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Info aquarium laut
Thread ini isinya info2 dasar tentang aquarium laut.

Gua bukan master apalagi suhu.. gua cuma newbie yang mau berbagi ilmu2 dasar piara aquarium laut doank.. emoticon-Smilie

Semoga berguna emoticon-Smilie


Ikan mati terus, aquarium kacau balau.. kenapa ya?
Gimana ya caranya supaya bisa sukses punya aquarium laut?

Yang diperluin sebenernya cuma satu yaitu


iya sekali lagi KESABARAN. Kalo anda merasa anda bukan org yang sabar, mending jangan sekali2 nyoba2 nyemplung di hobby ini. yang ada akhirnya cuma buang2 duit tanpa hasil.

Kesabaran ini kepake banget untuk dua hal:
1. Cycling
2. Karantina

Apa sih cycling (dibaca: saikling)

Cycling itu proses dimana air di aquarium sudah melewati nitrogen cycle.

Apa tuh Nitrogen Cycle?

Perubahan dari amoniak, lalu dibantu dengan bakteri menjadi nitrit, lalu dibantu dengan bakteri lagi menjadi nitrat akhirnya.

1. Apa aja yang diperlukan untuk punya aquarium laut?

1. Aquarium
2. Aer laut

Udah itu aja... Hahahaa becanda Gan.. Yang diperluin sebenernya cuma satu yaitu


iya sekali lagi KESABARAN. Kalo anda merasa anda bukan org yang sabar, mending jangan sekali2 nyoba2 nyemplung di hobby ini.

2. Menghitung ukuran aquarium (dalam liter)

Caranya gampang banget.
Misalkan aquarium anda ukurannya:

Panjang 150 cm
Lebar 50 cm
Tinggi 40 cm

Cara itungnya gampang banget. masing2 coret 0 (enol) nya satu.
Lalu baru dikaliin. Jadi:

15 x 5 x 4 = 300

Iya betul ukuran aquarium anda 300 liter.


What is a Sump?
One of the most frequently asked questions in the reef aquarium hobby is "What is a sump?"

Much of this confusion stems from the synonymous use of the words sump, wet/dry filter and refugium. Technically all three are sumps by definition, which simply means a reservoir or container of water. The differentiating factors are the purpose and application of the filter.

The aforementioned filters differ dramatically from classic hang-on power filters and canister filters. They are typically located below the display aquarium and are gravity fed with water from a drain in the display tank. When an aquarium is advertised as "reef ready," this typically means it is pre-drilled with an internal overflow box and standpipe installed to drain water from the aquarium into a sump, wet/dry or refugium filter. You can easily add an external overflow box to your tank if it is not already drilled and reef ready.

The Sump
A sump is basically a container of water below your aquarium used to house filtration equipment. A sump provides the space to add a larger volume of water to your system, which helps dilute waste and makes it easier to maintain proper water parameters. A sump is also an area where you can incorporate more advanced filtration equipment and techniques beyond what can fit inside or hang-on your aquarium. Another benefit of having a sump is that it allows you to remove a lot of the clutter from inside your aquarium: cords, pumps, probes and heaters can be concealed neatly inside a sump so your display tank has a spacious, natural appearance.

"Berlin" style sumps are the most common type and are highly recommended for reef aquariums. These sumps contain a micron filter sock designed to catch debris (mechanical filtration). Filter socks should be changed out weekly or whenever they become clogged.

Berlin Sump BS-2 measures 30" x 14" x 16" The inside of a sump can be divided into different chambers using plastic or glass baffles. These baffles are often removable and can be used to create sections or increase the water volume and depth of the sump. Sections within a sump may be used to house equipment, like a protein skimmer, or to create an area for a refugium. The configuration of chambers/sections varies from user to user, depending on the individual aquarist’s needs. Bioballs and other wet/dry filter media are not found in Berlin style sumps.


The Refugium
A refugium is the most dynamic of the filters mentioned in this article because it can be used in conjunction with either a sump or a wet/dry filter system.

Within the reef aquarium hobby, a refugium refers to a chamber inside your sump (or in a separate container) where macroalgae, rubble rock and fine sand or mud is housed to provide biological filtration. In addition to the filtration benefits, refugiums are enormously beneficial to reef tanks because they provide a safe haven for microorganisms, like copepods, to grow and reproduce so they can feed livestock inside your display tank.

