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  • Irak Membeli Sistem Persenjataan Dari Rusia Senilai 5 Milyar$ Termasuk Sukhoi & MiG

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Irak Membeli Sistem Persenjataan Dari Rusia Senilai 5 Milyar$ Termasuk Sukhoi & MiG
Maliki to visit Russia to supply Iraq with warplanes and military equipments

Shafaq News / An official source revealed on Wednesday that the Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki held an agreement with Russia to supply Iraq with warplanes and military equipments worth of an estimated $ 5 billion in to be visit conducted next month at the head of a senior delegation.

The source told "Shafaq News", that "the Defense Minister, Saadoun al-Dulaimi will visit Russia next month to put the final touches to the military contracts valued at $ 5 billion."

“Signing these contracts will be during the Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki’s visit to Moscow on the tenth of next October," noting that " senior Russian officials will be present in the meeting and it is possibly to discuss the Syrian crisis file."

The source said that "the military contracts will include Sukhoi and MiG aircrafts and Russian Mi helicopters as well as military equipments."

U.S. officials revealed earlier that Iraq will receive the first batch of American fighters, "F - 16" in September 2014.

Kurds leaders led by president of Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani say that Maliki is awaiting the U.S. aircraft deal of F-16 to strike the Kurds, but Maliki denied this and said that Iraq doesn’t think of internal wars and will not allow firing one shot on the Kurds.

Barzani launched an attack last April on al-Maliki, saying that he did not commit to any promise made for the Kurds, noting at the same time that the Kurdistan informed Washington that it refuses to receive the F16 aircrafts as long as al-Maliki is in power.

Iraq has paid the first installment last December in the agreement to purchase the first group of warplanes worth about three billion dollars.

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