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Instagram Account Leader Girls' Generation (SNSD) Kim Taeyeon
Halo agan-agan yang Sone and yang bukan ni thread pertama ane di forum..kalo suka boleh kasi cendol emoticon-Blue Guy Cendol (L) tapi jangan sambit bata ya agan-agan yang baik hati emoticon-Matabelo

Buat yang pada pake Iphone and Android pastinya udah ga asing sama yang namanya Instagram dong. Tempatnya anak muda pada ngeksis upload foto-foto kece itu loh. Nah demam instagram ini ternyata juga nular ke leader SNSD "Kim Taeyeon". Baru-baru ini tanggal 19 Maret 2013 Taeyeon buat akun instagram resmi punya dia pribadi dengan tujuan biar bisa makin deket sama Sone (fans SNSD) hasilnya dalam waktu kurang dari 24 jam akun instagram Taeyeon udah di follow sekitar 102.000 orang mantep banget kan!

Buat yang penasaran pengen liat foto2 instagram Taeyeon nih ane kasih. Si leader aktif banget upload foto soalnya emoticon-Ngakak emoticon-Peluk
and buat yang pengen follow instagramnya Taeyeon nih nama akunnya :


Profile fotonya Taeyeon di Instagram..Kece ya gan???

Upload foto Taeyeon di Jepang + Pesen buat ngeyakinin fans kalo itu REAL ACCOUNT

Nih terjemahan pesen yang ditulis Taeyeon (biar pada ga bingung tu orang ngomong apaan) emoticon-Ngakak:
“Hello! It’s Taeyeon who is in Japan~ I’m always finding ways to communicate with everyone and wanting to share good news, happy news! I’ve been using the official website and UFOtown, but something…felt lacking? (There are little things that I want to share occasionally.) But it wouldn’t be right if I took over the entire official website T. And I usually get questioned on UFOtown, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to ask you questions ^^. I know exactly what you are all worrying about. I also don’t want to get hurt or hurt the ones nearby. The reason why I’m starting Instagram is to get close to you all! I’m spending more time abroad, and the SONE’s get more global… I will post up small things, fun things, this and that… like you do one-sidedly? It’s very similar with the official website, except that the topic is Taeyeon. But it doesn’t mean I’m not going to go on the official website or UFOtown. If you want to send me text personally, send it to UFO >_<. SONE, come play a lot. emoticon-Smilie

And ini Update foto terakhir dari Taeyeon

Gimana gan, pengen ikutan follow instagramnya Taeyeon ga? ane si udah emoticon-Ngakak
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