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Dangerous "Dragon Fly"
Dangerous "Dragonfly"
May 27, 2014 Print
First Israeli guided missile (SD) class "air - air", which is produced by a series of large, short-range missile was the Shafrir, created based on the American missile AIM-9B Sidewinder.

In an emerging in the 1950s Suez crisis, Israel was looking for ways to boost your defenses by purchasing modern weapons. U.S. provided economic aid to Israel, but to refrain from supplying arms. During these years, a major supplier of sophisticated weaponry was France.

Guided missile "air - air" Nord 5103 (AA-20)

In the field of guided missiles of air combat for the Israeli Air Force in 1959 for the Super Mystere fighter armament company Dassault Aviation purchased 40 French missiles Nord-5103 with manual command guidance (firing range - 4 km), manufactured since 1956. These missiles have received in Israel called "Tahmas" because of the complex management were recognized in Israel unpromising. Improved French Matra R.530 missile at the end of 1950 was just beginning to be developed, to get a new U.S. missile AIM-9B Sidewinder heat passive homing (GOS) failed.

In 1959, the Israeli Air Force fired requirements to develop its own missiles "air - air" with a heat seeker. The contract to develop SD Shafrir («Dragonfly") was awarded to Rafael Armament Development Authority in March 1959. When it was required not just a missile, and organize all the necessary infrastructure for the design, production and testing. The head of this project was Hillel Bar-Lev.

The first version of the missile was an attempt to create a new, fully own design missiles with a small radius for close combat. However, testing of prototypes failed. Two years after the start of work the developers finally became clear that the rocket turned unsuccessful - too small size rocket (2 m, diameter 110 mm, weight 30 kg) were not allowed to correct the situation and spend substantial completion of construction.

Among the measures that could improve the situation, designers have offered to increase the body diameter 140 mm, length up to 2.5 m missile, warhead weight from 11 to 30 kg, equipping missiles rolleronami (like the AIM-9B Sidewinder). At the same launch mass has more than doubled - from 30 to 65 kg, range missiles at low altitude flight increased from 1.5 to 3 km, and at altitudes of about 10,000 m - 3 to 9 km.

Guided missile Shafrir

Despite the fact that the characteristics of the missile did not meet the requirements put forward to it, the Israeli Air Force, in dire need of a rocket, December 27, 1962 decided to purchase 200 missiles to arm fighters Mirage IIIC. Improvements offered by Rafael missiles have not been implemented due to concerns that efforts to improve entail delay deployment of missiles in the Air Force.

In March 1963, France conducted the first test firing with SD Shafrir for maneuvering targets. The result was disappointing, Shafrir showed a complete inability to hit these targets. And yet, it was decided that the missiles will be taken to arm fighters Mirage IIIC in 1963. It was assumed that, in parallel with the modernization program will be completed missiles and improvements will be made in the design of the rocket (the changes mainly affect the installation of remote detonator). November 4, 1963 UR Shafrir was formally adopted by the Air Force of Israel. December 6, 1965 in the amount ordered missile production was limited to 120 missiles and 50 launchers pylons.

Israeli pilots preferred missiles guns into force unreliability of the first generation SD-class "air - air" and rocket Shafrir on grounds of inefficiency even nicknamed "drop tank". SD Shafrir criticized for short range combat use, low performance, the need to comply strictly start the engine nozzle in the direction of enemy planes.

Achieved SD Shafrir hit probability was estimated at 21% without the use of a remote detonator and 47% when using a remote detonator. Actual combat use with SD Shafrir fighter Mirage IIIC, also confirmed its poor efficiency - from dozens of launches in the period before, during and after the Six-Day War, is known about the downing of only three planes: July 5, 1967 - Air Force MiG-21 Egypt, February 2 and May 29, 1969 - Air Force MiG-21 Syria.
In December 1970, SD Shafrir-1 officially decommissioned Israeli Air Force.

Fighter Kfire C.2 Israeli Air Force

Given that SD Shafrir-1 its characteristics do not suit the Israeli Air Force, along with its delivery in 1963 to the troops, began the development of a new modification of the rocket - Shafrir-2. A full range of work on the project of a new missile began March 25, 1964.

Initially, development was conducted under the leadership of Hillel Bar-Lev, and in May 1964 he was succeeded by Dr. Zeev Bonen. To reduce the risk of technological developments SD Shafrir-2 was developed as an enlarged version in size Shafrir-1. Some sources report that a fundamentally new in the rocket was only a remote solenoid fuse, while others argue that the design of rockets and homing and remote optical-electronic fuze were borrowed from SD Shafrir-1.

