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  • Bagi penakut, mending jgn nonton deleted scene The Raid 2 ini ... Kenapa?

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Bagi penakut, mending jgn nonton deleted scene The Raid 2 ini ... Kenapa?
Ini bukan spoiler ya. Sekedar informasi aja buat agan yang uda menonton maupun belum menonton The Raid 2 : Berandal kalau ternyata ada deleted scene-nya yg berjudul Gang War yang tidak kalah gory...
Siapin nyali lagi nih buat nonton ya ...emoticon-Ngakak

Lalu apa ya alasan adegan ini dihilangkan oleh si Gareth Evans ya? Asumsi awal kami pasti karena terlalu intensnya adegan kekerasan di sini alias tidak lulus sensor lembaga perfilman. (hmm … kalau pihak Malaysia menonton deleted scene ini, betul-betul tidak ada cerita The Raid 3 bisa diputar di sana). emoticon-Ngakak Namun, ternyata asumsi kami ini salah total.

Alasan utamanya adalah agar ritme film berjalan baik sehingga keputusan mendelete beberapa scene akhirnya diambil. Lalu kenapa scene ini yang dipilih Evans? Setelah dicermati secara seksama adegan Gang War ini dianggap agak menyimpang dari tema besar filmnya. Kemungkinan besar jika dipertahankan justru akan membingungkan penonton karena walau adegannya kami anggap luar biasa “mencekam”, secara keseluruhan memang agak kurang relevan jika disandingkan dengan plot filmnya.

Plus, para karakter dalam adegan Gang War ini memang minor sehingga keputusan menghapus scene ini dirasa tepat.

Berikut nih agan simak penuturan Evans :

This is one of a few deleted scenes taken from the film. Reasons to cut were entirely down to pacing issues. This was probably the hardest for me to cut due to the fact that the production on this scene lasted around 6 days of shooting, it cost us a fuck load to make and it served to escalate the gang war out onto the streets involving people outside of the closed off inter-gang politics.

At the end of the day though, after discussing its worth it took us away from the central theme for a little too long with characters that would only exist in this scene alone.

Whenever I edit a film – every scene feels like a precious moment. “No fucking way can I cut this” is a regular phrase I utter at Aram (one of the producers at XYZ Films who patiently worked with me to get the film to it’s final cut) but his patience was always a virtue and it’s when you make a cut and no longer miss it from the bigger picture a few days down the line that you realise it was the right decision to make.

But I still want you guys to see the chaos and the mayhem we had in store, and so with the release of the film coming in a few days time – here’s a sample of one of the action scenes that simply didn’t make it.


Gareth Evans

Simple aja bagi agan yang sudah menonton filmnya dan penasaran seperti apa kerasnya adegan dalam Gang War ini? Lagi-lagi siapin nyali ya tonton di link ini versi lengkapnya. emoticon-MatabeloBagi penakut, mending jgn nonton deleted scene The Raid 2 ini ... Kenapa?
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