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  • Iraqi Mi-35M was shot down by MANPADS Islamists Chinese FN-6

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Iraqi Mi-35M was shot down by MANPADS Islamists Chinese FN-6
Iraqi Mi-35M was shot down by MANPADS Islamists Chinese FN-6
Yesterday, 16:51

"Islamic State" published on the Internet pictures, confirming the destruction on the outskirts of Baiji Iraqi Mi-35M portable air defense systems, according to Military Parity .

Iraq's Defense Ministry said that "militants IG using MANPADS was hit by an Iraqi military helicopter near Baiji (October 3), 200 km north of Baghdad, where the largest oil refinery." Two pilots were killed. This is the second helicopter shot down for one week near Baiji. Wrote about this and the Arab media.

In addition to photographs of destruction helicopter Islamists recently posted online instruction, how to shoot down helicopters portable complexes "Apache". One of the items reads: "The rocket is preferably carried out with a high roof of a building or a hill to prevent dust clouds after the launch." Along with instructions laid schemes "Apache".

According to the site, before the militants shot down another 4 helicopter two - in late June, when an attempt to return to Tikrit (including Mi-35M), and the other two - in August in an attack on a base Camp Speicher, located near Tikrit.

Iraqi Mi-35M was shot down by MANPADS Islamists Chinese FN-6
Iraqi Mi-35M was shot down by MANPADS Islamists Chinese FN-6
Iraqi Mi-35M was shot down by MANPADS Islamists Chinese FN-6
Iraqi Mi-35M was shot down by MANPADS Islamists Chinese FN-6

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