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30 Foto Hitam Putih Bersejarah yang di Warnai Kembali
30 Foto Hitam Putih Bersejarah yang di Warnai Kembali

30 Foto Hitam Putih Bersejarah yang di Warnai Kembali

Mungkin buat kita Foto Hitam Putih atau dikenal dengan sebutan B&W oleh fotografer yang pada jaman dahulu teknologi hanya terbatas ini merupakan sesuatu hasil yang kurang menarik jika kita bandingkan dengan hasil foto yang colorful di era sekarang, Namun Siapa sangka dengan Kreativitas tanpa batas dan imajinasi manusia kebosanan akan foto BW akan tampak berbeda.. Check this out guys.

Spoiler for Cek for Repost:

Penasaran kan? mari simak gan

Spoiler for 1. Alfred Eisenstadt: Sailor Kiss, VJ Day, 1945:

Spoiler for 2. Elizabeth Taylor – Giant (1956 film):

Spoiler for 3. Quang Duc, a Buddhist monk, burns himself to death on a Saigon street, June 11 1963.:

Spoiler for 4. Abandoned Boy Holding a Stuffed Toy Animal. London 1945:

Spoiler for 5. Hindenburg Disaster – May 6, 1937:

Spoiler for 6. Japanese Archers, circa 1860:

Spoiler for 7. View from Capitol in Nashville, Tennessee During the Civil War, 1864:

Spoiler for 8. Unemployed Lumber Worker, circa 1939:

Spoiler for 9. Auto Wreck in Washington D.C, 1921:

Spoiler for 10. Big Jay McNeely Driving the Crowd at the Olympic Auditorium into a Frenzy, Los Angeles, 1953:

Spoiler for 11. Albert Einstein, Summer 1939 Nassau Point, Long Island, NY:

Spoiler for 12. Audrey Hepburn:

Spoiler for 13. ‘Old Gold’, Country Store, 1939:

Spoiler for 14. Joseph Goebbels Scowling at Photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt after Finding out he’s Jewish, 1933:

Spoiler for 15. Nikola Tesla, 1893:

Spoiler for 16. W.H. Murphy and his Associate Demonstrating their Bulletproof Vest on October 13, 1923:

Spoiler for 17. Young Boy in Baltimore Slum Area, July 1938:

Spoiler for 18. British Troops Cheerfully Board their Train for the First Stage of their Trip to the Western Front – England, September 20, 1939:

Spoiler for 19. Oscar II, King of Sweden and Norway, 1880:

Spoiler for 20. Walt Whitman, 1887:

Spoiler for 21. Mark Twain in the Garden, circa 1900:

Spoiler for 22. Charlie Chaplin at the Age of 27, 1916:

Spoiler for 23. Operation Crossroads Baker Event in Bikini Atoll, 1946:

Spoiler for 24. Dorothea Lange: Migrant Mother, 1936:

Spoiler for 25. American Civil War: Union Captain Cunningham, 1863. Photograph: Library of Congress:

Spoiler for 26. Eddie Adams: The Execution of a Viet Cong Guerilla, 1968:

Spoiler for 27. Margaret Bourke-White: African American Flood Victims Lined Up, 1937:

Spoiler for 28. Mauretania’s first Chief Engineer with other gentlemen in Canada Dock, Liverpool, 1909:

Spoiler for 29. Anne Frank:

Spoiler for 30. Abraham Lincoln circa 1863. Photograph: Library of Congress:

Karena banyak yang nanya caranya ane bantu cariin di Mbah Google.


Spoiler for :

TS tidak menolak jika ada yang sudah Iso Memberi
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mksi abu gosoknya gan emoticon-Matabelo

30 Foto Hitam Putih Bersejarah yang di Warnai Kembali

Diubah oleh digitalaksesori 20-01-2014 12:27
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