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PUMA Bundeswehr
Today, 07:32 Print

In the early seventies the Bundeswehr adopted a new infantry fighting vehicle Marder. This machine at one time was considered one of the best in its class. Nevertheless, in the past since four decades Marder IFV had become obsolete both morally and physically. In the future, proposed to replace the obsolete armored vehicles BMP new PUMA. Like its predecessor, the car PUMA must have high performance, providing her superiority over competing technology. However, this project, which started back in the mid-eighties, has not yet reached the stage of delivery of production vehicles to the troops.


Project PUMA infantry fighting vehicle developed in the framework of the creation of the eponymous program promising BMP. Program name PUMA will fully convey the key priorities, and stands Panzer Unter Minimalen Aufwand («armored vehicles minimal cost"). At the same time the name of the machine in line with the German tradition of naming armored vehicles, implying "animal" names.

In 1986 he designed a machine PUMA, developed by Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) has been presented to the competition of the Turkish army, while selecting the new armored vehicles to equip the land forces. In this competition development KMW outperformed, but was highly appreciated by specialists. Work on the project continued, and soon a new variant of BMP perspective, different from the previous number of innovations and changes. It is this version of "Cougars", which appeared in 1988, later became the basis for a modern version of the machine offered to supply the troops. Working on a modern version of the project started in 1996.

PUMA has the appearance, typical of modern infantry fighting vehicles. It tracked armored vehicle with a front engine compartment, a rotating turret with armament and aft troop compartment. Apparently, the company's engineers KMW when creating a new project does not have reverted to the original promising solutions, but decided to use and develop the already known and proven ideas.

PUMA BMP armored hull of welded armor plates that provide protection against a circular 14.5-mm bullets. If necessary, the machine can be equipped with additional modules booking. There are two variants of this protection, received symbols «A» and «C». When equipped with a set of «A» armored car gets additional equipment weighing just over one ton of providing protection of the frontal projection of 30 mm shells of automatic guns and ammunition cumulative. When using modules «A» PUMA IFV weight in transport position does not exceed 31.5 m, so it can be transported promising military transport aircraft Airbus A400.

The kit «C» includes several additional modules weighing about 9 tons made based on the combined diversity and armor. These are two large modules that are installed on the machine, the modules to enhance the protection of the roof and towers, as well as a module that covers the forehead, sides and stern towers. Using complex «C» allows circular defense combat vehicle from a 30-mm shells. Dimensions and weight of PUMA armored vehicles with the installed protection systems «C» allows you to transport it by rail. In the early stages of the project was supposed to create a third set of armor mounted with the letter «B», which was to provide not only a heightened level of protection, but also the possibility of transport by rail car. Results of work on the set of «C» has shown that you can do with two additional variants of the reservation, and the third will lead to unnecessary complex and costly project.

Layout housing BMP PUMA standard for this class of vehicles, but it has some interesting features. Engine and transmission assemblies are in front of the body, with a shift to the right side. Near the engine is provided in the side of the lattice, which provides cooling of the power plant. Left of the engine is the workplace of the driver. Behind him is a place gunner. Place the vehicle commander is to the right of the gunner. Behind the gunner and commander is fighting compartment with uninhabited tower, equipped with remote-controlled mechanisms. An interesting feature of the tower is its location - for a more comfortable layout of the internal volume of the housing it is shifted to the left side. The stern troop compartment are six places for the soldiers. Soldiers sitting at the sides facing each other. On the right side of the hull to fit four seats on the left - two. In the rear of the hull provides a large down the ramp to facilitate boarding and leaving the vehicle.

Marines must get into the car and leave it through the stern ramp. The crew for this purpose should be used hatches. The driver and commander have their own hatches hatches gunner must use other crew members or get into the car through the ramp. To facilitate the escape car under rubble hatches do not rise up and sideways, and shifted on the axis. In the roof of the troop compartment hatches are provided the same for men. Hatches commander and gunner equipped periscopic observational instruments. Similar devices equipped with side troop compartment. For more convenience, driving, a driver has monitors on which signal is output from the cameras on the sides and rear of the hull. Gunner must monitor the situation with the help of video, set on a combat unit.

BMP "Puma" is equipped with a 10-cylinder diesel engine MTU V10 892 1100 hp With such a power plant, even when using a heavy protection of the additional «C» machine power density exceeds 25 ps per tonne. Accordingly, when you install a set «A» this value is even higher. Chassis machine has six road wheels with hydropneumatic suspension on each side. The drive wheel is located in the front of the case, the guide - aft. The maximum speed on the highway BMP PUMA declared at 70 km / h Range - 600 km.

