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Which track is better?
Which track is better?
Today, 09:43
Which track is better?
The debate about whether it is better steel or rubber tracks are becoming hotter. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages, the choice depends on the tasks performed by the machine, the terrain on which it operates, and more

Strength steel or reduced vibration and weight condition - choice of material for the caterpillars of military vehicles is not as easy task as it seems. Let's look at the pros and cons of both technical solutions and emerging mixed variants.

Such tracked armored vehicles, such as the main battle tank (MBT) and BMP, remain the mainstay of most armies attacking force, despite the changing combat situation.

These platforms must comply with a wide range of operational scenarios and the development of caterpillars become that sphere of activity, which will help to achieve improved performance where debris and rough terrain mobility pose a threat.

Machine downtime can be minimized by developing a combination of metal and rubber, abrasion-resistant, as well as the caterpillars, which can be easily repaired or joined in the event of breakage of soldiers in the field.

Reach the clutch

One of the most significant steps in the development of military caterpillar was the process of transition to rubber tracks as a substitute for conventional steel tracks. Besides the fact that rubber tracks significantly reduce vibration fatigue soldiers riding in the car, they have a much smaller mass, they are quieter than steel tracks and drivers for simplified management and maneuvering.

"Rubber takes the form of the surface to which it is concerned, and for tracked vehicles rubber, vulcanised to the tracks, also protects itself from destruction paving machine weighing 60 tons," - said the president of Reuther Mold & Manufacturing Carl Reuters. - Rubber used in tires, rubber pads and liners, allows the tank to go faster and smoother. "

The company develops and manufactures molds for war machines, molds for injection molding, simple injection molds and molds for direct compression are used to produce a variety of different parts of black rubber, including crawler shoes lining the track and sleeve for a variety of tanks and armored personnel carriers.

Rubber crawler belt - most solid rubber tracks, and not broken into segments - have become popular with users for the most part due to the operating conditions encountered in Afghanistan, which in this country is much tougher conditions on the previous theaters where deployed tracked vehicles, such as Iraq and Vietnam.

"The worst case scenario for a tracked vehicle that you may see is the Afghan soil is very rocky and hard for machines, it was the main cause of reduced service life. It was one of the toughest tests for any manufacturer tracked vehicles, the Ministry of Defence and the Army over the past decade, "- said vice-president Eric Soucy Defense Dion.

"Besides, what would be the type of caterpillars was not installed on the machine, steel or rubber, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were so powerful that they damaged tracks, wheels, suspension to such an extent that it was necessary to pull the car towed back to the camp, because of damage caused to the car did unmanageable. "

Soucy company successfully works with major manufacturers of tracked vehicles such as BAE Systems, FFG, General Dynamics Land Systems and ST Kinetics, to develop a rubber caterpillar tracks, which could not only work on Afghan soil, but also to "take" due to a larger platform installation of additional add-on armor weight.

Dion also said that most of the producers and defense ministries have sought to modernize the car and increase the maximum capacity in order to add additional bronekomplektov. Here, rubber crawlers have the advantage heavier steel tracks 50%.

Development opportunities

The required type of caterpillar determined by the mass and the type of machine, a set of tasks and the expected functional activity platform. Company Soucy constantly working on expanding the possibilities of technology rubber caterpillar tracks to include a wide range of these requirements.

However, the technology limited the machines weighing more than 40 tons, and there are problems in the use of rubber tracks for vehicles in excess of that weight. However, the company is developing technology Soucy for machines weighing up to 45 tons. Other factors that should be considered is to increase reliability, low vibration and scope of service.

Vibration is a big problem for the ground forces and as a result is a good incentive to search for alternatives to steel tracks. In addition, the vibration adversely affects the fatigued soldiers traveling in a car for long distances, it is also the cause of failure of components and electronics of the machine.

