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Menlu Jepang ,Menlu Korea Selatan & Menlu korea Utara Bertemu Mr.Jokowi Di Jakarta
Jokowi Meets N. Korean Foreign Minister and S. Korean Ambassador

Jakarta. President-elect Joko Widodo held two separate meetings on Monday with senior officials from both North and South Korea to discuss Indonesia’s bilateral ties with the two countries ahead of him assuming the office of president in October.

“North Korean foreign minister, Ri Su-yong, congratulated me for winning the presidential election, it was a direct message from Kim Jong-un,” Joko said on Monday at City Hall.

Ri praised the Jakarta governor, calling him a humble man with an impressive track record as an administrator. Pyongyang had praise for Joko’s efforts to raise living standards, the foreign minster said.

“I hope he can work even harder for his people,” Ri added.

Ri said he hoped for a deepening of bilateral ties between Pyongyang and Jakarta.

“I expect major successes in public services and the country’s development,” he added.

Earlier in the day Joko also met with the South Korean ambassador to Indonesia, Cho Tae-young.

“The discussion was mostly about the economy and culture,” Joko said, adding that Cho had invited him to Korea for a state visit after his October inauguration.

Jokowi receives Japanese foreign minister
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Jakarta Governor and president-elect Joko Widodo, popularly known as Jokowi, received Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida for a meeting at the Jakarta City Hall on Tuesday.

During the meeting, Jokowi and Kishida discussed issues related to the strengthening of relations and cooperation between Indonesia and Japan.

In principle, during the meeting, we discussed ways to strengthen the relations and cooperation between the two countries in the future, Jokowi said after the meeting.

He pointed out that at least three important issues had been discussed in the meeting, which lasted for about an hour.

The first, according to Jokowi, was about cooperation with Japan, particularly related to legal supremacy at sea.

The second was about the issues related to investment opportunities, and the third was about infrastructure development, which is necessary for both the countries, Jokowi remarked.

He noted that infrastructure development included the construction of deep sea port and sea toll.

Jokowi claimed that the Japanese government was ready to support every infrastructure development plan of Indonesia in an effort to strengthen the relations between the two countries.

The Japanese foreign minister said his country was ready to support Indonesia, and we hope to speed up the process of infrastructure development, Jokowi added.

all is friend.....hehe
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