PUMA IFV weapons found on the original uninhabited tower with remote control. The main weapon of armored vehicles is 30 mm automatic gun Rheinmetall MK 30-2/AVM using standard NATO ammunition 30h173 mm. The gun is equipped with a modified ABM nadulnym device for programming fuse shell. It is noteworthy that the instrument is set with a shift to the right side of the tower, which, in turn, is mounted offset to the left side of the hull. Thus, the gun barrel in the neutral position coincides with the longitudinal axis of the armored vehicle, which facilitates the control arms. Rheinmetall MK 30-2/AVM gun can fire at a range of 3000 m to the tempo up to 700 rounds per minute. The system control machine guns PUMA limits the maximum rate of 200 rounds per minute. It is alleged that this was done to ensure an acceptable accuracy of fire. Mechanisms provide a circular tower pointing horizontally. Vertical lay angles from -10 ° to +45 °. Available shooting in three modes: single, single with minimum intervals and automatic.

Ammunition of the main gun infantry fighting vehicle consists of 400 shells. Half of ammunition ready for use and placed in a special box in the turret. The remaining shells are located inside the crew compartment, under the tower. The gun can use two types of ammunition. For shooting armored targets used armor-piercing projectile feathered PMC 287, capable of up to 2000 m distance to break 60 mm armor (angle at 60 °). As a high-explosive projectile ammunition used Oerlikon-Contraves AHEAD programmable fuse providing undermining at a predetermined distance. AHEAD projectile contains 162 ready-made cylindrical striking element of tungsten alloy. After the explosion submunitions fly to the target, forming a relatively narrow cone. Automatic guns and fire control system using nadulnogo device determines the initial velocity of the projectile and the projectile fuze sets undermining at a specified time and at a predetermined distance from the gun.

Right from the gun turret on the "Cougars" is set MG4 machine gun 5.56 mm. The tower is placed in the 1000 rounds ammunition. A thousand rounds of machine gun is laying the crew compartment. In the rear of the machine mounted six-barrel grenade system SKWA, capable of firing 76mm fragmentation grenades and hit targets at ranges up to 50 m wide within a sector of 90 °. Grenade system is controlled by the paratroopers. To combat armor PUMA can carry antitank missile system Spike-LR.

To control the gun gunner and commander sights a BMP PUMA company Carl Zeiss. Both sighting devices are built on bi-amped (day and night channels) and equipped with a laser rangefinder. Image with sights displayed on monitors in the workplace. Additional monitor provided in the troop compartment. With it, the commander of the paratroopers can monitor the situation on the battlefield. Sighting devices are paired with the fire control system. Declared the possibility to transfer data between machines.

BMP PUMA turned out quite compact. Its length does not exceed 6.8 meters, width is 3.25 m, height - 2,98 m Combat weight machine depends on a set of modules used additional reservations. The maximum value of this parameter (set of armor «C») reaches 43 tons, the minimum (without additional reservation) - 30.5 tons combat weight fairly large impact on her machine running performance, but has increased the level of protection and, as a consequence, survivability the battlefield.


Designing the current version of PUMA infantry fighting vehicle introduced in 1996. In early 1998, the customer, through the Ministry of Defence of Germany has approved the technical requirements of the project. For continuing to develop and correcting requirements in 2002 followed by a contract. In accordance with this document by the end of 2005, the company was required to submit KMW first prototypes of the new armored vehicles. In addition, some document stipulate delivery systems for testing.

In 2004, a new contract, demand from KMW build five pre-production of the new model cars. At that time it was assumed that the first contract for construction of a batch BMP PUMA allow the Bundeswehr to get 405 of these machines. In 2006, pre-production equipment was constructed and transferred to the customer. In November 2007, the German military confirmed the desire to get a new type of production vehicles after 2010.

PUMA machine earned a large number of accolades, but testing of prototypes built worsened its image. Testers noted problems with the fire control system, poor performance of night vision devices and other problems of different systems. For example, critics have special wireless data exchange system between BMP and electronics equipment components promising soldier Gladius. Also worth noting regular attacks on a combat weight of BMP. Some military Germany believed that the maximum combat weight of about 43 tons, although provided high levels of protection, is excessive and impairs mobility, and also leads to excessive loads on the chassis.


According to the plans the last few years, the German armed forces had to get the first production machine PUMA in 2014. In October last year, the German Defense Minister Thomas de Maiziere, speaking in the Bundestag, said that the new BMP will not be accepted for service. The reason for this decision were numerous shortcomings of the proposed techniques identified during prototype testing. Existing problems do not allow initiate the serial construction of new BMP.

Thus, one of the major German projects recently appeared in an ambiguous state. To successfully complete the development and production begins KMW company must remove all deficiencies found, otherwise the PUMA project risks stay at the testing stage. The further fate of the project is not completely clear. According to reports, software company is currently trying to finalize the project with the claims of the customer.

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