

eorxroa.jrAvatar border
Windows 8 Release Preview (RC) Screenshot Leaked dangan PIC++
Windows 8 Release Preview (RC) Screenshot Leaked dangan PIC++
Welcome to My Thread Windows 8 RP Build 8400 emoticon-Big Grin

Selesai Donlot emoticon-Selamat
Spoiler for SS Downloading From IDM Windows 8 RC ISO:

Coba Download Microsoft Windows 8 Cari Di Google Ketik "Windows 8 ISO" emoticon-Smilie
*note: Instal Windows 8 gak error corrupt itu cek hash SHA-1 emoticon-Hammer

1. How to Upgrade Windows 8 Screenshot
Cara Instal Upgrade Windows 7 SP1 (RTM) ke Windows 8 Release Preview (RC)
*note: Extract ISO di Pake WinRAR atau 7-Zip Dari Cepat HDD ato USB yak emoticon-Stick Out Tongue
Buka Setup.exe di Instal Windows 8 emoticon-Peace
Spoiler for SS 1:

Spoiler for SS 2:

Spoiler for SS 3:

Pilih "No, thanks" dan Klik Tombol "Next"
Spoiler for SS 4:

*note: Cari Di Google Ketik "Windows 8 Product Key"
Spoiler for SS 5:

Eula Windows 8 RP emoticon-linux2
Pilih Periksa kotak "I accept the license terms" dan Klik Tombol "Accept"
Spoiler for SS 6:

Apa Itu Pilih? dan Klik Tombol "Next"
Spoiler for SS 7:

Harap Tunggu di Instal Windows 8 RP emoticon-Ngacir
Spoiler for SS 8:

Restart Windows 7 dan Instal Windows 8 Setup emoticon-Smilie
Klik Tombol "Restart"
Spoiler for SS 9:

Pilih "Continue from where I left off" dan Klik Tombol "Next"
Spoiler for SS 10:

Instal Windows 8 Release Preview (Tunggu Waktu Menit)
Klik Tombol "Install"
Spoiler for SS 11:

Spoiler for SS 12:

Spoiler for SS 13:

Selesai Instal Windows 8 Release Preview emoticon-Big Grin
Spoiler for SS 14:

Build Nomor Baru emoticon-Big Grin
Spoiler for SS 15:

Metro UI Start Screen Di Release Preview
Spoiler for SS 16:

2. Metro and Desktop In Windows 8
Review Laptop Aspire 4315 Work On WRP Build 8400 emoticon-Big Grin
Spoiler for Desktop + Winver:

New Ribbon Explorer In WRP
Spoiler for Windows Explorer:

New Change Logo Vista Orb to Metro Flag + System In Windows 8
Spoiler for System Spec:

Start Screen In Good App
Spoiler for SS 4:

Drag and Drop App Like Windows 8 RP
Spoiler for SS 5:

New Start Thumbnail In Windows 8 RP
Spoiler for Start Thumbnail:

New Add Features to Windows 8 With Media Center
Spoiler for AFTW:

Download Update In Windows 8
Spoiler for Windows Update:

Control Panel (Not Ribbon) In Windows 8
Spoiler for CP Win8:

New Theme Like Windows 8 Release Preview
Spoiler for Personalization:

New Language Bar Taskbar In Windows 8 RP
Spoiler for Input Indicator:

New Metro Touch Keyboard
Spoiler for TK:

KasBet Running IE10 Metro UI
Spoiler for IE10 RP:

Store Metro UI
Spoiler for Windows Store:

New File Manager Metro UI on Windows 8
Spoiler for FM:

Charms Bar In Windows 8
Spoiler for Charms Bar:

Win+X Menu In Windows 8
Spoiler for Win+X:

User Accounts Windows 8
Spoiler for UA:

Play Game on Windows 8
Spoiler for Games Explorer:

Spoiler for Angry Birds Running Win8:

WMP12 not WMP13
Spoiler for WMP Without Metro:

Search Apps In Metro UI
Spoiler for Search Apps:

PC Settings Metro UI on Win8 RP
Spoiler for PC Settings:

3. How to Install Driver In Windows 8
Instal VGA Driver Intel GMA X3100 di WRP
Spoiler for Install VGA Driver In W8:

4. Ada Upgrade OS Lain ke Windows 8?
Windows XP SP2 / SP3 ke Windows 8
Windows Vista SP1 / SP2 ke Windows 8
Windows 7 ke Windows 8
WDP dan WCP ke WRP

5. Windows 8 History
Windows 8 Alpha => 7850 (Enterprise) / 7927 / 7955 / 7959 => (Server Enterprise) / 7989 => M1 / M2 / M3
Windows 8 Pre-Beta => 8102 => Developer Preview (Ultimate)
Windows 8 Beta => 8250 => Consumer Preview (Ultimate)
Windows 8 RC => 8400 => Release Preview (Pro) and RT (Unleaked), Enterprise (Unleaked), Core aka Home Premium [Removed SKU Ultimate or Starter, Home Basic is gone]
Windows 8 RTM => 9200 => Pro and RT (Oct 26 on Leaked), Enterprise, Core aka Home Premium
Windows 8 Post-RTM (Windows 9 Pre-Alpha) => 9250 / 9300 => Pro, Enterprise (Next 1x September 2012 on Screenshot Unleaked From Twitter Canouna)

Just Info Now Is Kaskuser agan Leomate and ronieyuan, haryobimo96, lalat2009, Bacrid For Windows Lounge In B-Log emoticon-thumbsup:
Create by Eorx <=/=> Like Eorx LOL emoticon-Cool
R.O.A aka Eorxroa emoticon-Big Grin

Old Thread => Windows 8 Consumer Preview Screenshot Leaked dangan PIC++ by TS: Eorxroa

Sorry Salah Klonengan ID eorxroa.jr sama Prime ID Eorxroa emoticon-Nohope
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