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[Pearl Jam Maniac, wajib masuk!!!] Review Album Baru Pearl Jam; Lightning Bolt
Salam hangat untuk para pencinta musik, khususon pecinta Pearl Jam.

Nwebie mau coba buka trit tentang album barunya Pearl Jam yang di release 15 October 2013 kemaren, Lightning Bolt. Sayangnya album ini belum keluar di Indonesi emoticon-Berduka (S)

Kalo newbie cek, belum pernah ada trit yang membahas tentang album Lightning Bolt.

Jangan emoticon-Mad (S) ya Gan/Sis kalo ulasan ane ini rada nyeleneh/ngaco/jelek/tak berkenan di hati Agan/Sista semua, karena ulasan ini newbie olah dari berbagai sumber emoticon-Peace

Harapan newbie, setelah postingan ini newbie bisa dapet tambahan sodara 'seiman' dan dapet si ijo-ijo manis emoticon-Blue Guy Cendol (L) emoticon-Shakehand2

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Pearl Jam berdiri di atas fondasi sejarah panjang kultur Seattle Sounds yang populer di akhir 80-an. Pemain gitar Stone Gossard dan pembetot bass Jeff Ament lebih dahulu populer di ruang kultur tersebut melalui band bernama Green River, bersama dengan dua pentolan grup Mudhoney, Mark Arm dan Steve Turner. Gossard dan Ament lantas mendirikan Mother Love Bone, selepas pecahnya Green River, bersama vokalis flamboyan bernama Andrew Wood. Jelang rilis album mainstream perdana bersama major label, Andrew Wood meninggal dunia lantaran overdosis heroin. Untuk meneruskan karier bermusiknya, Gossard dan Ament lantas menggaet gitaris Mike McCready yang notabene merupakan teman se-almamater ketika sekolah menengah tingkat atas dengan Stone Gossard.
Ketiganya kemudian membuat beberapa demo lagu dengan bantuan penabuh drum dari band Soundgarden, Matt Cameron (saat ini menjadi drummer Pearl Jam). Untuk audisi vokalis, rekaman demo tersebut dikirimkan kepada remaja San Diego bernama Eddie Vedder melalui mantan drummer band Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jack Irons, yang nantinya juga sempat menjadi anggota Pearl Jam. Vedder kemudian mengisi tiga buah lagu, sebuah mini-opera dikenal dengan "Mamasan Trilogy" (di masa depan menjadi lagu Alive, Once dan Footsteps). Ketiga lagu tersebut akhirnya mengantarkan Vedder terbang ke Seattle, untuk menjalani sejumlah rehearsal bersama calon rekan band-nya. Salah satu di antara rehearsal tersebut adalah pada proyek vokalis Soundgarden, Chris Cornell untuk mengenang Andrew Wood, berupa album Temple of the Dog. Cornell mengajak Gossard dan Ament, sebagai rekan band Wood, beserta Mike McCready dan Matt Cameron. Eddie Vedder turut menyumbangkan vokal, salah satunya di hits Temple of the Dog berjudul Hungerstrike.
Selepas proyek tersebut, Eddie Vedder resmi menjadi vokalis dari band baru yang diberi nama Mookie Blaylock (merujuk pada nama bintang basket NBA pada saat itu). Karena permasalahan legalitas, tepat sebelum menandatangani kontrak dengan Epic Records, band berganti nama menjadi Pearl Jam.


Ini dia review dari Rolling Stone dalam bahasa asing, silakan di terjemahin ya Gan/Sis emoticon-Ngakak Intinya mah album ini lebih dewasa dari album-album sebelumnya, tapi ngga ninggalin masa-masa mudanya mereka dulu di album sini, seperti single mereka Mind Your Manner.

Pearl Jam have become their heroes, but, like Springsteen, clearly do not want to become fat Elvis. So on their 10th LP, they overthink, overemote and overreach — fruitfully. If the party line on 2009's Backspacer was that it was PJ having "fun," Lightning Bolt is the sound of anger and brooding depression. In Pearl Jam terms, this is reason to be happy.
Take "Mind Your Manners," the first single, a throw-yourself-around-the-room mix of Seattle mosh-pit metal and Bay Area snot punk that, at this late date, surely connotes "classic rock." Eddie Vedder dives into a screed about religion that announces, "They're taking young innocents/And then they throw 'em on a burning pile!" Elsewhere, "Infallible" chides "What, me worry?" types as our collective ship sinks, with Vedder's portentously huggable baritone making preacher-speak like "the hearts and minds of men" sound like wee-hours soul-bearing at the kegger.
This ability — with the band's exacting musicianship, storied integrity and respect for fans — is key to Pearl Jam's longevity. And it defines the album's most remarkable song, "Sirens," an Eighties-style power ballad recalling Creed, Nickelback and other acts who have taken Xeroxes of PJ's melodic hard rock to the commercial-radio ATM.
How is this not cheesy? Because unlike so many power ballads, there's no self-impressed stink of emotional triumphalism: Vedder sounds honestly helpless in the face of his fear and gets that love salvation is at best "a fragile thing." Co-written with guitarist Mike McCready, it's simply airtight pop: modern yet retro, dramaheavy yet plain-spoken, inspiring yet haunted, with a piercing David Gilmour-flavored guitar break and a melody that sounds like an arena full of cellphones, aloft and glowing.
Many of the best songs are downtempo, reflecting the vibe of Vedder's more folk-rocky solo projects. "Pendulum" is a creepy unpacking of depression that nods to Edgar Allan Poe; "Yellow Moon" covers similar ground with a nod to Nick Drake; and the acoustic "Future Days," like "Sirens," is a fraught but uplifting love song. Then again, a full-band rereading of "Sleeping by Myself," the standout on Vedder's Ukulele Songs, loses the bittersweet loneliness of the original.
The two most telling tracks invoke nostalgia for when rock albums carried more cultural weight. On the R.E.M.-Who hybrid "Swallowed Whole," Vedder declares he "could set the needle, spin it loud." And the dude in "Let the Records Play," a blues-rock romp with a touch of the Cramps, apparently cures his pain with LPs and a vaporizer — an ancient healing practice utilizing modern technology. That pretty much describes Pearl Jam, too.


Studio album yang sudah di lahirkan oleh Pearl Jam:
- Ten 1991
- Versus 1993
- Vitalogy 1994
- No Code 1996
- Yield 1998
- Binaural 2000
- Riot Act 2002
- Self Title/Avocado 2006
- Backspacer 2009
- Lighting Bolt 2013

Demikian informasi dari newbie. Kekurangannya mohon di maafkan emoticon-Shakehand2 kelebihannya mohon penilaiannya emoticon-2 Jempol dan cendolnya emoticon-Blue Guy Cendol (L) emoticon-Ngakakemoticon-Toast

Nah ini dia CD Lightning Bolt yang newbie punya berikut model dapet di beliin sodara waktu perdin ke Inggris, Germany Pressing emoticon-Kiss

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