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{Males Ngegunciyang,Kesian Tetangge} Versi CNN:Snowden Tamu Gak diharepin
Akibat US tergunciyang krn ulahnye Putin nyang melindungi Snowden, beredar kabar di media Ny. Rika kalo koh Putin / Rusia sebenernye kagak demen bgt ame kehadirannye si Snowden, sang Ember dapurnye Ny. Rika

Snowden is an unwanted guest in Putin's Russia

In Russian, there is an old saying: "An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar," referring to the country's medieval invaders from the East.

Although Edward Snowden's lawyer calls him "the most wanted man on the planet," it's clear that Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, would rather he were just about anywhere else.

After five weeks in Sheremetyevo Airport's transit zone, the NSA leaker was allowed to leave on Thursday under a grant of temporary asylum valid for one year. A taxi spirited him to an undisclosed Moscow location, where Putin's Federal Security Service will undoubtedly be watching him closely.

To some in the U.S., Snowden's Sheremetyevo escapade seems to have Putin written all over it. The Russian president, who once compared the U.S.'s behavior abroad to that of the Third Reich, seems to rarely miss an opportunity to score points at Washington's expense.

Yet the reality is that Putin did not seek out this problem, and now that his agents have presumably debriefed Snowden, he would much prefer for it to disappear.

Snowden was -- and remains -- an uninvited guest. Russia's intelligence agencies did not lure the NSA contractor to Moscow. It is not even clear how much they will have learned from him. Russian intelligence must have known already that the NSA was comprehensively monitoring telephone and Internet traffic.

Putin, who has never shown a soft spot for whistle-blowers and civil libertarians, is certainly not sheltering Snowden on humanitarian grounds. As a former KGB colonel, he understands the U.S. intelligence community's desire to get the leaker back.

But Putin is stuck. He cannot extradite Snowden to the U.S. without looking subservient. At the same time, he has no real interest in further damaging relations with Washington.

That might seem strange given the angry rhetoric that regularly issues from Moscow, in particular from the Parliament, where Putin's United Russia party dominates. Just in December, Putin signed a bill banning the adoption of Russian orphans by Americans.

However, anti-Americanism has always been a complicated game for the Russian president. On the one hand, it plays well in the provinces. Since December 2011, when Moscow's boulevards erupted into protest, Putin has faced the most serious political challenge of his career. Having lost the support of sophisticated urbanites, his priority has been to shore up his provincial base.


CNN: Snowden kagak diarepin di Rusia, bikin koh Putin dlm dilema aje, nyusahin koh Putin n pemerintah Russia aje. Orang tue Russia kate noh, "Tamu nyang kagak diundang entuh lebih buruk dr tatar." Kagak tau tuh ape tatar, ade agan2 nyang bise jelasin? emoticon-Embarrassment

Pengacare Snowden: (Sape bilang?? Ngarang kali lo..), "Si Snowden entuh orang nyang paling diarepin diplanet neh"

Komeng TS: Terserah ente dahhh!!
Diubah oleh gileentebrow 04-08-2013 01:13
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