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aris_wahyuAvatar border
NSA USA terindikasi telah lama melakukan penyadapan pada HUAWEI
Leaked NSA documents have made it pretty clear that the US security organization has been spying on the Chinese cell phone manufacturer for years.

What’s ironic, however, is that the US Government has been doing exactly what they accused Huawei of doing to others: creating back doors into the company’s telecommunications systems to peak into the company’s hardware information.

In addition to gathering data on Huawei’s products, the NSA has also been keeping an eye on the company’s high-level executives and the People’s Liberation Army (coincidentally, Huawei CEO, Ren Zhengfai is a member). It has also been reported that the NSA tried to gain access to networking devices that Huawei sold to other countries in order to give the US government more intel.

Here’s a blurb from the leaked documents:

“Many of our targets communicate over Huawei-produced products…We want to make sure that we know how to exploit these products to gain access to networks of interest”

Anyone think that the NSA was right to spy on Huawei? Or does this again prove just how out of line the US government is when it comes to privacy? Or is this just the surface of a much more intricate and frightening espionage tale? Let us know in the comments!

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komen :

udah koar2 di media dan di mana2 menuduh klo HUAWEI melakukan penyadapan di USA
tapi nyatanya USA sendiri yang melakukan penyadapan emoticon-Najis (S)

bahkan penyadapan juga dilakukan ke negara lain yg menggunakan perangkat HUAWEI emoticon-Najis (S)

pantes Snowden mau dihabisi, dan nyonya merkel sempat ngambek
ternyata si (cemen) polisi dunia juga tukang kepo toh, emoticon-Cape d... (S)

tak lupa juga berlidah ular, sebelum ketahuan, lebih dahulu menuduh,, maling teriak maling coy emoticon-Ngakak
Diubah oleh aris_wahyu 24-03-2014 14:25
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