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salam dari salah satu kontestan Miss World
Assalomu aleykum. Meni ismim Rahima Ganieva. Men serquyosh Toshkentdanman. 2013 yilda "Dunyo go'zallik" tanlovida Uzbekiston do'vlatini taqdim etaman. Yutishga ishonaman."

18 year old Rakhima loves to play the piano. Born and Raised in the Uzbek capital Tashkent, Rakhima is a talented musician, who hopes to continue with her skill of making music long into the future. Currently a student, she has aspirations of further studies in the field of International Relations & Law, which she hopes will aid her in a career in this field. Describing herself as “Cheerful & serious at the same time” Rakhima enjoys many activities, including playing tennis, travelling, and learning history.

In Her Own Words...

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Rakhima Ganieva. I am from a beautiful and sunny city Tashkent famous for its architectural monuments and its hospitable and friendly people. Tashkent is not only the capital of Uzbekistan but also an important historical and cultural centre.

As for me, I am 18 years old. I have graduated from Tashkent Professional College of Tourism and I plan to enter the university, probably the law faculty.

Like most young eople of my age, I have a lot of hobbies and interests. First of all, I am fond of music, classical as well as modern. I can also play the piano. Besides, sport plays a very important role in my life. I had been going in for callisthenics for 4 years but now I prefer playing tennis. I lead a healthy life style. When I have some free time, I like to read a good book. For example, my favourite Russian writers are Chekhov, Dostoevsky,Tolstoy.

I like travelling as I am very interested in the cultures and life styles of other countries. I have been to Russia, England, Azerbaijan, United Arab Emirates, Cyprus. And now I am very excited and happy that I am taking part in this significant event, namely the 63rd edition of the Miss World pageant which will be held in a very amazing country Indonesia.

Finally, I’d like to thank all the people who help me and support me."

Trus doi curhat sedih dihina-hina sama FPI dibilang ikut acara maksiat, dan ngk punya otak cm ngadalin body

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salam dari salah satu kontestan Miss Worldsalam dari salah satu kontestan Miss Worldsalam dari salah satu kontestan Miss Worldsalam dari salah satu kontestan Miss World

Diubah oleh loveputhsun 09-09-2013 06:06
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