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  • [Bohemia Interactive™ ArmA III™] Perang mempertahankan Eropa dari Iran di Mediteran

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[Bohemia Interactive™ ArmA III™] Perang mempertahankan Eropa dari Iran di Mediteran

[Bohemia Interactive™ ArmA III™] Perang mempertahankan Eropa dari Iran di Mediteran

Genre : Milsim
Platforms : PC
Formats: DVD
Price: £39.99/$59.99
Publisher: Deep Silver
Developer: Bohemia Interactive
Release Date: 12th September 2013
Age Rating: 16
Available: Steam

emoticon-CoolGame Terberat se-dunia di penghujung tahun 2013 emoticon-Cool

[Bohemia Interactive™ ArmA III™] Perang mempertahankan Eropa dari Iran di Mediteran

diperlukan Graphic Card senilai tidak kurang dari 5 juta rupiah untuk dapat memainkan dalam setting Ultra resolusi FHD emoticon-Turut Berduka

lupakan Crysis 3, Metro Last Light, Battlefield 4.........

game yang tepat untuk "menyiksa" hardware di saat dolar makin mahal emoticon-Cool

Sudah dirilis pada 12 september 2013

[Bohemia Interactive™ ArmA III™] Perang mempertahankan Eropa dari Iran di Mediteran

Bohemia Interactive menghadirkan game ini khusus untuk platform PC Microsoft Windows menggunakan engine game Real Virtuality versi 4. Engine game tersebut digunakan secara perdana untuk game ARMA 3. Sebelumnya Real Virtuality 3 sukses menghadirkan game ARMA 2, Iron Front, Take on Helicpoter dan beberapa game lain.

Game ARMA 3 bercerita tentang peperangan masa depan, sekitar tahun 2030 dengan faksi utama militer Republik Islam Iran yang mencoba menyerang NATO melalui wilayah laut Mediterania. Dalam kampanye single player berlangsung, gamer akan berperan sebagai seorang prajurit pasukan khusus Inggris, Kapten Scott Miller. Akan banyak tantangan yang harus dihadapi setelah NATO kewalahan menghadapi militer Iran. Persenjataan gamer mengandalkan UAV, artileri, serta dukungan dari militer angkatan udara. Selain NATO dan militer Iran yang ada dalam ARMA 3, ada beberapa faksi lain yang juga siap tempur, diantaranya adalah AAF: Altian Armed Forces, FIA: Freedom Island Alliance dan Civilians.

Game ini tersedia pula untuk mode multiplayer.

[Bohemia Interactive™ ArmA III™] Perang mempertahankan Eropa dari Iran di Mediteran

[Bohemia Interactive™ ArmA III™] Perang mempertahankan Eropa dari Iran di Mediteran

APC harom.. emoticon-Ngakak


Posted on November 14, 2013, Dominic Tarason
Arma 3 Campaign Episode ‘Survive’ Review – You’re In The Army Now

[Bohemia Interactive™ ArmA III™] Perang mempertahankan Eropa dari Iran di Mediteran

It was mid-September back when we first took a look at Bohemia Interactive’s rather skeletal military sim-sandbox Arma 3. While already supporting an active and dedicated community, it’s hard to deny that the game wasn’t quite ready for prime-time, let alone a full $60 price-tag. Among the most notably missing features were any kind of official campaign mode – a casualty of the early release – and something that was promised in the form of a trio of free DLC packs post-release. While you’ll find a more general look at the Arma series in our previous article, here we’ll be looking at the first of the three official campaign offerings, and (at long last) passing final judgement on the game as a whole.

Since leaving public Beta, the game has received several patches and updates addressing the worst of the initial technical issues. Now the first campaign pack – Survive – is ready to play, nestling itself softly into the main menu screen. We polished our combat boots, pulled up our Khakis and made sure we were holding our gun the right way up as we embarked on a military misadventure. With Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Ghosts offering military action with the harsh edges filed off, the Arma 3 campaign has a tough challenge ahead of it: Bridging the yawning ravine between realism and accessibility.

