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Chuck Hagel confirmed as US defence Secretary
Chuck Hagel confirmed as US defence secretary by Senate

Former Senator Chuck Hagel was criticised by members of his own party as "too far outside the mainstream" to be defence secretary
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Profile: Chuck Hagel
Hagel on World News America Watch
The US Senate has confirmed former Senator Chuck Hagel as the new Pentagon chief, after four Republicans joined Democrats to approve his nomination.

The former Republican Nebraska senator was confirmed by 58-41.

Mr Hagel will replace outgoing Defence Secretary Leon Panetta, who was confirmed by 100-0 in June 2011.

Two weeks ago, Republicans delayed a vote, questioning Mr Hagel's past positions on Israel and Iran, and his qualifications for the post.

But they dropped the filibuster stalling tactic, the first time it has ever been used to delay confirmation of a defence secretary, after a week-long recess.

North Korea allegation
President Barack Obama's Democratic Party holds a 55-45 edge in the chamber, and Mr Hagel ultimately only needed 51 votes to be confirmed.

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Hagel has stirred up a sudden storm in a chai glass here, with past suggestions that India has been using Afghanistan as a 'second front' against its old rival Pakistan”

Andrew North
South Asia correspondent
Read more from Andrew

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Republican Senators Thad Cochran, Rand Paul, Richard Shelby and Mike Johanns voted in favour of Mr Hagel's appointment.

After the acrimonious nomination fight, President Obama said he was pleased there had been at least some bipartisan support for Mr Hagel.

"I am grateful to Chuck for reminding us that when it comes to our national defence, we are not Democrats or Republicans. We are Americans, and our greatest responsibility is the security of the American people," said Mr Obama.

Earlier on Tuesday, Mr Hagel, a decorated Vietnam veteran, passed a crucial procedural vote that needed the support of 60 senators.

Among the sticking points in Mr Hagel's nomination process was a remark he made in a 2008 book that the "Jewish lobby" intimidated decision-makers on Capitol Hill.

Republican senators also said they feared the 66-year-old Mr Hagel would be too lax on Iran.

During his time as a senator, Mr Hagel angered Republican party leaders when he pilloried former President George W Bush's handling of the Iraq war.

Ted Cruz, an outspoken conservative first-term senator from Texas, recently suggested without evidence that Mr Hagel had accepted payments from North Korea.

During his confirmation hearing in January, Mr Hagel sought to reassure the Senate armed services committee that he was "fully committed" to preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

He also apologised for the "Jewish lobby" comment, saying he could not be defined by any single quote.

Mr Hagel's Democratic Party supporters produced other remarks and evidence they said showed he would stick to existing US policy on Israel and Iran.

The White House had warned of great risks in leaving the Pentagon without a leader at a time of budget challenges and while the US has troops in Afghanistan.

Senate Democrats blasted their colleagues for the blocking tactics, but some Republicans protested that they needed more time to weigh the nomination.

Others, including several senior Republicans on the armed services committee, said outright that they would not back Mr Hagel.

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Presidential nominees

>There have been some 500 presidential cabinet nominations since 1789
>In only nine cases have such nominees been rejected
>In a further 21 cases, the nomination was withdrawn or the Senate took no action
>The last time it happened was in 1989 when another Pentagon nominee, John Tower, was rejected by 53-47 in a Senate vote, amid allegations of private misconduct
>The last time a nomination was withdrawn was in 2009 - President Obama's pick for health secretary, Tom Daschle, over questions about his tax payments
Source: Donald A Ritchie, US Senate historian

Seseorang yang pernah dituduh sebagai anti Jewish-Lobby, akan tetapi ia ditunjuk sebagai seorang Defence Secretary pasti bukan karena sentimennya itu melainkan karena sikap hati-hatinya dan kritiknya terhadap US efforts selama di Afstan dan Iraq dan track record-nya selama ini. Bagaimana sikapnya nanti sehubungan dengan kebijakan militar US di Pasifik mengingat ini akan menjadi pivot penting bagi kepentingan strategies US di era administrasi ke dua bagi Obama?

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