and-play options. This involves giving classes clear roles and making it easier for them to fight together. Strategies that emphasize teamwork will produce rewarding results, and will give players an incentive to try various party combinations and vary their approaches. “There’s nothing to stop you from taking all warriors, all mages, or all rogues,” Lee says. “But you’ll certainly have challenges if you do that.”
The Grey Wardens
In Dragon Age: Origins, players assumed the role of a Grey Warden. The Wardens are an ancient order sworn to selflessly protect the world from the Darkspawn menace, so they essentially embody the ideal fantasy heroes. And yet…it looks like the Inquisition is fighting against the Wardens in the trailer. “Your Inquisition forces are clearly storming this castle and killing Grey Wardens. We don’t want to give too much away, but we thought that was an interesting message.” Why would you be fighting these warriors? At a different point in our conversation, Lee also said, “You’ll experience multiple enemy factions, because whoever is pulling the strings here has been out to not only weaken enemy factions, but corrupt other ones.” He isn’t referring specifically to Grey Wardens in that case, but it explains why the Inquisitor might be at odds with some once-friendly faces.
The Post-Game
This is another element that isn’t a direct part of the trailer, but after you finish the story it describes, you aren’t necessarily done. High-level zones, advanced crafting, and more difficult enemies await Inquisitors who are eager to find a challenge beyond the main story. “We don’t expect players to explore all the world by the time they finish the campaign,” Lee says. “The world’s too big for that.”
The Dragons
There’s no deeper meaning or interpretation here, but these dragon shots look really cool. Then again, the game is part of a series called “Dragon Age,” so that’s not exactly unexpected.
This morning brought with it a new trailer for Dragon Age: Inquisition, but it wasn't just a lot of sizzle with no substance. Some elements of the footage are enlightening just by their presence, while others require a little bit of extra explanation. That's why we spoke with Dragon Age: Inquisition producer Cameron Lee about some of the important points of the trailer and why they're important.
The Blast
Dragon Age fans already know about the breach in the sky. It is a giant tear that opens up into the Fade, the realm from which magic and demons originate. However, the trailer reveals that circumstances surrounding its appearance are catastrophic. Not only are thousands of people killed – they are thousands of important people. The blast accompanying the breach’s opening occurs during peace talks between the mages and the Chantry, so it takes out some key players. “The very highest level of both the Chantry and the mages were at these peace talks,” Lee says. “And they’re all dead. Those two factions are absolutely in chaos. Essentially, the head has been cut off of both groups.”
The Mark
As a souvenir of your time in the Fade, you have an arcane mark on your hand. It isn’t just decorative; it allows you to interact with breaches in the Fade – the giant one in the sky, and others you may find in your journeys. This mark is what makes you uniquely suited to lead the Inquisition and end the threat, but it also makes you a target for enemy forces. “Whoever caused this massive explosion – whoever is behind all this chaos in the world – is now hunting you for your mark,” Lee says.
The Enemy
This isn’t an explicit part of the trailer, but the mysterious figure who orchestrated the tragic events of the trailer (Not pictured above. Those are just spiders.) has a far-reaching plan. It’s more than just opening a portal to the Fade – it also involves ensuring that the world is unprepared to deal with the problem. “The obvious threat is this massive breach in the sky,” Lee says. “That’s the immediate threat. But who caused it? There’s too much chaos among the factions for it to be a coincidence.” Unlike Dragon Age II, which opted for a few antagonists rather than a clear and central threat, Dragon Age: Inquisition has a person you can direct your aggression toward. Who is it? Finding that answer is one of your goals in the first part of the game. But rest assured, you will find out. “At some point during the game, the central antagonist will come and kick you in the head, basically. You form this Inquisition to face the threat and uncover the truth, and the enemy starts to see you as a serious threat, so they literally show up at your doorstep.”
sumur 2
0 suara
Which class are you going to pick on your 1st playthrough?
Diubah oleh GugunHide 07-12-2014 05:16
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