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Kota-kota di Amerika 100 tahun lalu ~ American cities a century ago
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Kota-kota di Amerika 100 tahun lalu
~ American cities a century ago ~

Spoiler for Atlantic City, 1910:

Spoiler for Boston, MA, 1906:

Spoiler for Boston, MA, 1906 :

Spoiler for Broad Street north of Spruce Street, Philadelphia, 1905:

Spoiler for Broadway and the building of “The Times”, New York, 1915:

Spoiler for Cadillac Square, Detroit, Michigan, 1916:

Spoiler for Carts for transporting dairy Thompson, Washington, 1927:

Spoiler for City Hall in New York:

Spoiler for Corner of Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street, New York, 1910:

Spoiler for Dexter Avenue and the Capitol, Montgomery, Alabama, in 1906:

Spoiler for Fifth Avenue, New York, 1913:

Spoiler for Fifth Avenue, New York, 1913:

Spoiler for Fire at 55th Street, New York, 1915:

Spoiler for Forsyth Street, Jacksonville, Florida, in 1910:

Spoiler for Grand Central Station and Hotel, Manhattan, New York, 1903:

Spoiler for Grant Avenue after an earthquake in San Francisco in 1906:

Spoiler for Manhattan, 1907:

Spoiler for Ninth Street, Washington DC, 1915:

Spoiler for Post Office, Brooklyn, New York, 1906:

Spoiler for Size of Government in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1905:

Spoiler for Station “Louisville-Nashville”, Florida, in 1910:

Spoiler for The beach in Atlantic City, 1915:

Spoiler for The main street of Memphis, north of Avenue Gayoso, 1910:

Spoiler for The New York Public Library, New York, 1915:

Spoiler for The northern part of Fifth Avenue, New York, 1913:

Spoiler for Treasury Building, Washington, DC, 1913:

Spoiler for Valnut Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1910:

Spoiler for View of Manhattan Bridge from Brooklyn in 1909:

Spoiler for Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 1907:

Spoiler for Wall Street, New York, 1911:

Spoiler for Washington, DC, 1913:

Spoiler for Washington, DC, 1914:

Spoiler for Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, in 1917:


Spoiler for ada yg nambahin:

Diubah oleh sensin 29-06-2013 05:36
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