Forum Birdies DREAMBIRDS
Spoiler for Behind the scene of Dreambirds:
Started at June 2009, when Abinara resigned from one of the top clothing company in Jakarta and met Prisa Rianzi who's a multi talented artist. Abinara taught Prisa how to draw and the ethics of tradisional art while Prisa taught Abinara as well about the world of business and having faith in their abilities to create a bigger impact in art culture.
On August they agreed to run a clothing company, and started searching a good and memorable name. At first they were ready to use " WOLFLOVESBUNNY" but then just like other companies, they changed it for some reasons, and it keep on changing until finally at Dec 2009, they had an owl that made them realized they had a common interest in animals especially birds.
At that moment, they were struggling for life, and "DREAM"were a perfect word, because in dream we will always have a hope, and "BIRDS" are extraordinary animal that has the ability to fly up in the sky and wherever they want, a free creature.
So they combined both of the words, preparing the artworks, the logo, the mission, and DREAMBIRDS ARTWEAR were born.
" We creates limited items because people don't like to wear the same tees with anybody else! "
For some reasons, people in this world wants to be different from others, they strives to look cooler, smarter, badder, and thousands of styles. When you wear a red colored shirt and you saw someone wearing the same color as you, some parts in your brain tells you " i am no longer FRESH & AUTHENTIC "
The main idea of DREAMBIRDS ARTWEAR is creating a positive propaganda when art & freedom combines in a form of apparel.
untuk cerita lebih jelasnya langsung ke sini aja gan ~HOOT!
On August they agreed to run a clothing company, and started searching a good and memorable name. At first they were ready to use " WOLFLOVESBUNNY" but then just like other companies, they changed it for some reasons, and it keep on changing until finally at Dec 2009, they had an owl that made them realized they had a common interest in animals especially birds.
At that moment, they were struggling for life, and "DREAM"were a perfect word, because in dream we will always have a hope, and "BIRDS" are extraordinary animal that has the ability to fly up in the sky and wherever they want, a free creature.
So they combined both of the words, preparing the artworks, the logo, the mission, and DREAMBIRDS ARTWEAR were born.
" We creates limited items because people don't like to wear the same tees with anybody else! "
For some reasons, people in this world wants to be different from others, they strives to look cooler, smarter, badder, and thousands of styles. When you wear a red colored shirt and you saw someone wearing the same color as you, some parts in your brain tells you " i am no longer FRESH & AUTHENTIC "
The main idea of DREAMBIRDS ARTWEAR is creating a positive propaganda when art & freedom combines in a form of apparel.
untuk cerita lebih jelasnya langsung ke sini aja gan ~HOOT!
Spoiler for alamat Dreambirds HQ:
JL.Kemang Timur Raya no.17 Bangka, Jakarta, Indonesia 12730
Spoiler for Contact Dreambirds:
- Phone: 085716791042
- YM ID: Dreambirdcs
- Email : [email]dreambirds.co@gmail.com[/email]
- YM ID: Dreambirdcs
- Email : [email]dreambirds.co@gmail.com[/email]
Spoiler for Dreambirds Reseller sudah ada di beberapa kota:
Buat yg di luar kota jakarta ini ada beberapa authorized dealer di beberapa titik kota !!
Ayo mungkin ada yg lebih dekat dari rumah, langsung aja gak ke TKP !!
Spoiler for JAKARTA:
@PennyJakarta | Graha Obor II, JL. Bangka Raya no.110 / across ke'Kun | open 11 AM - 21 PM
Spoiler for BANDUNG:
Dreambirds Artwear Bandung authorized dealer : Wormhole Store | Jl. Jalan Bahureksa 27 Bandung
Spoiler for MATARAM:
Dreambirds Artwear Mataram authorized dealer : @LVLYSUNDAY| Jl. Wr Supratman no.12 Karang Medain, Mataram, NTB | open 09 AM - 10 PM
Spoiler for YOGYAKARTA:
Dreambirds Artwear Yogyakarta authorized retailer : @Crowd_House| Jl. Cendrawasih no.25 Demangan, Yogyakarta | open 10 AM - 10 PM
Spoiler for MEDAN:
@bohoutletmedan | Jl. Jamin Ginting no. 342 ( Pajus Korona 8 ), Medan | open 8 AM - 10 PM
Spoiler for BEKASI:
Dreambirds Artwear Bekasi authorized dealer : @bzrdrock| Jl. Kemang Pratama Raya Blok M 21B Bekasi | open 10 AM - 22 PM
@store17seven | Jl. K.H Noer Ali no.35 Kalimalang, Bekasi | 10 AM - 9 PM
@store17seven | Jl. K.H Noer Ali no.35 Kalimalang, Bekasi | 10 AM - 9 PM
Spoiler for BALI:
Dreambirds Artwear Bali authorized dealer : @HIZTORYstore| Jl. Teuku Umar 151 Denpasar | open 10 AM - 22 PM
Spoiler for MADURA:
Dreambirds Artwear Madura authorized retailer : @FridayStore | Jl. Raya Sumenep no.30 Pamekasan, Madura | open 10 AM - 23 PM Detail
Spoiler for KEDIRI:
Dreambirds Artwear Kediri authorized dealer : @Loodst | Jl. Raya Botoran no.29 Tulungangung, Jawa Timur | open 10 AM - 22 PM
@throat_dvs | Jl. Permata Biru C.32 - 33 Kediri | 10 AM - 9 PM
@throat_dvs | Jl. Permata Biru C.32 - 33 Kediri | 10 AM - 9 PM
Spoiler for SEMARANG:
@ultraacloth | Jl. Pleburan Barat no.35 Semarang | open 9 AM - 22 PM
Spoiler for PONTIANAK:
Dreambirds Artwear Pontianak authorized retailer : @seijacompany| Jl. Bukit Barisan No.67 Pontianak | Open 10 AM - 10 PM /Spoiler]
[Spoiler=BANJARMASIN] Dreambirds Artwear Banjarmasin authorized retailer : @Rachel_Arts | Jl. Kolonel Soegiono no.36 Banjarmasin | open 10 AM - 22 PM
[Spoiler=BANJARMASIN] Dreambirds Artwear Banjarmasin authorized retailer : @Rachel_Arts | Jl. Kolonel Soegiono no.36 Banjarmasin | open 10 AM - 22 PM
Spoiler for SOLO:
Dreambirds Artwear Solo authorized retailer : @PinedPerigee| Jl. Rajiman 234 Solo | open 10 AM - 22 PM
Spoiler for PURWOKERTO:
Dreambirds Artwear Purwokerto : @javalinestore | Jl. Baturraden ruko no.245, Pabuan, Purwokerto | 10 AM - 9 PM
Ayo mungkin ada yg lebih dekat dari rumah, langsung aja gak ke TKP !!
Spoiler for Edition DREAMBIRDS:
Ayo Birdies Dreambirds kita sharing-sharing di forum ini tentunya dengan hal yang positif
nona212 memberi reputasi
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