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[Gereja Vs Gereja] Hanya Gara-gara Anjing!
All Dogs Go To Heaven

submitted by Dave Dorsett, Austin Texas

This "church signs" debate was between Our Lady of Martyrs Catholic Church (the sign on the left) and Cumberland Presbyterian, a fundamentalist church on the right. It played to its "last Word" conclusion in a small southern town.

The Catholics are displaying a great sense of humor! As you follow the debate on whether dogs go to Heaven, and WE know they do, well, you get the impression that the Presbyterians are taking this seriously and are getting progressively more upset...

We didn't send them a note and let them know that for dog owners, seeing their most-loved dog in Heaven is almost as important as seeing their other loved ones. But if you pause your mouse over each sign, you might agree with our devilish editor.

Anjing masuk surga.... Anjing....
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