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  • Malaysia dan Brunei tertarik dgn sistem rudal Club-K dan Club-M Rusia

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Malaysia dan Brunei tertarik dgn sistem rudal Club-K dan Club-M Rusia
Ketertarikan Malaysia dan Brunei akan sistem rudal Rusia disampaikan oleh juru bicara " Morinformsystem - Agat " (pengembang dan produsen alat ini)
Maria Vorobyov dalam forum senjata internasional " DSA - 2014. "

"Negosiasi dilakukan dengan Kepala Angkatan Bersenjata Malaysia Mohd Zulkifli Bin Zine dan Panglima Angkatan Laut Abdul Aziz bin Jaafar. Kami membahas kemungkinan pengiriman ke Malaysia kompleks " Club- K " untuk Angkatan Darat dan " Club- M " untuk pertahanan pantai " - katanya

"Kepala Angkatan Laut Brunei Laksamana Pertama Abdul Halim mengunjungi stand kami tertarik dengan produk kami," katanya . Menurut dia Brunei lebih tertarik kepada Club-M

Kepala Angkatan Laut mengundang delegasi " Morinformsystem - Agat " untuk mengunjungi Brunei untuk mempresentasi dan negosiasikan kerjasama

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Malaysia dan Brunei tertarik dgn sistem rudal Club-K dan Club-M Rusia

Club-K Container Missile System is designed for engagement:
- surface ships of different classes and types
- land and shore-based targets

The following types of missiles are used in Club-K system:
- 3M-54KE, 3М-54KE1, Kh-35UE anti-ship missiles;
- 3M-14KE, Kh-35UE land-attack missiles.

Universal launching module, performed as the standard maritime container-type, is the basic unit of Club-K system. Club-K system basic configuration includes from one to four universal launching modules. Club-K universal launching module ammunition load includes 4 missiles. Club-K universal launching module is fully autonomous.

The standard configuration of universal launching module includes:
- fire control system
- vertical (for 3M-54KE, 3M-54KE1, 3M-14KE missiles) or inclined (for Kh-35UE missiles) launcher
- combat management, communication and navigation system
- power-supply, life support and fire-extinguishing systems

Club-K system can be supplied with active-and-passive or passive target acquisition and designation systems (including the container-type variant) that enables to detect, identify, bear and determine target coordinates at the distance exceeding the missile range. Technical means of Club-K system can also receive target designation data from any coastal, shipborne, aviation, satellite system and complex available to the customer.

- use from any land launching positions, maritime, railway platforms and open trucks
- efficiency of delivery by all means of transport and installation on a carrier or a coastal position
- surface and land target engagement
- increase in ammunition load capabilities

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Malaysia dan Brunei tertarik dgn sistem rudal Club-K dan Club-M Rusia

The CLUB-M is a multifunctional mobile coastal missile system designed to destroy the following target types:
– antiship missiles against various types of surface ships (both individual and within a group) in the conditions of organized enemy countermeasures;
– missiles against ground targets – stationary objects on enemy territories (administrative and economic centers, munition depots and petrochemical storages, command centers, port and airfield infrastructures, etc.).
Every self-propelled launcher accommodates up to 6 (six) missiles in transporter-launcher containers (TLC).

The active and passive radar detection channels ensure flexible detection including invisible detection. The detection range is 250 km max in the active mode and 450 km max in the passive mode. Also, the system is capable of obtaining operational information from external reconnaissance and target indication facilities.
Target-destruction effectiveness is achieved by firing with both single missiles from any launcher and salvos from several launchers.

- Secrecy and mobility
- Sea surface and land targets hitting
- Employment of Club missiles family

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