Refugiums can be baffled into a sump which is nice because you get the benefits of a refugium and a sump in one. Precision Marine Refugiums/Sumps are a perfect example. They feature three chambers: one for the skimmer, one for the refugium and one for the return pump.

You can also dedicate a separate refugium chamber inside the Ecosystem Deluxe Sump. Many hobbyists go the do-it-yourself route and will create a refugium using an old aquarium by plumbing them into an existing sump system. But you do not have to be an expert plumber if you want to add refugium to your tank. CPR offers a full line of hang-on style refugiums that make it possible for hobbyists of all levels of experience to quickly and easily add a refugium to their tank.

Most refugiums are lined with a fine sand or mud substrate. Small, leftover or broken pieces of live rock, usually referred to in the hobby as "rubble rock," are then added followed by a macroalgae like chaetomorpha (also known as Spaghetti Algae or simply "Chaeto").

You need to provide daylight in the 6,700K–10,000K range for your macroalgae to grow. The photoperiod in your refugium should be opposite of your display tank because it will help prevent pH swings in your system. As time passes, your macroalgae will grow and consume nitrates in the system. Then just prune the algae as needed thereby removing nitrates from your water.

1. Water is drained from the display tank through a filter sock to remove food, detritus, organic waste, dust and other particulates.

2. Water turbulence is reduced by baffles that also separate chambers and act as a bubble trap. Baffles also keep a constant water level which helps protein skimmers operate efficiently and effectively.

3. A refugium light runs opposite of the display tank's daylight schedule to maintain stable pH.

4. Macro algae like chaetomorpha or even mangrove trees can be planted in a refugium chamber to absorb nitrate and phosphate from water as they grow.

5. Live rock rubble is a breeding ground for microfauna like copepods and amphipods which are a food source for fish, coral and invertebrate. Starfish, sponges and feather dusters may also grow and can help keep water clean by consuming waste particles.

6. A substrate containing live marine bacteria is used as a bed to grow macro algae. The substrate acts as a biological filter and, over time, releases trace elements into the system to be used by coral.

7. Water is pumped into a protein skimmer to remove organic waste before it breaks down into nitrate and phosphate.

8. Water temperature is regulated by a heater. Unsightly equipment, like heaters and protein skimmers, can be set up inside a sump to reduce in-tank clutter for a more natural environment.

9. Filtered water is pumped back into the display tank to replenish the aquarium ecosystem with food, clean water and trace elements.

Protein Skimmer

What is a Protein Skimmer?

A protein skimmer is a type of mechanical filter used to remove organic material from aquarium water before it can break down into phosphate and nitrate. Marine and reef aquariums frequently contain high levels of organics—much higher than you would find in an ocean reef. Protein skimmers remove these organic compounds that otherwise would have adverse effects on water quality, causing nuisance algae growth or health problems in fish, coral and/or invertebrate.

So where do these organics in your aquarium come from? A few examples are animal waste, uneaten food, excess bacteria and toxins from corals and other organisms.

There are many different types of protein skimmers available: hang on protein skimmers (also referred to as a HOB protein skimmers), in-tank (also called internal) protein skimmers, external protein skimmers and in sump protein skimmers. The example shown above in our protein skimmer diagram is an in sump protein skimmer, which is designed to sit inside the sump of an aquarium system.

Despite the differing sizes, styles and technologies that power protein skimmers, they all essentially operate the same way. Water is pulled into a protein skimmer pump from your aquarium. Inside the pump, a spinning needlewheel (or pinwheel) impeller chops incoming air bubbles into even smaller bubbles. Organic material reacts and sticks to these micro bubbles inside the skimmer body and produces foam called skimmate that rises into a collection cup for removal. The foam is similar to what you’d find on the beach after waves crash along the shoreline.

To find the best protein skimmer for your aquarium, read How to Select, Setup and Maintain a Protein Skimmer, The Science of Protein Skimmers and Reef Ramblings—All About Skimmers.

If you have any questions about protein skimmers, like what would be an ideal nano protein skimmer, please contact us. Tech support is always free, whether you're shopping or just need advice from an experienced aquarium hobbyist. We can help you get your aquarium water clean by learning a bit more about your tank, equipment and maintenance routine. We're here to help!

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