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Buku tentang korupsi dan skandal sex gereja diterbitkan
New Book Release Exposes Corruption in the Church

Millions of people worldwide rely on organized religion to cope with the struggles of daily life, to bring hope to any situation, and above all else, to draw closer to God. But what happens when the very organization that is supposed to bring relief is the cause of pain and suffering? In her new book “Religion’s Cell: Doctrines of the Church that Lead to Bondage and Abuse,” McClaskey unveils the oppression and abuse that is forced upon women in religious systems. With moving language, she candidly gives a firsthand account of her own experience of subjugation within a fundamentalist religious sect while exposing the tactics and lies used to control and manipulate women.

McClaskey describes the strict rules and expectations placed upon women and how these, along with threats of physical violence, have forced women into subservient roles and positions. She also explores the history of organized religion to describe how organized religion has systematically denied women their proper role in the church and society through corruption in translation and teaching. The result of these corruptions has robbed women of honor, dignity and authority, not only in religion, but society as a whole, leading to inequality and abuse.

“Women are the most abused race of people in human history, and it’s time for that to change. My book is a clarion call for true gender equality, not only in organized religion, but in society,” says McClaskey.

According to McClaskey, the abuses and oppression forced upon women are often hidden under the “mantle of the church” and justice for victims is rare. Now, McClaskey is fighting for change.

McClaskey says, “What must happen is change in laws that affect churches and the way they operate to stop them from hiding and perpetuating these abuses. There is no transparency for churches. We must realize this, and it’s time for that to change.”

“Religion’s Cell” exposes the oppression of women in both religion and society, and stands as a powerful and moving call to action, an effort to raise awareness and a cry for change.

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