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The losses of Ukraina.

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The losses of Ukraine
August 21, 2014
New Ukrainian authorities continue to so-called anti-terrorist operation, and do not even think to stop it. Continued bombing and shelling attacks settlements controlled by the host of the two self-proclaimed republics. A characteristic feature of these fights are great losses among the civilian population, as the armed forces and other law enforcement agencies in Ukraine are not averse to bombard towns and villages, without considering the associated risks. Loss of life, in turn, are traditionally written off as "terrorists" who allegedly attacked residential areas close to their positions.

It should be noted, Ukrainian military and soldiers of the National Guard, too, are not without losses. In just a few months "anti-terrorist operation" Army and the National Guard have lost a number of soldiers and officers (killed and wounded), and left without a solid number of different applications, such as land and air.

A characteristic feature of the current war was a specific situation in the information space. Drawing up an objective picture of the various aspects of the war in the first place on the losses of the parties, usually complicated by some features of the dissemination of information. At this time, wishing to obtain objective information necessary to deal with the different methods of dishonest conduct of this information war. Often a mismatch of information from different sources is not due specifics dissemination and banal lie.

August 11 Ukrainian media quoted the Speaker of the Security Council of Ukraine Andriy Lysenko spread new information on casualties. It was argued that for all the fighting killed 568 security forces, even in 2120 were injured. A few days later, his co-chair of the information read the Popular Front, "New Russia" Vladimir Rogov. According to him, as of August 15, the armed forces and the National Guard of Ukraine lost 14,378 killed and wounded people, 158 were captured and about 9,000 soldiers deserted (sided with the militias or fled from the war). Daily killed or injured dozens of soldiers and officers. Loss peak occurred on August 13 and 14, when, according to the militia, the army lost in killed and wounded about a thousand people, and the order of hundreds of pieces of equipment.

As you can see, the information on both sides is different at times. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this - someone publishes false information. In addition, both sources can be mistaken for objective reasons, but one of them should still be closer to the truth. However, the exact details for obvious reasons remain unknown, and have to rely on information from different sources that are interested in overstatement and understatement of their enemy.

A number of factors suggest that the real losses of the Ukrainian armed forces and the National Guard under higher than official data. An indirect confirmation of this can be considered a transfer of the war zone and more new compounds, another mobilization and the recent successes of Lugansk and Donetsk militias. All of this suggests that the available forces, already abandoned by the new government in the fight, can not cope with the enemy, including due to the losses. Also it should be noted specific structure of forces involved in the so-called ATO. In addition to the military units involved in the fighting the National Guard, Ministry of Interior, several volunteer units. This force structure, at least, makes it difficult to collect and process information about the losses, but in the conditions of existing information hiding makes them almost impossible.

Thus, it is not surprising the relatively small numbers, called the Ukrainian command. There is every reason to believe that they can not reflect the real situation for objective reasons and for political reasons. Naturally, these assumptions do not accurately determine the Ukrainian losses, but they can be used to make clear conclusions about the veracity of official information.

Army and the National Guard are losing not only people, but also technique. Everyone remembers a case where at the beginning of the conflict, the Ukrainian military militia passed several military vehicles, including self-propelled guns 2S9 "Nona". Later trophies militia began several dozen armored vehicles of various types, not including vehicles and other equipment.

Fortunately, the information about the losses of armored vehicles get different confirmation and can be collected together. Consider the loss of armored vehicles on the basis of the information available in the database This service collects data confirmed the fate of armored vehicles involved in the fighting on both sides. According to the database, during the conflict, 180 armored steel trophies, 148 were destroyed. It should be noted that the "Battle Road" some tanks and armored vehicles marked entries in the list of trophies and losses, and sometimes several times (several cars literally passed from hand to hand).

During the fighting militias Lugansk and Donetsk people's republics were able to capture 43 of the T-64 different versions (A / B / BV), three of which were later returned to their former owners. Three dozen of the BMP-1 and BMP-2, captured by the host, can not be changed owners. There is also a militia were 24 BTR-80, BTR-70 8 and 14 BRDM-2. Of these trophies again, this time to the military and the National Guard, steel 3, 2 and 1 car respectively. A total of 180 lost machines, to get the opponent, Ukrainian formation regained 18.

Of the 148 destroyed armored vehicles of various types, only 14 belonged to the militia of Lugansk and Donetsk. All other tanks, armored vehicles and other machinery belonging to the armed forces and the National Guard of Ukraine. According, during the fighting were destroyed 35 tanks T-64, three of which belonged to the militia, and the rest - the military. The greatest losses infantry fighting vehicles: a total of 61 destroyed BMP-1 and BMP-2. In addition, it should be noted the destruction of 11 self-propelled guns of several types.

Ground battles lead to a significant loss of land art. However, no loss is not treated and the Air Force of Ukraine. According to the database Aviation Safety Network, April Ukrainian Air Force lost 25 planes and helicopters of several types. A few dozen cars received various injuries and undergoing renovations or already repaired and returned to duty.

The greatest losses Ukrainian Su-25. Total was shot down eight of these machines, one made an emergency landing and went militia. In the battles were lost 5 combat helicopters Mi-24 and Mi-4 multi-purpose 8. Over the past two weeks my losses added two MiG-29 fighters, successfully shot down by militias.

In the context of the loss of the Ukrainian Air Force interest is the distribution of losses. Most unfortunate for the Ukrainian aviation was June, during which she lost 10 aircraft. For comparison, in June were destroyed 3 aircraft and 3 helicopters, and the loss is limited to the May 4 helicopters. Within two days of August militia knocked only two planes and a helicopter, as well as captured drone Tu-143. These facts may indicate that the number of aircraft, suitable for use, is steadily declining, and the potential defense militia is growing. All this leads to obvious and expected results.

The war continues, the warring parties continue to bear the loss. Apparently, the bill died Ukrainian soldiers have gone by thousands, that, given the absence of any serious success gives the situation is extremely unsightly. Hiding losses and outright disregard for the warring departments can have wide-ranging consequences, and they are unlikely to be positive for the character of the Kiev authorities. The result of current events on the battlefield and beyond can be anything up to riot troops and mass defections or even another "revolution."

However, the Ukrainian official sources continue to talk about the minimum loss, and the men of the army and the National Guard continues to lose technique and comrades. We can confidently say that regardless of official and unofficial data or estimates, the losses will grow every day until the end of the war.
The losses of Ukraina.
The losses of Ukraina.
The losses of Ukraina.
The losses of Ukraina.
The losses of Ukraina.
The losses of Ukraina.
The losses of Ukraina.
The losses of Ukraina.
The losses of Ukraina.
The losses of Ukraina.
The losses of Ukraina.
The losses of Ukraina.
The losses of Ukraina.
The losses of Ukraina.
The losses of Ukraina.

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