[Bohemia Interactive™ ArmA III™] Perang mempertahankan Eropa dari Iran di Mediteran

Set in the not-too-distant future of 2035, the Arma 3 campaign has you play the role of Ben Kerry, a NATO peacekeeper. Stationed on the small Greek island of Stratis, off the coast of the larger island of Altis, the peacekeeping mission is winding down, bases are being disassembled and troops are getting ready to go home. Whatever issues there were have been resolved, and NATO forces are moving out, preparing to hand things over to the local authorities so that things can return to normal. The dialogue is a mixture of world-weariness, snark and military bluster, but everything is peaceful, and all you’re doing is odd jobs, starting with driving a supply truck across the island. Of course, everything goes horribly wrong.

Something is rotten in the state of Stratis, as the previously surly-but-cooperative local troops turn their weapons on NATO forces. Unprepared for this sudden betrayal, most of your forces are wiped out in the initial attack, leaving you scrambling for cover and severed entirely from the chain of command. It’s just you and a slightly higher-ranking soldier, out in the middle of nowhere with falling choppers and burning bases on the horizon, and enemy soldiers lurking around every corner with shoot-on-sight orders. In short, it’s the start of a very bad day of work.

Rather than turn into a straightforward tale of military heroism against the odds, most of your time in this campaign chapter is focused around running, hiding and making hit-and-fade attacks against a much larger, better equipped and more organized force over the course of a single, very active day. By limiting the scale of the conflict to small squads operating with limited equipment, Survive acts as a simplified introductory chapter, easing newcomers into Arma without putting too much pressure on the player. You’re fighting a losing battle, so it doesn’t matter too much if sub-objectives are failed or if squadmates die, and your squad leaders are very hardy (bordering on invulnerable, presumably clad in impenetrable plot-armor), letting them take the worst of the enemy fire for you.

[Bohemia Interactive™ ArmA III™] Perang mempertahankan Eropa dari Iran di Mediteran

Survive isn’t particularly long – only eight missions – but it does cover almost all of the basics of Arma infantry combat in that time, along with a couple of more exotic roles like SCUBA insertions and quad-rotor UAV piloting. Outside of the prelude mission, though, you’ll not be driving any vehicles or manning any turrets. While it seems likely that later chapters will cover vehicular combat in more detail, this is a purely infantry game so far, focused on teaching you to shoot straight, follow orders, keep your head down and navigate the interface effectively. You won’t be seeing any enemy tanks or APCs either, and encounters with aircraft are limited to mostly-scripted sequences which aren’t usually a direct threat to your health.

Missions, for the most part, are well designed and scripted. Rather than expect you to lead a squad, you play a subordinate role here, occasionally given important tasks like calling in artillery support using your map, or laying down suppressing grenade fire, but with some additional coaching and tutorial popups if needed. It’s enough to make you feel important, but if your difficulty settings are low enough (making allied troops more responsive and accurate than their enemy counterparts), then your NPC squadmates might well take the lion’s share of the kills. Given the nature of the game, it might be good practice not to get upset when that happens, too.

[Bohemia Interactive™ ArmA III™] Perang mempertahankan Eropa dari Iran di Mediteran

This campaign also teases a couple of interesting new features, although it fails to really capitalize on them. While you’ll be assigned missions automatically if you wait around, you can tackle the middle three targets on the campaign in whatever order you like. While there’s no real reason to use this feature, it does hint that we might be seeing more non-linear content in future campaign releases. While you’re at your base camp for this encounter you can also stow and retrieve gear (including items taken from enemies) via some handily labelled supply crates, meaning that you’re not limited in your assigned role so long as you can scrounge up the right weaponry.

