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"Golden Hour" wounded soldier
"Golden Hour" wounded soldier
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"Golden Hour" wounded soldier

How does the Israeli field medicine

In military medicine is a key concept of the "golden hour" to assist the wounded on the battlefield, if during the first hour after the injury will be given full medical care, it will save lives 90% of the affected soldiers. Procrastination is like death - the delay in providing assistance only two hours leads to the fact that the number of injured survivors rapidly drops to 10%.

Military Medical Service of the Israeli army is considered one of the foremost. Recently, it has improved the system to save lives of the wounded on the battlefield, reducing the "golden hour" to 43 minutes, resulting in a marked increase in the number of lives saved. For example, if during the Yom Kippur War in 1973, died before 35% of wounded soldiers, during "Operation Enduring rock" in July - August of this year the deadweight loss of the wounded did not exceed 6%.

The doctor on the battlefield

Israel believes that the problem of the "golden hour" can be solved only through a radical change in the entire multi-level structure to assist the wounded. It is important to all: the individual first aid kits, bandages, medical equipment, time and methods of evacuation of the wounded.

However, crucial in saving the lives of wounded have the experience and knowledge of the military physician, capable of rendering assistance in the first minutes after the injury, and because the military doctor have to go into battle with the soldiers. When the doctor who knows what to do, is just two minutes from the wounded, it changes the course of events.

In the traditional scheme, according to which military doctors working in the armies of most countries, first aid on the battlefield have, as a rule, paramedics and nurses, and then spent a lot of time to evacuate the wounded to the rear. Wounded die or get to the hospital in a state where the medicine is already powerless. This is because in most war wounds very quickly, in just 5-10 minutes, develops a serious and fatal complication - shock. It leads to respiratory distress and cardiac activity. Another danger is the loss of blood: the strong arterial bleeding person can bleed to death in 10-15 minutes.

"Golden Hour" wounded soldier
During the exercise. Photo: Israel Defence Forces

In Israel, these problems can be solved in many ways, but the key solution is to provide high quality medical care to the battlefield. Military doctors are directly in combat formations fighting units and come to the rescue in the first minutes after the injury.

Military doctor on the battlefield able to do much. Military doctor tells Captain Alexei Kalgan double award-winning for his gallantry in saving the life of the wounded on the battlefield. In peacetime, Alexei Kalganov is a leading orthopedic surgeon in an Israeli hospital, and during the fighting it, as well as other Israeli doctors, drafted into the army.

"We covered our special forces to join the battle. Four soldiers were seriously injured. One bullet hit in the mouth. I looked - all turned upside airways. Thought he was dead, but still palpable pulse. Quickly inserted into the throat tube, pump blood from the lungs, and we were evacuated along with other wounded. In truth, I had no doubt that he is not a tenant, and he not only survived, but almost fully recovered. All have decided a matter of seconds. He was just lucky that the next was not just a doctor, a surgeon. "

A military doctor, Major Paul Kataev was assigned to an infantry battalion, who fought in Gaza during "Operation Cast Lead" in January 2009. "That night we were in a building next to the house, which mistakenly got our two tank shells. Naturally, once on the radio reported a variety of victims, we rushed there and arrived even before the dust settled from the explosion. The picture was as follows: all the commanders were wounded, the military command of no one, the soldiers shoot in all directions from all the windows and did not get a miracle in us.

In the first minutes of the hardest was both commanding soldiers, and provide medical care. Many of the soldiers are, a lot of blood, moaning, screaming, shooting. The first thing I did was ordered to cease fire, gently pull down all the wounded and take up positions in the cover-up, guarding the building and not shooting for no reason. All this happened within maybe less than a minute, but it seemed like an eternity. There were more than 20 victims, three killed, we could not help, eight seriously injured, among them Ben Spicer, who had lost both arms and legs crushed. We immediately started to do surgical procedures and intensive care to save their lives. Then I contacted the head of the medical service of the Southern Military District, told him about the state of the wounded, adding specialists of the profile, such as microsurgery, an urgent need to prepare hospitals to receive the injured, as each minute can be decisive.

"Golden Hour" wounded soldier
Photo: Yoav Lemmer / AFP

As soon as they let me go home on leave after the end of hostilities, I first went to the hospital, went to the emergency room for Benny, he saw that his hands sewn (unfortunately caught only one, the second had to be amputated), lifted the sheet and saw that the feet on the ground, and breathed a sigh of relief. "

Military doctor on the battlefield risking his life on a par with the officers and men of combat units. Military doctor reserve captain Igor Rothstein was urgently mobilized July 24, 2006. It was attached to the 13th Infantry Brigade Givati ​​battalion, in the which he entered Lebanon. Rothstein was an experienced military doctor: within five years, he served as a doctor in South Battalion Military District, took part in the fighting. After demobilization in 2004, he worked as a surgeon at the hospital, "Poria" in Tiberias.

On the night of August 4, 2006 in the village in southern Lebanon Markabe Rothstein was killed in battle, saving the life of a wounded soldier. Shell burst wounded soldier. The doctor rushed to the aid of the wounded, and the next shell covered them both.

