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  • Militer Israel lancarkan serangan ke Ibukota Suriah, Damaskus

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Militer Israel lancarkan serangan ke Ibukota Suriah, Damaskus

Bukit Qasioum sedang digempur oleh misil israel

Gosipnya akan ada deklarasi perang dari Suriah. Tentara Israel on high alert d Golan, preparing for ground invasion

Syrian state television has reported that a series of heavy explosions in the capital were caused by Israeli rocket strikes.

SANA said the blasts early Sunday morning targeted a military research centre on the outskirts of the capital. The research centre in Jamraya was the target of an earlier Israeli strike in January.

"The new Israeli attack is an attempt to raise the morale of the terrorist groups which have been reeling from strikes by our noble army," Syrian television said, referring to recent offensives by the forces of Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, against the armed opposition.

The agency did not say whether there were any wounded or dead.

Video footage uploaded onto the Internet by activists showed a huge ball of fire rising into the night sky.

A Damascus resident described the blasts to Al Jazeera, saying they felt like "an earthquake" and "unprecedented".
Damascus resident describes 'very huge' explosion

There was no immediate comment from Israeli officials on Sunday's explosions.

"We don't respond to this kind of report," an Israeli military spokeswoman told the Reuters news agency.

The US State Department had no immediate comment and the Israeli Embassy in Washington declined comment.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a London-based watchdog group, has also reported several explosions in the capital and its surrounding countryside.

The Syrian state media claims, reported by the Reuters news agency, come after Israel confirmed that its air force hit a shipment of missiles in Syria bound for Hezbollah.

Israel has repeatedly warned that it is prepared to resort to force to prevent Syrian weapons, including chemical weapons, from reaching Hezbollah or groups.
Diubah oleh Earth.Index 05-05-2013 02:06
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