As enjoyable as this chapter of the campaign can be, there are a range of little problems with it. One of the most immediately noticeable is that there are frequent and jarring mismatches between the spoken dialogue and the subtitles. Whole sentences go missing or are spoken without accompanying text, and a fair few typos have slipped in as well. I also encountered an irritating audio bug, hopefully limited to just my slightly non-standard 7.1 headphones, where plot dialogue could only be heard from certain angles around me. Battle chatter and combat sounds worked fine, though, but it did turn some of the base-wandering intermission segments into a comical affair as I pivoted my head to try and hear what was being said.

[Bohemia Interactive™ ArmA III™] Perang mempertahankan Eropa dari Iran di Mediteran

On a more gameplay-centric note, official checkpoint placement is rather questionable – it’ll often save several minutes (or a lengthy hike, whichever comes first) before an encounter kicks off, and given that death can come swiftly and unexpectedly, this can lead to some frustrating, tedious situations. While your invincible squad leaders will handily catch some bullets for you, there’s still not much else stopping an NPC from killing you from half a mile away with a lucky shot. It’s the nature of Arma and something to be gotten used to, but still not ideal. To mitigate the frustration slightly, you’re given a single manual save point each mission to be placed at your discretion, although without foresight it can be tricky to know when to use it.

“Survive” is a fairly terse experience, only a few hours long – much of which will be spent hiking from place to place – but it’s a well-rounded introduction to the basics. Making it seem even shorter is the cheeky decision to almost directly clone one of the early ‘showcase’ missions, location and all, and re-purpose it as part of the story. It’s a solid enough bit of action, but this isn’t a high-budget production by any means, and feels like it was assembled (for better or worse) using the provided editing suite. It’s definitely more polished than most fan-made missions, but it doesn’t feel like Bohemia particularly pushed themselves here.

[Bohemia Interactive™ ArmA III™] Perang mempertahankan Eropa dari Iran di Mediteran

While entertaining enough in its own right, if you’re a seasoned Arma veteran, you might be better off turning to community-made missions and online antics, as this first chapter of the story is heavily geared towards providing an introductory experience. If you’re coming in hot from Arma 2 and its many expansions, then you’ve not got much new to see here. If this is your first experience with the Arma series, then you probably won’t find a more welcoming starting point than this. As daunting as some of the missions may seem, they’re fairly generous in how much you’re allowed to foul up. It’s even scripted well enough to even provide backup options if escape vehicles are damaged, or if you don’t have the right equipment on hand for a task.

Of course, the new missions aren’t the only thing to be added with the latest major update to the game. Accompanying the release of Survive was a major content patch, including a fresh handful of guns, some new special effects (including realistic physics-driven rain), a bunch of new props for use in the editor and another set of four new soldier voice packs, this time with British accents. While nothing mindblowing, if this is any indication of how Arma 3′s development is going to progress, then it’ll be interesting to see what the next two campaign episodes bring to the table, and what Bohemia’s plans for the future entail.

With the worst of the initial learning curve dealt with, it’s much easier to recommend Arma 3 as a whole, and with the Survive missions under their belt, newcomers should be relatively well prepared to take things online, or start experimenting with the editor themselves. While we still haven’t seen the full range of campaign missions, weapons, vehicles and features, the package on offer is respectably complete. Those still on the fence might want to wait for a sale, perhaps, but those wanting a proper ground combat sim really don’t have any other option. Flawed as it may be, Arma 3 is still the best in its particular niche, and gets a little better with each passing week.


  • Still the most detailed and realistic military sim on the market.
  • Refreshingly un-heroic, low-key story so far. Run, hide and survive.
  • Campaign missions are (so far) accessible and act as a decent tutorial.
  • Editing suite and Steam Workshop support means infinite content.
  • A large, dedicated and active community means online play is easy to find.


  • Still rough and unpolished in places. Some bugs and glitches persist.
  • Subtitling mismatches are especially jarring.
  • Only 8 official campaign missions so far, covering just the basics.
  • Some showcase mission content recycled for use in the campaign.
  • Interesting new features currently underutilized in official content.

Final Score: 79 (Base Game + Campaign)

Diubah oleh Black.Deneb.X4 16-11-2013 03:30
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