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LadyMarbleAvatar border
Firearms Collection - What do you think?
Hi semua..

Long time no see, hahaha.

Anyway need some help.

Saat in gw lagi deket sama seorang pria.
Again, it's another long distance relationship.
We're pretty serious about that.
Yg cowo 10000 miles jauhnya dari gw, ada di negeri paman sam sono.

The problem is I just found out that he collects firearms.
He owns 13 guns. Wow..
It just shocked me actually..
He stores one in his bedside table, and stash the rest in his closet.

Pas gw tanya alasannya,
he said it has something to do with
"when seconds count, the police are only minutes away"
he wants to be able to defend himself.
And second, it's part of his hobby and collection.
It's function over form actually.
The guns are not pretty, but they work.

i have to admit, that yes,
I was kind of freaked.

Seinget gw ada sesepuh forum ini yang juga koleksi firearms kan.
Makanya gw pikir topik ini cocok didiscuss disini.

Pertanyaan gw :

  • Firearm collecting punya efek langsung ga ke kepribadian seseorang? I mean kalo hobinya gitu, apa kira2 orangnya juga suka kekerasan or something related to that? (ga bermaksud nuduh, i just dont have any idea, dan butuh pencerahan)
  • Kenapa sih tertarik koleksi senjata api?
  • Apakah wajar naruh 1 di samping tempat tidur?

Thanks yaaa..
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