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Pesawat MAS jatuh lagi
Pesawat Malaysia Airlines jatuh di Ukraina

Kantor berita Rusia Interfax melaporkan sebuah pesawat Malaysia Airlines jatuh di kawasan Ukraina di dekat perbatasan dengan Rusia.
Laporan itu didasarkan pada sumber-sumber dalam industri penerbangan.
Pesawat Boeing 777 tersebut membawa 280 penumpang dan 15 awak dalam penerbangan dari Amsterdam ke Kuala Lumpur dan jatuh sekitar 50 mil sebelum memasuki wilayah Rusia.
Sumber yang dikutip Interfax mengatakan pesawat terbakar di darat.
Seorang juru bicara di Bandara Schiphol Amsterdam mengatakan mereka sedang mendalami laporan jatuhnya pesawat itu namun masuh belum mendapat informasi sejauh ini.
Sementara itu seorang pejabat Kementrian Perhubungan Malaysia mengatakan kepada kantor berita Reuters bahwa mereka belum mendapat informasi tentang pesawat apa pun yang jatuh.
Sumber lain di badan keamanan Ukraina, yang dikutip Interfaz, mengatakan pesawat hilang dari radar pada ketinggian 10.000 meter dan jatuh di dekat kota Shakhtyorsk.
Berita ini masih akan dilengkapi

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 'Shot Down In Ukraine Near Russian Border
A Malaysia Airlines passenger jet is reported to have been shot down near the Russia/ Ukraine border.

Unconfirmed reports from Interfax news agency say the Boeing 777 was shot down at altitude.

Sources say 280 passengers and 15 crew members were onboard the flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.

It was reportedly at 32,000ft when it was shot down but it is unconfirmed whether the aircraft was in Russian or Ukrainian airspace.
A Russian aviation industry source has told Reuters that the Malaysia Airlines plane didn't enter Russian airspace at the time it was expected to, and crashed in Eastern Ukraine.


Malaysian passenger plane crashes in Ukraine near Russian border -Ifax
(Reuters) - A Malaysian passenger airliner with 295 people on board crashed in Ukraine near the Russian border, Interfax cited an aviation industry source as saying on Thursday.
It said the Boeing plane was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. Reuters could not immediately confirm the Interfax report.
(Reporting by Alissa de Carbonnel; Editing by Robin Pomeroy)


Malaysia airliner crashes in east Ukraine near Russia border

Pesawat MAS jatuh lagi
A Malaysian airliner reportedly with 295 people on board has crashed in Ukraine near the Russian border, on a flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysia Airlines said it had lost contact with Flight MH17 from Amsterdam. The last known position was over Ukraine, it said in a tweet.
An aviation source in Moscow told Reuters the plane had been found burning on the ground in east Ukraine.
Separatist rebels have been fighting government forces in the region.
Analysis: Jonathan Beale, BBC News
A defence expert has told the BBC that shooting down a plane at 10,000m (9.7 miles) would have required a long- range surface-to-air missile - possibly guided by radar.
That suggests it is unlikely it could have been downed by a portable air defence missile, or Manpad, which has a much shorter range.
The only other possibility is for an aircraft at that height to be downed by a fighter carrying air-to-air missiles.
The US will have access to satellite imagery that should be able to identify ultra-violet plumes if a long-range surface-to-air missile was fired.
A number of Ukrainian military planes have been shot down by missiles in recent weeks. Ukraine has accused Russia's military of supplying advanced missiles to the rebels.
Earlier on Thursday, Ukrainian officials blamed the Russian air force for shooting down one of its ground attack jets on Wednesday.
Anton Herashchenko, an adviser to Ukraine's interior minister, was quoted by the Associated Press as saying the plane had been hit by a missile at an altitude of 10,000m (33,000ft). The claim could not be verified independently.
The source which spoke to Reuters about burning wreckage on the ground said the plane had failed to enter Russian airspace.
The UK Foreign Office said it was aware of the reports of the crash and was "urgently working to establish what has happened".

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Breaking News BBC
BREAKING NEWS Malaysia Airlines tweets it has lost contact with flight MH17 from Amsterdam. "The last known position was over Ukrainian airspace," it says. "More details to follow."

