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Damages Ukrainian armored vehicles
Damages Ukrainian armored vehicles
Yesterday, 08:40 Print
The so-called anti-terrorist operation in the south-eastern regions of Ukraine continues. New authorities, faced with fierce resistance, forced to leave the battle new units equipped with various weapons and military equipment. In mid-April it was announced that the newly formed division of the National Guard should get the newest Ukrainian BTR-4E in several versions. A few weeks after the appearance of such messages of this type of new technology for the first time took part in the fighting.
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Side view of the BTR-4E and BTR-80A/82A (photo

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In late May and early June were published photographs of two Ukrainian armored vehicles came under fire. It was reported that in late May ambulance BSEM 4K based on BTR-4 in convoy moving along the road Slovyansk-Raisin where ambushed "terrorists." It was also reported that the car was conducted aimed fire from both sides of the road. After such a firing machine needed minor repairs and replacement of some damaged parts. A few days later published photos of two BTR-4E, participated in the battle of Slavic June 3. Photos accompanying commentary, according to which the machine came under intense fire from small arms and were attacked with hand-held antitank grenade launchers.

Despite many injuries, both armored vehicles were able to return to the places of deployment, allowing journalists the opportunity to make and publish photos of vehicles, which participated in the fighting. The current "anti-terrorist operation" is actually the first major armed conflict involving the newest Ukrainian BTR-4 and their modifications. Thus, the available photos can reveal to some extent a matter of protecting armored vehicles and their fighting qualities as a whole.

It was alleged that the ambulance BSEM-4K (photo dated May 23) was ambushed on the road Slovyansk-Raisin. Also, the pictures are accompanied by commentaries, according to which was carried out on the car aimed fire and an unknown shooter tried to get "on the bulletproof glass, headlights, wheels." Indeed, existing photographs show traces of bullets hit exactly on those parts of the machine. So, on-board bulletproof body spots are characteristic of bullet hits, broken headlights and spotlight on the roof of the car and punched at least one wheel.

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As follows from the very existence of the photos raked BSEM-4K damage could not immobilize her, and she got to the base or destination. Furthermore, it should be noted that all the pictures recorded on the damage is concentrated in front of the machine. Images should be firing aft compartment with medical equipment available. From this we can conclude that the attackers militia fighters not fired directly at the ambulance and she "got" a random bullet. As for the impact parameter version of the fire on the most vulnerable parts of the machine, it can be refuted a small amount of visible damage.

Judging by the damage, in the photographs in the ambulance BSEM-4K were only a few bullets, and possibly fragments. According to reports, the housing BTR-4 and machines to meet the requirements of its base level 3 NATO standard STANAG 4569 and kept getting armor piercing rifle bullets of 7.62 mm. From this it follows that the car came under fire faced only with small arms, which opportunities are insufficient to guarantee its destruction. Thus, damage to the headlights, glass and wheels can not fully demonstrate the level of protection of the machine.

Far greater interest are photos of two BTR-4E National Guard, received damage in battle June 3 Slavonic. These combat vehicles have a greater number of various injuries, some of which may be the subject of dispute. It should be recalled, BTR-4E equipped fighting module "Sail" with a 30-mm automatic cannon, 30-mm automatic grenade launcher and 7.62-mm machine gun, originally intended for Iraq. But last year, the Iraqi side refused to accept another batch of Ukrainian art, referring to a manufacturing defect in the first place, kracks in buildings. After months of unsuccessful attempts to convey to the customer all armored personnel vehicles were returned to Ukraine. It missed Iraq armored vehicles currently transferred to the armed forces and the National Guard of Ukraine.

BTR-4E, who participated in the battle on May 3, got a lot of damage. The most notable failure of one of the cars - many deformation protivokumulyativnyh lattices. Front and side grilles machine considerably bent. Furthermore, they have certain tufts of grass or other "natural materials". Board lattice second armored and does "hung" grass, although no serious damage. State lattices first armored became the subject of several disputes: lovers of military equipment were trying to identify the causes of such deformities, basing its version existing photographs. Deformation grids in conjunction with grass can say that armored, leaving under fire, broke through some obstacles like greenery. Therefore, next to damaged areas, there are no traces of grids blasting cumulative grenades.

