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[Official] Football Manager 2013 Thread ~ Announced ~ Info @ Page 1 | Junker = BRP

[Official] Football Manager 2013 Thread ~ Announced ~ Info @ Page 1 | Junker = BRP
![[Official] Football Manager 2013 Thread ~ Announced ~ Info @ Page 1 | Junker = BRP](https://dl.kaskus.id/i809.photobucket.com/albums/zz17/schizofrenzz/FM%20Animations/FM-flag-SCHZ.gif)
Football Manager 2013
New features and improvements
Spoiler for new features and improvement:
Manager Roles
Another notable difference is the significant restructure of the manager’s staff and a revamp of their roles. The most obvious is that we’ve introduced the position of Director of Football into the game for the first time, which will allow managers to pass on some of their workload, such as contract negotiations, if they choose to.
In addition to this, we’ve also increased the number of specialist coaching roles within the game and given the manager greater flexibility to choose which coaches offer advice and when. The manager can also choose to complain about boardroom interference – although that particular option should probably be used sparingly.
This year sees a total revamp of team training, with a new simplified overview panel combining general training and match preparation. Choose your weekly team weekly, give the lads a rest after a big win or drag them into training the day after bad performance. You can now even send your coach to acquire more training badges to improve their skills and send the whole squad away on a training camp.
Classic and Challenge Modes
Football Manager Classic is a less time-consuming way to enjoy Football Manager. The essence of the game is exactly the same – the manager still takes charge of a squad of players and competes at whatever level he or she chooses – but they will now find that a number of their responsibilities have either been taken over by their support staff or have disappeared completely.
For example, while the player still takes charge of training in FMC, this is carried out at a 'full team' level only – there's no individual player training. And when it gets to matches themselves, there are no team talks or opposition reports... you just go straight to a game using the same 3D match engine as Career Mode. The games are played out in a quicker 'highlights only' fashion, but you can even speed this up by going straight to ‘Instant Result’.
Players who opt for Football Manager Classic will also find that they have a couple of further options in terms of how they play the game; they can either play a full open-ended ‘Career’ or they can choose to play in the new ‘Challenge’ mode.
In Challenge mode they’ll find themselves in a particular situation which will test their management skills over a shorter game time – usually half a season. Can you win a trophy with a team consisting almost entirely of kids? Or could you guide your club to safety despite being bottom of the table at Xmas?
We first introduced Challenge Mode in Football Manager Handheld 2012 and it proved to be so popular that we’ve decided to include it in FMC too.
The game will come with four free-to-play challenges, each of which feeds in to a global leaderboard.
There are more than 900 new features, most of which will be announced via a series of video blogs. The key changes include a revamp of the loans system, a major overhaul of scouting, new press conference tones and an international management revamp.
Manager Roles
Another notable difference is the significant restructure of the manager’s staff and a revamp of their roles. The most obvious is that we’ve introduced the position of Director of Football into the game for the first time, which will allow managers to pass on some of their workload, such as contract negotiations, if they choose to.
In addition to this, we’ve also increased the number of specialist coaching roles within the game and given the manager greater flexibility to choose which coaches offer advice and when. The manager can also choose to complain about boardroom interference – although that particular option should probably be used sparingly.
This year sees a total revamp of team training, with a new simplified overview panel combining general training and match preparation. Choose your weekly team weekly, give the lads a rest after a big win or drag them into training the day after bad performance. You can now even send your coach to acquire more training badges to improve their skills and send the whole squad away on a training camp.
Classic and Challenge Modes
Football Manager Classic is a less time-consuming way to enjoy Football Manager. The essence of the game is exactly the same – the manager still takes charge of a squad of players and competes at whatever level he or she chooses – but they will now find that a number of their responsibilities have either been taken over by their support staff or have disappeared completely.
For example, while the player still takes charge of training in FMC, this is carried out at a 'full team' level only – there's no individual player training. And when it gets to matches themselves, there are no team talks or opposition reports... you just go straight to a game using the same 3D match engine as Career Mode. The games are played out in a quicker 'highlights only' fashion, but you can even speed this up by going straight to ‘Instant Result’.
Players who opt for Football Manager Classic will also find that they have a couple of further options in terms of how they play the game; they can either play a full open-ended ‘Career’ or they can choose to play in the new ‘Challenge’ mode.
In Challenge mode they’ll find themselves in a particular situation which will test their management skills over a shorter game time – usually half a season. Can you win a trophy with a team consisting almost entirely of kids? Or could you guide your club to safety despite being bottom of the table at Xmas?
We first introduced Challenge Mode in Football Manager Handheld 2012 and it proved to be so popular that we’ve decided to include it in FMC too.
The game will come with four free-to-play challenges, each of which feeds in to a global leaderboard.
