du2t82Avatar border

Permisi agan2 smua y...nih thread pertama ane ...maaf klo agak berantakan

Ade ane lagi ikut kontes desain iklan minute maid gitu deh,nah ternyata gak disangka ade ane itu msuk finalis berapa besar gitu.Ane cuman minta tolong agan2 smua yg dsni buat vote ade ane,cara y gampang bgt:

1.Agan mesti login akun FB agan masing2emoticon-Malu (S)

2.masuk ke link vote kontes y CLOSED
3.klik vote (jgn smp salah vote gan,nama ade ane Dedy)

4.pm id kaskus agan2 ke ane d trit ini untuk proses kirim cendol(maaf karena keterbatasan ane cm bs kirim perhari 1 cendol bwt voters,antri ea ganemoticon-Blue Guy Peace)

5.tolong d rate emoticon-Rate 5 Star biar tmbh banyak yang vote

maaf gan klo misal ane emoticon-Salah Kamar

emoticon-Blue Guy Cendol (L)

mohon vote sebanyak banyak y ganemoticon-Malu (S)...tp giliran ea cendol yemoticon-Matabelo

NOTE: pengumuman bagi agan2 yg blm ikut vote supaya vote sebelum pukul 00.00 WIB 22 MARET 2013,maka jika vote melewati periode tersebut ane minta maaf klo tidak bisa memberikan agan cendolemoticon-Cendol (S)

jadi berlomba2 yuk vote sebelum 22 MARET 2013 biar dpt emoticon-Blue Guy Cendol (L) dr ane secara cuma2emoticon-Blue Guy Cendol (L)emoticon-Blue Guy Cendol (L)emoticon-Blue Guy Cendol (L)


1.riccoenggoemoticon-Cendol (S)
2.R.o.Bemoticon-Cendol (S)
3.ek.genkaku emoticon-Cendol (S)
4.bimbims27 emoticon-Cendol (S)
5.pegasuscell [$]emoticon-Cendol (S)
6.angkringholic emoticon-Cendol (S)
7. djokesss emoticon-Cendol (S)
8.w162 emoticon-Cendol (S)
9.khan007 emoticon-Cendol (S)
10.angonemoticon-Cendol (S)
11.Virial77 emoticon-Cendol (S)
12. Skywalker18 emoticon-Cendol (S)
13.kacrut001 emoticon-Cendol (S)
14. syahrial.up+3emoticon-Cendol (S)
15. NofalRiskiemoticon-Cendol (S)
16. youngpemoticon-Cendol (S)
17.afan04 [$]emoticon-Cendol (S)
18. steamu emoticon-Cendol (S)
19.cool_bosz emoticon-Cendol (S)
20. angeloproduct emoticon-Cendol (S)
21.gotoen emoticon-Cendol (S)
22.Yukihiro84 emoticon-Cendol (S)
23.briankamikazeid emoticon-Cendol (S)
24. w4Wac emoticon-Cendol (S)
25.asboh0007 emoticon-Cendol (S)
26. ex400 emoticon-Cendol (S)
27.baronabang +2emoticon-Cendol (S)
28. culun77 emoticon-Cendol (S)
29.comments... emoticon-Cendol (S)
30. Karaeng23+3emoticon-Cendol (S)
31. jhaelanie emoticon-Cendol (S)
32. Abenk8I8I emoticon-Cendol (S)
33. compomania +2emoticon-Cendol (S)
34.vivalamore emoticon-Cendol (S)
35. apha2009 emoticon-Cendol (S)
36.SURYAMEGAHNetemoticon-Cendol (S)
37. mytmytmyuuut emoticon-Cendol (S)
38. NvidiaGT emoticon-Cendol (S)
39. rianeska emoticon-Cendol (S)
40.baksourat123emoticon-Cendol (S)
41. odniel [$] emoticon-Cendol (S)
42. maskurfahmi emoticon-Cendol (S)
43. adibbksari emoticon-Cendol (S)
44. wan.bokae emoticon-Cendol (S)
45. Ujib emoticon-Cendol (S)
46. usefun +12emoticon-Cendol (S)
47. asroq emoticon-Cendol (S)
48. TheProfesor emoticon-Cendol (S)
49. iwanuchiha emoticon-Cendol (S)
50. qiodane+2emoticon-Cendol (S)

emoticon-Cendol (S) :berarti cendol sent
+2/+3 :berarti vote y lebih dr satu,imbas y cendol y jg lbh dr 1emoticon-Malu (S)(catatan 1 id fb cm bs vote 1x,jd klo mw vote lg mesti dgn id laen/pk id twitter laen)

trims bwt agan
NofalRiski dan syahrial.up , udah d update waiting list y...yg antri cendol sabar y,yg udah terima cendol makasih byk,yg blm vote,tlg d vote dunk...emoticon-Malu (S)emoticon-I Love Indonesia (S)

NB:jika ada salah ane dlm waiting list perihal yg vote lebih dr satu tlg lewat PM aj...terima kasih...
Diubah oleh du2t82 07-07-2013 07:59
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