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  • Algeria Berencana Untuk Membeli 2 Project 636 Kilo SSK Submarine Dari Rusia

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Algeria Berencana Untuk Membeli 2 Project 636 Kilo SSK Submarine Dari Rusia
According to russian media ITAR-TASS, citing a source, Algeria is negotiating the order of two Project 636 Kilo class submarines in the first half of this year, for delivery by 2018. The submarines will be constructed at the Admiralty Shipyard in St Petersburg where similar submarines are currently being built for the Russian navy.
Algerian Navy already operates four diesel electric submarines (SSK):
Two older generation Project 877EKM Kilo delivered in 1987 and 1988 and two new generation Project 636 Improved Kilo class (also known in Russia as Varshavyanka class) from a recent deal and delivered in 2010.

If it goes through, this new deal will make Algeria one of the strongest submarine force on the African continent and in the MENA region.

According to Rosoboronexport, Project 636 proved highly effective while operated by naval forces of several countries.

Unparalleled in her technical and operational specifications, the ship is designed to conduct effective anti-sub warfare along with the capability to engage surface ships and coastal targets of potential adversary striking operations both independently or as part of a larger task force. Increased output of the main propulsion plant allowed to enhance significantly her submerged speed alongside with endurance range up to 7500 miles. Furthermore, she is one of the world’s quietest diesel-electric submarines providing guaranteed early enemy detection and long-range attack as well as evasive maneuverability and concealment.

Outstanding fighting efficiency of the project 636 submarine is supported by the Club-S missile system, intended for engaging all types of surface, submerged and coastal targets with unrivalled 3M-54E cruise missiles in the background of active electronic and firing counter effort. Capable of striking targets 275 km away, the system considerably strengthens combat stability of the DE submarine when facing enemy countermeasures. Wide use of the Club-S cruise missile system may result in drastic change of the entire sea battle nature in favor of the owner.
Algeria Berencana Untuk Membeli 2 Project 636 Kilo SSK Submarine Dari Rusia
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