On the hulls of technology, there are numerous traces of bullet hits. Since the fire, apparently conducted from machines, all of these tracks have the form of small dents. It reaffirms the level of protection provided by enclosures, allowing stop bullets, pistols and machine guns. At the same time the enemy bullets could harm a few tires, causing the machines had to return to base using the system swap wheels. Broken several lighting devices. On some photo shows landing seats, bloodstained. According to Ukrainian sources, took out an armored personnel carrier from the battlefield wounded, wounds they received outside of the machine.

All damaged cars were deposited in small arms, but there is reason to believe that on 3 May militia Slavic applied more serious weapons. One of the armored personnel carriers (you can find it on the bend protivokumulyativnymi lattices) has several characteristic lesions. So, right panel his combat unit "Sail" is covered with soot and has a small dent chipped at the edges. Similar signs of burning or explosion are in a small area of ​​the roof and the turret. Moreover, in the turret, there are two through holes of unknown origin. They may be followed by an armor piercing bullet hit small arms, including a large-caliber, but we can not exclude other origin holes - defeat cumulative grenade. In favor of the version of the defeat of the bullet is the fact that within a few days with typical machine bent protivokumulyativnymi bars was again seen on the battlefield. Furthermore, it should be remembered that the militias have a number of high-caliber small arms, including anti-tank guns of WWII.

Proof of the use of anti-tank grenade launchers can be considered typical traces of soot on the turret sheet, and the pursuit of the bottom surface of the tower. Small arms ammunition, unlike cumulative grenades like PG-7V, simply can not leave a trace. It is also possible to assume that one hole in the armor (probably lower) grenade was done and the other - an armor piercing bullet. What is the state of combat module "Sail" - unknown. Similar damage mechanisms responsible for turret rotation, may have wide-ranging consequences, from minor repairs necessary to replace the entire combat module. Condition combat module unknown, because it is impossible to draw conclusions about the extent and severity of damage.

Raises certain questions soot on the right front panel of the tower. She says that an armored plate was exposed to a flame or explosion, for example, anti-tank grenades. However, the version of the garnet is not confirmed by the presence of penetration bronelista. Instead of through hole in it, there is only a small dent. Similar traces of burning or explosion, but with a hole near there on the right side block combat module, located near the sooty end-plate.

Probably one of the BTR-4E really came under attack with rocket-propelled grenades. It is possible that because of this machine crew was forced to flee the battlefield, breaking through some obstacles, which resulted in damage to protivokumulyativnyh lattices. In this case, there is a logical and legitimate question: why propelled grenades could not inflict fatal damage armored personnel carrier?

On account of militia-grenade already have several wrecked and burned armored opponents, but on May 3 this list is not added another armored vehicle. If the composition of the militia units were really grenade throwers, they could miss and not hit the vital units shelled BTR-4E. Thus, two armored personnel carriers were able to return from the battlefield only because of the failure of grenadiers.

We have considered the Ukrainian army and armored Natsgvardii once again demonstrated by two long-known truth. First, modern armored vehicles are really able to protect the crew from small arms bullets. Secondly, antitank grenade launchers even older models are a serious threat to the armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, and the fate of this technique is highly dependent on the skills of rocket launcher. This means that the militia of the Slavic, Lugansk and Donetsk, using weapons they have available, it is able to resist the troops and militants Natsgvardii, inflicting serious blows and disabling technique.

On this Site:
Weleh sudah betel prupen rupanya ran lapis baja Ukraina ini.
Walaupun nggak dalam kondisi "bonyok", namun akibat lemparan granat roket saja sudah membuat berantakan.
Bagaimana kalau di hajar dengan RPG -7/9 atau ATGM "Spike" / "Javelin" kayak apa jadinya, mungkin akan lebih parah lagi.
Mungkin bahan lapis bajanya bukan dari baja, tapi maaf "Kaleng Krupuk". He....he....he.....
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