There are more than 900 new features, most of which will be announced via a series of video blogs. The key changes include a revamp of the loans system, a major overhaul of scouting, new press conference tones and an international management revamp.
System Requirements
The System Requirements necessary to run Football Manager™ 2013 are as follows:
PC Requirements
Windows XP/Vista/W7/W8
XP : 1.6GHz or Faster
Vista/W7/W8 : 2.2GHz or Faster
*Supported Processors: Intel Pentium 4, Intel Core Family, AMD Athlon
Hard Drive Space:
4x Speed
Video Card:
**Supported Chipsets - Nvidia FX 5900 Ultra or greater; ATI Radeon 9800 or greater; Intel 82915G/82910GL or greater.
A fully DirectX 9 compliant graphics card is required.
Earlier cards may only display 2D Match Viewer mode and are not supported.
Earlier cards may require the DirectX 9.0 SDK is installed to run the game. This can be downloaded from the following url:
Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported.
Sound Card:
DirectX 9.0c compatible
Version 9.0c (included)
TCP/IP compliant
Keyboard, Mouse
Mac Requirements
Intel Processor, OS X 10.6.8/10.7.x/10.8.x or higher, Nvidia Geforce 7300 GT or greater; ATI Radeon X1600 or greater.
Note: The game's performance and/or graphical quality may differ according to your computer's hardware and/or video card. Computers with high-performance hardware will provide the best game performance.
System Requirements
The System Requirements necessary to run Football Manager™ 2013 are as follows:
PC Requirements
Windows XP/Vista/W7/W8
XP : 1.6GHz or Faster
Vista/W7/W8 : 2.2GHz or Faster
*Supported Processors: Intel Pentium 4, Intel Core Family, AMD Athlon
Hard Drive Space:
4x Speed
Video Card:
**Supported Chipsets - Nvidia FX 5900 Ultra or greater; ATI Radeon 9800 or greater; Intel 82915G/82910GL or greater.
A fully DirectX 9 compliant graphics card is required.
Earlier cards may only display 2D Match Viewer mode and are not supported.
Earlier cards may require the DirectX 9.0 SDK is installed to run the game. This can be downloaded from the following url:
Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported.
Sound Card:
DirectX 9.0c compatible
Version 9.0c (included)
TCP/IP compliant
Keyboard, Mouse
Mac Requirements
Intel Processor, OS X 10.6.8/10.7.x/10.8.x or higher, Nvidia Geforce 7300 GT or greater; ATI Radeon X1600 or greater.
Note: The game's performance and/or graphical quality may differ according to your computer's hardware and/or video card. Computers with high-performance hardware will provide the best game performance.
1. Mengenai Junk Post
1.1. Yang Dimaksudkan Dengan Junk Post Adalah Setiap Post Yang Tidak Mempunyai Kaitan Apapun Dengan Topik Bahasan.
1.2. Dilarang Melakukan Segala Macam Bentuk Posting Yang Bersifat Junk Seperti Yang Disebutkan Di Atas.
1.3 Dilarang Posting yg Hanya Beberapa Patah Kata (One Liner)
2. Mengenai Absen Dan Salam (greetings)
2.1. Dilarang Melakukan Segala Bentuk Posting Yang Esensinya Hanya Ditujukan Untuk Melakukan Absen Dan Salam (greetings).
2.2. Absen Dan Salam (greetings) Yang Dipakai Sebagai Kalimat Pembuka/penutup Dalam Sebuah Posting, Masih Diperbolehkan.
3. Mengenai Pembahasan Out Of Topic (OOT)
3.1. Dilarang Melakukan Segala Bentuk Posting Yang Esensinya Tidak Berkaitan Dengan Game Ini.
3.2. Pembahasan Yang Bersifat OOT Boleh Dilakukan Selama Esensi Posting Utama Tetap Berkaitan Dengan Game Ini.
4. Dilarang Membuat Keributan, Posting Yang Memancing Keributan Apalagi Sampai Memprovokasi Antara Manager Dengan Manager Lainnya (No Spectre Language Allowed!!!).
5. NO ONELINER!!! NO OOT!!! (melanggar >3x langsung BRP!!!)
6. Dilarang Posting Sampai 3 Kali Berturut². Gunakan Fasilitas Multi-Quote. (melanggar >3x langsung BRP!!!)
7. Segala bentuk promosi lapak jual beli baik dari kaskus atau pun dari luar dilarang. kecuali yg berhubungan dengan thread ini dan memperoleh ijin dari TS & SATPAM.
8. Dilarang tukar-menukar GRP. (lakukan lewat PM/VM).
9. Dilarang menggunakan emoticon berlebihan yg cenderung ngejunk, emoticon dan sejenisnya TIDAK disarankan; Max 12 jam harus di edit. Jika dilanggar maka SP 1 akan dikeluarkan.