18:05: Emergency services officials are surveying the crash site
Pesawat MAS jatuh lagi
18:03: Flight MH17 took off from Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport at 12:14 local time. This AFP image was reportedly taken at the time.
Pesawat MAS jatuh lagi
Carl Boylin in Leeds, UK emails: All aircraft should be rerouted in the short term to avoid any further loss of life
17:59: German airline Lufthansa says it has decided to avoid eastern Ukrainian air space with immediate effect, Reuters reports.
17:58: Another photograph from the crash site, taken by Reuters:
Pesawat MAS jatuh lagi
17:57: "The portable air defence systems which we have, they work at a maximum of three to four thousand metres. Therefore, it is possible to say virtually before the start of the investigation that the Ukrainian armed forces destroyed this," separatist spokesman Sergey Kavtaradze says.
17:57: A spokesman for pro-Russian separatists in the Donetsk region told Russia's Rossiya TV that they were not capable of bringing down a commercial airliner flying at 10,000 metres.
17:56: Reuters has this photograph of a Ukrainian emergencies ministry worker at the crash site:
Pesawat MAS jatuh lagi
Reuters news agency tweets: The site of a Malaysia Airlines plane crash in the settlement of Grabovo in Donetsk region:
17:53: Malaysia's Defence Minister Hishamuddin Hussein, who dealt with the disappearance of MH370 in March in his capacity as acting transport minister, has appealed for calm on Twitter, saying he is working with the foreign, transport and prime minister on the issue - via BBC Monitoring
17:52: A statement from Virgin Airlines says it "will be re-routing a small number of our flights this evening". It says it is closely monitoring the situation.
17:51: Former UK ambassador to Russia Sir Tony Brenton tells the BBC if the plane has been shot down it has "quite profound political implications". He says sanctions and "world condemnation" of the pro-Russia rebels could follow if it turns out they have shot down the plane.
17:50: Malaysia Airlines has released a statement saying it received notification from Ukrainian air traffic control that it had lost contact with flight MH17 at 1415 GMT at 30km from Tamak waypoint, approximately 50km (31 miles) from the Russia-Ukraine border.
17:46: AFP quotes the Kremlin as saying that Mr Putin "informed [President Obama] about an air-traffic controllers' report that came just before their phone conversation that a Malaysian plane crashed in Ukraine".
Pesawat MAS jatuh lagi
17:45: US President Barack Obama has spoken via telephone to Russian President Vladimir Putin about the airplane crash, Reuters reports. The call had already been pre-planned on the situation in Ukraine, it adds.
17:43: Novorossiya, one of several major pro-Russia separatist accounts on Twitter, says in a tweet (in Russian) that the Ukrainian air force brought down the Malaysia Airlines aircraft, our colleagues at BBC Monitoring report.
Mike Boxall in Cambridge, UK emails: Why have international airlines continued to fly across this area of eastern Ukraine during this time of conflict? We have been reading reports of the increasing loss of military aircraft in this area, surely the airlines have a standard of customer care which should preclude overflying areas of conflict?
Air transport editor for Flight International, David Kaminski tweets: Point of loss of #MH17 appears to coincide with airspace boundary between Kiev and Dnipropetrovsk flight information regions
Air transport editor for Flight International, David Kaminski tweets: Point of loss of #MH17 appears to coincide with airspace boundary between Kiev and Dnipropetrovsk flight information regions.
17:38: If it was a missile that brought the aircraft down, it would have to be a long range one as opposed to a portable system, aviation analyst Chris Yates tells BBC Radio 4's PM programme.
17:34: A map of the reported crash site in eastern Ukraine
Pesawat MAS jatuh lagi
17:33: According to a Reuters reporter at the scene, broken pieces of wing marked with Malaysia Airlines' red and blue - similar to those pictured below - have been seen among the wreckage.
17:32: The BBC's Oleg Boldyrev in Moscow says the rebels do not have out-dated equipment. What they have equals or maybe surpasses the Ukrainian government's capabilities. He says some reports say the rebels even have fighter planes reportedly flown from Crimea and that possibility should not be excluded.
17:31: Russian news agency RIA Novosti is also reporting that scores of bodies in Donetsk Region have been found strewn on the ground next to the plane wreckage.
Reuters News Agency tweets: #BREAKING: Eastern Ukraine separatist leader Alexander Borodai says airliner shot down by Ukrainian gov. forces, Kiev denied involvement
17:30: The Malaysia Airlines plane could have been shot down, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko says in a statement. "This is a third such tragic event in recent days, when Ukrainian military An-26 and Su-25 aircraft have been shot down from Russian territory, " the statement says. "The Ukrainian armed forces did not attempt to shoot down targets in the air."
Flight tracking site Flightradar24 tweets: Last positions of #MH17 directly from Flightradar24 database. Signal was lost around 13:21 UTC at 33,000 feet.
Pesawat MAS jatuh lagi
