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Selamat Datang di Zona

We recruit talents and potential employees from:

Fresh graduates
Program for graduate starter are Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana (BPS), Bimbingan Praktis Ahli (BPA), Bimbingan Praktis Ahli Teknik (BPAT), Bimbingan Keahlian Juru Teknik (BKJT).
These programs provide class room, on-the-job training, a support network and an introduction to our company, our business and our values

Experienced professionals
To fulfill our need on particular expertise dan experience


Pertamina development programs begin on your first day and continue throughout your career. Our development programs includes as follows:

- Opportunities to continue your education in Indonesia and abroad (selective) to develop your professional capabilities and competencies

- Training, Seminar and Workshop - through Pertamina Learning Center or other institution in Indonesia and abroad in Managerial, Specialist, Technical, Leadership and Culture

- Professional certification

- Coaching & mentoring

- People Review as our Performance Management System, is a performance appraisal tools and a basis to design development program

- Managerial and specialist career path

- Internal job posting, give you opportunities to change your career within Pertamina

- Assignment to our subsidiaries to enrich you experience and exposure as part of development program

Permisi agan2 semua, ane buat thread ini dengan maksud untuk agar kita semua bisa saling bertukar pikiran, informasi, saling diskusi apa saja yang sekiranya akan menjadi bahan tes, dan thread komunikasi bagi orang yang pingin masuk MT (ane sebut aja MT soalnya ada BPS, BPA, BPAT dan BKJT) Pertamina dan Alumni MT Pertamina.

Struktur Organisasi

Spoiler for Struktur Organisasi:


Spoiler for Link ke Rekrutment Site:

Tahapan-Tahapan Tes

Spoiler for Tahapan Tes:

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Kaskuser BPS 2010 Batch 1

Spoiler for Kaskuser BPS 2010 batch I:

Mohon dirate gan, semoga thread ini berguna.
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