11. Posting di Thread FM 2013 ini berarti dianggap sudah membaca dan menyetujui rules ini !
12. NEWBIE tidak ada alasan tidak baca rules ini!!!
Original Posted By misterxx23►buat TS nya rules nya di tambahin.. " Di larang menyebut nama tim yg bersifat mengejek dan menghina fans tim lain << req banned + bata " 

Terima Kasih Atas Perhatian Dan Kerjasamanya
1. List wonderkid dilarang menggunakan range PA
2. Tanya rekomendasi pemain harus spesifik! butuh posisi apa, umur berapa, spesialis apa, negara apa trus untuk tim apa; jangan cuma "butuh saran bek muda bagus" atau "dicari striker haus gol"!
3. Untuk posting menggunakan gambar (picture) harus diresize, hemat bandwidth (jangan lupa tag spoiler).
thanks to parasetamol

Football Manager Press Conference

Bisakah Anda memberikan kita tanggal rilisnya?
Kita tidak bisa, karena kita sendiri juga belum tahu kapan game ini bisa dirilis, tapi kita menargetkan sebelum natal sudah dirilis
FM Classic terdengear sangat menarik. Kenapa Anda memilih untuk menambahkannya?
Dari feedback yang kita terima dan riset yang kita lakukan. Banyak orang yang ingin memainkan game ini tapi mereka tidak punya cukup waktu untuk memainkannya. Karena urusan keluarga, keharusan bekerja, atau mereka ingin keluar. Di studio kamu juga ada yang mengalami hal yang sama persis seperti mereka. Jadi kita memutuskan untuk membuat sebuah fitur baru yang lebih memakan sedikit waktu.
Sangat banyak perubahan yang terjadi di dunia persepak bolaan tahun kemarin. Apakah hal itu juga akan Anda masukkan kedalam game?
Seluruh 51 negara bisa dimainkan dan telah diupdate, dan kita memiliki lebih dari 500.000 pemain dan staff pada database tahun ini.
Berhadapan dengan media merupakan sesuatu yang sangat umum saat ini. Apakah di FM juga begitu?
Ya, akan ada beberapa tambahan yang membuat kita bisa berinteraksi secara khusus di FMC. kita juga memperkenalkan tone system -seperti pada saat memberikan team talk- pada press conference. Dengan beigtu Anda memiliki banyak variasi bagaimana Anda berhadapan dengan media dan menegaskan bagaimana karakter Anda di dalam game.
Apakah Anda akan memberikan informasi yang lain antara sekarang hingga rilisnya?
Ya, kita akan memberikannya. Tahun kemarin saya pikir, kita memiliki 25 video. Tahun ini mungkin bisa lebih.
Kita tidak bisa, karena kita sendiri juga belum tahu kapan game ini bisa dirilis, tapi kita menargetkan sebelum natal sudah dirilis
FM Classic terdengear sangat menarik. Kenapa Anda memilih untuk menambahkannya?
Dari feedback yang kita terima dan riset yang kita lakukan. Banyak orang yang ingin memainkan game ini tapi mereka tidak punya cukup waktu untuk memainkannya. Karena urusan keluarga, keharusan bekerja, atau mereka ingin keluar. Di studio kamu juga ada yang mengalami hal yang sama persis seperti mereka. Jadi kita memutuskan untuk membuat sebuah fitur baru yang lebih memakan sedikit waktu.
Sangat banyak perubahan yang terjadi di dunia persepak bolaan tahun kemarin. Apakah hal itu juga akan Anda masukkan kedalam game?
Seluruh 51 negara bisa dimainkan dan telah diupdate, dan kita memiliki lebih dari 500.000 pemain dan staff pada database tahun ini.
Berhadapan dengan media merupakan sesuatu yang sangat umum saat ini. Apakah di FM juga begitu?
Ya, akan ada beberapa tambahan yang membuat kita bisa berinteraksi secara khusus di FMC. kita juga memperkenalkan tone system -seperti pada saat memberikan team talk- pada press conference. Dengan beigtu Anda memiliki banyak variasi bagaimana Anda berhadapan dengan media dan menegaskan bagaimana karakter Anda di dalam game.
Apakah Anda akan memberikan informasi yang lain antara sekarang hingga rilisnya?
Ya, kita akan memberikannya. Tahun kemarin saya pikir, kita memiliki 25 video. Tahun ini mungkin bisa lebih.
[CENTER]source: http://[COLOR="Black"]fm[/COLOR]-[COLOR="Black"]indo[/COLOR].[COLOR="Black"]blogspot[/COLOR].com/2012/09/football-manager-2013-press-conference.html[/CENTER]
Diubah oleh fabio.borini 14-05-2013 07:38
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