Evacuation of the wounded under fire

Important reserve for precious minutes of the "golden hour" is the use of modern transport for most quick evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield to the stationary hospitals. The Israeli experience shows that the most effective means of evacuation are helicopters and tank bulansy - tanks "Merkava" equipped as mobile health units and equipped with additional weapons. Such armored ambulances especially performed well in rescuing the wounded under fire. Thus, during the war in Lebanon in 2006, the Israeli Air Force helicopters performed about 120 evakuatsionnyh vyletov about polovina of them - su vrazheskuyu territoriyu where the evacuation took place under enemy fire. In these vyletah they were taken okolo 360 wounded.

Helicopters were equipped with the necessary medical equipment, crews were included military doctors and paramedics providing qualified medical assistance on board helicopters. Evacuation of wounded by air from the battlefield to the hospital lasted an average of about 3.5 hours. A single flight were evacuated to an average of 4.5 of a soldier. During the evacuation by air not died none wounded soldiers.

Military doctor Captain Marina Kaminsky during the war in Lebanon in July 2006, was the chief of the medical service of a tank battalion, a part of which she came to Lebanon for the first day of the war and took part in the battles for towns Kanatra, Maroun al-Rush and the town of Bint Jbeil . Kaminska fought on the tank bulanse. On it she was in the thick of the battle for Bint Jbeil, a key place of concentration of the terrorist group "Hezbollah" in south Lebanon July 24, 2006. To evacuate the wounded tank and infantry on the battlefield command sent its tank bulans. Car covered two regular tank one - directly, and the second - to the nearest approaches.

"Golden Hour" wounded soldier
During the exercise. Photo: Israel Defence Forces

In the midst of battle in tank bulans wounded began to arrive. Among them was an officer, were seriously injured - in the face of his enemy sniper bullet hit. Kaminska right on the battlefield gave him first aid and took out a tank-bulanse to the helipad where helicopters ferried the wounded to a hospital in Haifa.

During the battle tank was hit, was covering her tank bulans. Of the four crew members of the downed tank commander died of a tank platoon, two tankers were slightly injured. Come to the aid of the crew of a tank battalion commander was blown up by a land mine, containing about 300 kilograms of explosives. From taking place in the tank seven people - members of the crew and officers of the battalion headquarters - sergeant died, a driver, and the rest were wounded.

Kaminska, despite enemy fire, had the wounded and medical care on his tank bulanse them successfully evacuated. Only during the fighting, she saved the lives of more than 25 wounded soldiers.

New technologies save the wounded on the battlefield

Any war is a kind of testing ground not only new weapons, but also for the latest technology to save lives of the wounded. Was no exception and the operation "Enduring rock."

It is believed that up to 80% of patients die due to blood loss. During the operation "Enduring rock" in the armed forces has been successfully tested fight a whole range of new technologies and medical devices, will significantly increase the number of lives saved.

As the only way to stop the bleeding of a tourniquet was used. Now the Israeli army abandoned the traditional rubber bands: now in your backpack each soldier is "turnstile", which is a 96-inch nylon sleeve on the wiring inside, equipped with a handle. The handle is a part of the device, consisting of castles and Velcro, using which the soldier can stop the bleeding himself, even if he is shot in the arm. Soldiers are taught the use of "turnstile" still on the course of the young fighter.

In cases where the "turnstile" is not appropriate, such as when a major amputation or wound in the stomach, in the Israeli army began to use hemostatic bandaging products containing ingredients that promote blood clotting and are designed to stop external bleeding of varying intensity, including the damage to major blood vessels .

"Golden Hour" wounded soldier
During the exercise. Photo: Israel Defence Forces

In addition to using these new hemostatic products in a bag each military medic on the battlefield are now geksakaprona ampoules, which accelerates the process of stopping the bleeding.

When a large hemorrhage military doctors to the battlefield solution is injected powder plasma. The advantage of this technology is that, unlike blood portions requiring cooling or freezing blood plasma powder can be taken from a battlefield. Package plasma powder and a bottle of liquid - that's all you need to prepare a solution.

During the fighting in Gaza has been tested and the new tool as a kind of "zipper", tighten the open wounds, but its use requires considerable qualification military medics.

Common cause of death of the wounded - a painful shock. Now all military paramedics have automatic syringes for injection of morphine, as well as a new tool - "aktik" based on fentanyl, a hundred times stronger than morphine. This drug is placed under the tongue, and the pain disappeared for at least one hour. The advantages of "aktika" include the fact that it not only facilitates the suffering of the victims, but does not lead to a drop in pressure, and this is one of the problems in the use of morphine and its derivatives.

Among other health care innovations that are used to save the lives of the wounded during the "golden hour", armed Israeli military medics are portable ultrasound scanner for the detection of internal bleeding in the field, measuring blood oxygen saturation to check the condition of the wounded, carbon dioxide detector to test the effectiveness of artificial respiration and candy fentatila to quench acute pain for a minute.

Author Alexander Shulman

Diubah oleh boleroes11 20-09-2014 23:49
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