17:28: According to Reuters, there are dozens of bodies scattered around the wreckage of the jet. The agency quotes an emergencies services rescue worker as saying at least 100 bodies had so far been found at the scene, and that debris from the wreckage was scattered across an area up to about 15 km (nine miles) in diameter.
17:26: Pro-Russia separatists in Donetsk have denied bringing down the aircraft, according to Interfax. "The plane was shot down by the Ukrainian side. We simply have no air defence systems of this kind," separatist spokesman Sergey Kavtaradze told the agency.
17:20: Sources says the aircraft was a Boeing 777, similar to this one photographed earlier this year:
Pesawat MAS jatuh lagi
Jonathan Beale Defence correspondent, BBC News The only other possibility is for an aircraft at that height to be downed by a fighter carrying air-to-air missiles. The US will have access to satellite imagery that should be able to identify ultra-violet plumes if a long-range surface-to-air missile was fired.
Jonathan Beale Defence correspondent, BBC News A defence expert has told the BBC that shooting down a plane at 10,000 metres (9.7 miles) would have required a long-range surface-to-air missile - possibly guided by radar. That suggests it is unlikely it could have been downed by a portable air defence missile, or Manpad, which has a much shorter range.
17:15: Interfax news agency quotes the Ukrainian presidential press service as saying that the Ukrainian armed forces were not involved in the Malaysian passenger plane "being brought down".
17:14: A Reuters reporter has reached the scene and has described seeing burning wreckage of the airplane, with bodies on the ground, the agency reports.
Mohd Najib Tun Razak, Malaysian prime minister tweets: I am shocked by reports that an MH plane crashed. We are launching an immediate investigation.
17:09: A number of military planes have been shot down by missiles in recent weeks over eastern Ukraine, where pro-Russian separatist rebels have been fighting government forces.
17:08: BBC correspondent Oleg Boldyrev in Moscow says unconfirmed reports suggest people have seen wreckage on the ground. He adds that any investigation into what could have happened would be a "nightmare" for the authorities, given the tensions in the area.
17:07: US stocks have fallen sharply amid reports of the latest Malaysia Airlines flight incident, according to AFP.
Zeke Miller, Political reporter at Time Magazine tweets: WH: Obama has been briefed on reports of the plane
17:06: If the deaths on board this flight are confirmed, it would be the second tragedy to strike Malaysia Airlines this year after the disappearance of Flight MH370 in March with 227 passengers and 12 members of crew on board - one of the greatest aviation mysteries of all time.
17:05: The Ukrainian prime minister has reportedly launched an investigation into what he calls the "airplane catastrophe", according to Reuters.
17:02: The Interfax-Ukraine news agency has quoted a Ukrainian Interior Ministry as saying he believes all 295 passengers on board have been killed.
16:59: This map shows where contact was apparently lost with flight MH17 between Amsterdam and Kuala Lumpur:
Pesawat MAS jatuh lagi
16:54: The UK Foreign Office says it is aware of the reports and is "urgently working to establish what has happened".
Boeing Airplanes tweets: We are aware of reports on MH17. We're gathering more information.
16:50: The Associated Press says one of its journalists saw a similar launcher near the eastern Ukrainian town of Snizhe earlier on Thursday.
16:50: An advisor to the Ukrainian interior minister, Anton Gerashenko, says the plane was flying at an altitude of 10,000 metres (33,000 feet) when it was "hit by a missile fired from a Buk launcher", in a post on his Facebook page, according to the Associated Press.
16:42: Aviation expert Chris Yates says the plane would have been full, if reports that it was carrying 295 passengers are correct. He says the plane would have been flying at a height of some six miles (9.7km).
16:39:BREAKING NEWS Malaysia Airlines tweets it has lost contact with flight MH17 from Amsterdam. "The last known position was over Ukrainian airspace," it says. "More details to follow."
16:36: The BBC's Daniel Sandford in Moscow says that the area in which the plane is reported to have come down is right in the centre of the area controlled by anti-Kiev rebels - although of course details are still coming in.
16:36: Again according to the Interfax agency only, Anton Herashchenko an adviser to the Ukrainian deputy interior minister has apparently confirmed the crash.
16:34: The Interfax news agency reported 295 people - 280 passengers and 15 crew members - were on board the flight, en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.
16:31: The Boeing 777 plane was flying in an international air corridor over eastern Ukraine when it crashed, the Russian news agency reported.
16:27: The crash has reportedly happened on the Ukrainian side of the Russia - Ukraine border, scene of tension between the two countries.
16:24: Reports suggest a passenger plane has crashed in eastern Ukraine. The early reports come from an "aviation source" who was quoted by the privately-owned Russian Interfax news agency
Diubah oleh 1nd0n3s14m3t4l 17-07-2014 17:29
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