"Rubber greatly reduces vibration up to 70% depending on the type of machine and type of tracks, providing a more comfortable environment for the soldiers," - said Dion. - Instead of having to stop every 1.5-2.5 hours to give the soldiers a break for 20 minutes, you can go to 10:00 without stopping. Furthermore, the service life of electronics is greatly increased, since the vibration is reduced due to the rubber track. "

In 2011, the rubber tracks companies were selected for testing two CV9030 IFV Norwegian army weighing 28 tons in northern Afghanistan. Caterpillars, qualified by BAE Systems in full-scale tests have reduced the weight of the car by more than one tonne compared with conventional steel tracks, as well as the vibration level by 65% ​​and noise by 10 dB, thereby reducing one of the main features of visibility.

Partnership BAE Systems and Soucy on rubber tracks for CV90 infantry fighting vehicles began after a few years ago, one of the customers BAE made the request for the use of this technology. Since then, the company is actively working on rubber tracks for a few more light armored vehicles, including Bv206, BvS10 and APC M113. These machines with rubber tracks Norway exploited in Afghanistan.

The volume of material and maintenance

Currently, Mr. Dion calls the "post-Afghan depression" current recovery program machines. These features will help to advance the benefits of rubber caterpillar tracks of Soucy, who have a car weighing 30-35 tons a lifespan of 3000 and 5000 km, depending on the tasks and modes of operation.

Another advantage of the rubber track before the steel is to reduce fuel consumption, the former has lower rolling resistance and depending on the fuel consumption of the machine can be reduced by 25-35%.

Rubber crawler belt also improve the controllability of the car compared to the steel tracks. Rubber tracks allowed to turn more sharply and provide improved performance acceleration and braking.

The company provides its customers Soucy transportable repair kits, which allow the user to evaluate the extent of damage to the tracks in the field, to repair and drive up to 130 km (depending on the extent of damage) to replace it. For customers seeking to minimize downtime of their machines, this is the main advantage rubber tracks.

Similarly, segmented rubber tracked tape 325B from the company Diehl, selected for BTR Bv206S German army, provides incomparable logistical advantages. It include the connector, i.e., it can be disassembled into four light circulating segment; these separate removable segments can carry with them on the car. Thus, in the case of damage to the tracks, the mobility of the machine can be recovered, even in combat.

Which track is better?
Figure BTR Bronco's new generation of STK. Machine shown with rubber tracks, and its manufacturer is working closely on the tracks with Soucy

Which track is better?
Machine CV90 with rubber tracks for testing under the Danish competition for APC. According to the company BAE, tires can reduce the weight of the car at 1,200 kg and vibration levels by 70-80%

Steel solutions

Despite the growing advantage of caterpillars rubber compounds for military vehicles, still remains a major share of the market for platforms that can operate in the harshest conditions. This is what, in the opinion of Cook Defence Systems (CDS), can fit only steel tracks.

The company is the only official supplier of tracks for all major armored fighting vehicles of the British Army, in addition, it also provides a caterpillar operators British machines worldwide. In addition, he recently completed the delivery of the caterpillars of BAE Systems for combat engineering vehicles Terrier, which will replace the Combat Engineer Tractor in the British Army.

"While some customers believe that mass can be reduced by continuous rubber crawler belts, weight saving is actually negligible for medium and heavy armored vehicles - said the director of CDS William Cook. - In addition, the majority of consumers want durability and aggression, which can be provided only steel caterpillar. "

However, since the current requirements overly focused on reducing weight to meet the requirements for rapid deployment and aviatransportabelnosti company CDS uses modern methods of production and quality control to make their steel tracks as light as possible.

"Caterpillar, we supply for engineering machines Terrier, is the easiest caterpillar available for machines weighing 30 - 40 tonnes, - he continued. - It is also suitable for the machines based on the chassis M2 Bradley, like most Bradley and CV90, moreover, it is mounted on several experimental machines in different countries of the world. "

The question of mass

The CDS for the development of caterpillars question weight is one of the most important. According to Cook, increasing machine weight is one of the most difficult problems encountered during operations in Afghanistan and Iraq since fighting vehicles weighed extra armor and used other measures necessary to protect crews from the threat of IEDs.

