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Menu Fariasi Tempe Ala Orang Luar Negeri
Selamat pagi siang sore malam agan" sekalian... emoticon-Malu (S) kali ini ane mau bahas Tempe nih..... ini bukan bermaksut buat menggoda yang lagi puasa loh yaaa.. emoticon-I Love Indonesia (S) emoticon-I Love Indonesia (S) tapi ini ane mau share aja sapa tau jadi inspirasi buat menu berbuka agan sekaliannn... emoticon-Cendol (S) emoticon-Cendol (S) emoticon-Cendol (S)

ok di mulai dari sejarah singkat tempe di luar negri gan...

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kalo di Indonesia emoticon-I Love Indonesia (S)biasa di goreng atau dibuat makanan yang mungkin kita udah tau

ini versi luarnya gan...

Tempeh Panini with Betsy and Gunther

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Temperoni scramble with Farmers Market tomato, avocado and potatoes.

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Tempeh recipe from Kris Carr of Crazy Sexy Kitchen.

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Tempeh Sir Fry

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Tempeh Lasagna

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Tempeh Chili with sprouted quinoa

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Tempe marinated in a traditional indonesian way with coriander seed and garlic. Pan fried with coconut oil

yang ini lokal gan heheh..

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Chipotle Tempeh

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The Sweet Life's Tempeh Tuna!

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Tempeh Scramble

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yg ini gak ada judulnya jadi ane namainbrassica - and tempeh emoticon-Big Grin

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Double tempeh joy with a tempeh burger and tacos

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Tempeh Peanut Satay

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Tempeh Citrus Surprise with Mango Rice

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outhwestern Tempeh pizza with black beans & Guacamole

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Tempeh Burger 2 variant

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Tempeh salad on baked potato

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Tempeh Salad

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Tempeh Tangine with tofu cilantro cream

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Blue Corn Tempeh Tacos.

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Tempeh and cashew sour cream!

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kalo udah dapet ide buat menu buka puasa ane lemparin emoticon-Blue Guy Cendol (L)ya gan... Buat buka puasa hehehh.. emoticon-Big Grin

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