Rocksmith adalah permainan musik seperti guitar hero atau rockband. Yang bikin beda dari game ini, pemain bisa plug gitar asli dengan 1⁄4-inch jack ke dalam sistem permainan. Game orinya bakal include kabel 1⁄4-inch to USB, jadi ntar gitar kita bisa kebaca.
song listnya juga gak kalah sama rockband dan guitar hero. Di Rocksmith juga ada blur, rollingstones, the cure, radiohead, white stripes, nirvana, david bowie, dll.
Spoiler for track list:
"House of the Rising Sun"................The Animals
"When I'm With You" ......................Best Coast
"I Got Mine"...................................The Black Keys
"Next Girl" ....................................The Black Keys
"Song 2" .......................................Blur
"Step Out of the Car" ......................The Boxer Rebellion
"Sunshine of Your Love"...................Cream
"We Share the Same Skies" .............The Cribs
"Boys Don't Cry" ............................The Cure
"Rebel Rebel" ................................David Bowie
"Slow Hands".................................Interpol
"Well OK Honey" ............................Jenny O
"Sweet Home Alabama" ..................Lynyrd Skynyrd
"In Bloom" ....................................Nirvana
"Breed" .........................................Nirvana
"Where is My Mind?"........................Pixies
"High and Dry" ..............................Radiohead
"Number Thirteen" .........................Red Fang
"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction"..........The Rolling Stones
"The Spider and the Fly"..................The Rolling Stones
"Panic Switch" ...............................Silversun Pickups
"Outshined" ...................................Soundgarden
"Me and the Bean" ..........................Spoon
"Vasoline" \t.....................................Stone Temple Pilots
"Mean Bitch" ..................................Taddy Porter
"A More Perfect Union" ....................Titus Andronicus
"Burnished" ...................................White Denim
"Icky Thump" .................................The White Stripes
"Chimney" ......................................The Yellow Moon Band
addition 6 tracks, unlockable di journey mode
"Ricochet".....................................Brian Adam McCune
"Boss"..........................................Chris Lee
"Space Ostrich"..............................Disonaur
"Jules"..........................................Seth Chapla
"The Star Spangled Banner"..............Seth Chapla
"Six AM Salvation"...........................Versus Them
DLC track list
(console version, kemungkinan mucul jg di pc)
(supported electric bass dan pedal)
Rock hits pack
"Freebird"......................................Lynyrd Skynyrd
"Tighten Up"..................................The Black Keys
Rock hits 1970s pack
"Smoke on the Water" (Temporarily XBL Only Track).....Deep Purple
"More than a Feeling"..............................................Boston
"Jessica"...............................................................The Allman Brothers Band
Rock hits 2 pack
"Cousins".......................................Vampire Weekend\t
"20th Century Boy"..........................T. Rex\t
"I Hate Everything About You"...........Three Days Grace
Metal hits pack
"Symphony of Destruction"................Megadeth
"Hangar 18"....................................Megadeth
"Public Enemy No. 1"........................Megadeth\t
beberapa lagu emang udah keluar di guitar hero sama rockband sebelumnya tp buat yg megang pc mungkin sekarang baru bisa nyoba karena seri guitar hero yg kelima aja udah gak dirilis di pc apalagi rockband. Untungnya game buatan Ubisoft ini akhirnya mau juga ngeluarin versi pc nya.
berhubung gw jg belum nyoba main ini game, kita liat aja nanti pas udah rilis. yang jelas kayaknya gak bakalan segampang game gitar sebelumnya. yg ini tombol2nya gak bakal cuma jalan horizontal tapi jg ada vertikalnya. jd kayak megang kunci gitar beneran ntar. dan bisa sambil belajar main gitar juga.
ini screenshotnya:
Spoiler for SS:
Spoiler for official trailer:
Spoiler for preview video:
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