During the Six Day War, Israeli troops on the Egyptian airfield of Bir Gafgafa the Sinai peninsula was captured about 80 Soviet missiles close air combat K-13 (40 serviceable and the same dismantled) and 9 launchers, which were, in fact, the result of a reverse- Engineering American AIM-9B SD Sidewinder. In December 1967, after testing for compatibility with equipment fighter Mirage IIIC Soviet missiles were adopted by 119 Squadron Israeli Air Force.

However, since the end of 1962, after President Kennedy about the "special relationship" with Israel and for the supply of military equipment to him, the U.S. is beginning to replace French with Israeli arms market. After the Six-Day War, when France imposed an embargo on the supply of weapons to Israel his, finally sold the U.S. (in 1968) Israel missiles Sidewinder - at the beginning of AIM-9B («Barkan"), and then the AIM-9D («Decker" ). These events, in spite of the progress in the development of Shafrir-2, almost led to the halt of the project, as although its characteristics Israeli missile and the AIM-9B superior, she yielded the AIM-9D are equipped with cooled infrared homing and electromagnetic remote detonator, was almost twice as expensive as its much more expensive and the AIM-9B.

Nevertheless, leadership Rafael found the leverage to persuade the government of Israel of the need to continue work on the Shafrir-2 - March 9, 1969 was made the first order for series production Shafrir-2. Further events quickly - April 14 Air Force began acceptance missiles, July 1, it was officially announced readiness missiles, and on 2 July 1969, the next day, with the help of SD Shafrir-2 was shot down the first MiG-21 of the Egyptian Air Force.

Guided missile Shafrir-2

Externally Shafrir-2 resembled the AIM-9B, but the diameter of the body more Israeli missile. Heat seeker missiles capable of capturing objective only if its start in the rear hemisphere. When capturing target seeker headphones pilot beep. SD Shafrir-2 are more reliable in comparison with the Soviet K-13. In the Yom Kippur War SD Shafrir-2 "left in the shadows" missiles AIM-7 and AIM-9, its warhead enough to destroy the MiG-21, while one AIM-9 times this aircraft inflicted heavy damage only. Firing range SD Shafrir-2 at low altitude reached 5 km, height of application - up to 18,000 m, speed - 2.5 M, starting weight - 93 kg. SD Shafrir-2 is capable of maneuvering with overdrive 6 g.

In 1973, during the Yom Kippur War, the missile has proved most effective in the Israeli Air Force: 176 launches it was shot down 89 Egyptian and Syrian aircraft, or 32.1% of the total number. Production SD Shafrir-2 continued until June 1978, during which time it was made 925 combat missiles and 65 training their modifications (counting set for export). With arms SD Shafrir-2 was filmed in 1980. Just 11 years of being in service with the Israeli Air Force with the help of SD Shafrir-2 was shot down 106 aircraft.

A-4 Skyhawk Argentine Air Force

Aircraft carrier rockets Shafrir-1 is a French fighter Mirage IIIC, and Shafrir-2 - fighters Mirage IIIC, Nesher, Kfir and A-4 attack Skyhawk.

After using SD Shafrir-2 in 1982 in the Bekaa Valley (Lebanon), these missiles bought Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, South Africa, Taiwan and Turkey.

Israel memang terkenal dalam modifikasi dan membuat sistem senjata.
Mungkin dengan cara itu, mereka tidak memerlukan proses R&D yg penuh dengan kondisi "Try & Error".
Karena sikon tidak memungkinkan hal itu terlaksana, maka salah satu cara dalam kondisi sempit dan dukungan yg tidak banyak, "terpaksa" mereka melakukan "Otak-Atik Gatuk" = Reserve Engineering = "Oprek"
secara cepat namun menghasilkan daya guna dan multi guna.
Seiring dengan sikon yg kondusif di sana, sehingga pengalaman tersebut menghasilkan produk-produk berkualitas tinggi akhirnya, dan yg pasti sudah betel prupen, karena semua produk mereka telah di pakai perang, sebagai salah satu cara untuk eksis, karena musuhnya kiri-kanan, muka-belakang, atas-bawah, dalam siaga tinggi untuk menyerang dan atau melawan setiap saat.

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