"When the Warrior IFV entered service, she weighed 25.4 tons, - said Cook. - After upgrading to standard Theatre Entry Standard weighs considerably more. Caterpillars of the CDS have been able to withstand the increasing weight without compromising performance platform. However, this increase in the weight inevitably detrimental to the service life of the tracks. "

As a result, military customers are more "click" on a system with increased service life in order to reduce some of the highest costs over the life of BBM - replacement caterpillars - to a minimum.

"Life of steel tracks is determined by its polymer components, and most of the research activities of CDS focuses on improving the durability of these components, which are never-ending process of tests," - said Cook.

"Another very important requirement for operators BBM is easy maintenance. During training for the soldiers - it's just boring and tedious task to get out of the car and fix the caterpillar, and in war, it can be fatal. Caterpillars of the CDS have proprietary elements that seek to minimize the complexity of service in the field and do basic maintenance as simple as possible. "

Diehl Company also focused on reducing weight with new light tracks DLT 464C «skeletal structure", which reduces the overall weight by 20-30% compared with conventional steel tracks.

These lightweight tracks selected for BMP Puma. They can support machines weighing up to 70 tons without impairing mobility. According to the company, the caterpillars remain the main characteristics of the traditional tracks: security and load; long service life; require no maintenance; low vibration; high maneuverability in various areas; and low noise. Moreover, they are easy to repair, they require a minimum of staff, and they have a low operating cost.

These tracks are also used Quick Release bayonet system for quick assembly and replacement of tracks and additional means to enhance adhesion to difficult terrain.

Standard Track Diehl also continue to be a key component of military vehicles. The company has supplied its products for a variety of platforms around the world, including the AMX-30 MBT, Ariete, Arjun, Challenger 2, Leclerc, Leopard 1 and 2, T-62, T-72 and T-80; BMP-1/2/3 and Marder; APC M113; self-propelled howitzer PzH2000; transporter of weapons Wiesel.

The company has developed a symmetrical tracks, each of which can be installed on any board; it extends the life, reduces maintenance costs and increases the readiness of the machine. In addition, the state of the tracks can be visually rather than by low maintenance and control, minimizing the need for personnel and operating costs.

Get the best

Track market is also expanding in new directions. One of them is a hybrid (mixed) solutions, for example, bolted to the steel tracks bolted rubber boots. This approach combines the strength of steel with the advantages of rubber and the result is a product that can withstand extreme load with very high resistance to wear and has a longer life.

The company develops its rubber shoes bolted to the APC and the MBT, including the M113 and M60. Shoes designed to enhance the basic characteristics of the machines, they are designed to increase the efficiency of working in extreme conditions, including construction debris, low visibility and difficult places where the need for additional bonding strength, permeability and stability. Shoes are made of rubber compound to enhance resistance to wear, longer life on hard and sandy soils.

To date, there is a large selection available to consumers crawler technology. While there are still challenges in the dissemination of these technologies as much as possible the number of types of machines and operating conditions existing at the market level of "intellectual impulse" in the design and development ensures that the tracked vehicles will remain a central aspect of the operations of land forces for current and future theaters of war, regardless of operating conditions.

Which track is better?
Which track is better?
Which track is better?
Rubber tracks on different machines, exhibited at Eurosatory 2014
(Top to bottom CV90 from Bae Systems, ASCOD from General Dynamics and PMMC G5 from the company FFG)

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Padahal, kita termasuk penghasil karet alam besar di dunia.
Saya jadi ingat, ada satu Balai Penelitian Karet, yg mencoba membuat lapisan karet pada rantai tank PT Korps Marinir, istilahnya, (Rantainya di beri "Sepatu") di uji coba jalan dari Cibadak, Sukabumi hingga jalan Tol Jagorawi, sebelum sampai Sentul, sdh melar semua, tamang.
Ironis memang kita ini.
Senengnya memang tergantung pada pihak luar, membuat ban mobil, motor carbon black-nya mungkin sampai sekarang juga masih ngimpor.
He...he....he.....Ngimpor setrooooongggg.!!!!!
Apalagi alasannya, heuh.!!!!
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