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Mau milih Foke di pilkada putaran 2? Ane sih pikir pikir lagi....

Jokowi ngasih angka tiga pake simbol MeTal
Mau milih Foke di pilkada putaran 2? Ane sih pikir pikir lagi....

eh Foke mau sok ngikut2 gaul ngasih angka 1 tapi tololnya pake lambang FUCK emoticon-Blue Guy Bata (S)
Mau milih Foke di pilkada putaran 2? Ane sih pikir pikir lagi....

Sumber: http://www.worldmayor.com/contest_20...surakarta.htmldimana Jokowi dipilih sebagai 25 walikota terbaik di dunia

Testimonials for
Joko Widodo
Mayor of Surakarta (Indonesia)

The winner and runner-ups of World Mayor 2012 will be chosen based on the number of nominations in relation to the size of their cities and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of testimonials received during this year's World Mayor Project. Below we publish a selection of comments received to date about WM nominee Joko Widodo, Mayor of Surakarta, Indonesia.

Comment: Yes, Indonesia needs him. Corruption is a common thing in Indonesia, especially government officers. But not for this man. He is clean from corruption. He also successfully transform Surakarta to a modern city, while preserving cultural values. Surakarta now has become a much better city compared to it used to be. In conclusion : Jokowi is the man of action, and the best mayor in our country at this present time. (By Indra, Indonesia)

Comment: Joko Widodo (Jokowi) comes from a family whose life is mediocre, which move from one riverbank to the other riverbank. Small Jokowi with her parents was also a squatter in Mill Timber Market, and had a house they occupy when the government evicted by the city of Solo without prior notice.

Jokowi father worked odd jobs, ranging from sawed wood for furniture raw materials, sell bamboo, a car driver to pick up a bus driver. While his mother as a housewife who occasionally helped his father work at selling lumber and bamboo.

Although unhappy, parents want their children to be educated Jokowi. After graduating from elementary school in 1974, Jokowi continue their education in SMP Negeri 1 Surakarta, Surakarta and SMA 6 and later studied at the Faculty of Forestry, Department of Wood Technology, University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta.

In 1988 Jokowi start their business. With a loan from the bank capital of 30 million rupiah (3.000 US dollars) he opened the timber mill business. Completely from scratch. Due to limited capital, it does cost efficiency by minimizing the number of employees. He did not hesitate to join the employees become artisans. He drawstring wood, painting, arranging items in the container to be exported, to be porters furniture.

Jokowi furniture business boomed. In the first year of his furniture handicraft products are marketed only in Solo, the second year began to penetrate Jakarta and major cities, until the third year is able to export to France. Export demand continues to soar dramatically increasing his furniture making business arising. From only one plant, Jokowi successfully expand its business into eight factories. Of the first three employees to 1,200 employees.

Jokowi business success and success leads Furniture and Handicraft Industry Association of Indonesia (ASMINDO) Solo Raya brought into politics. Jokowi friends in ASMINDO persuade and seduce him into going to run for mayor Solo 2005-2010.

Not easy for Jokowi to accept your offer his friends. He did not imagine the world of politics and leading into the city of Solo. However, he also felt challenged to do something about the city itself. According to him, if run for mayor in order simply to gain prestige and money, certainly a lot more business to make money than to be mayor. But if it has the vision and dedication to the community, the mayor's position is very strategic.

"From the first mayor of the city of Solo could not be set properly. From year to year more and not better. Hotel also does not sell, the more disorganized the city, the less tidy, everywhere there are street vendors are not being managed properly. That's the visible eye, "said Jokowi.

Jokowi finally registering as a candidate for mayor Solo FX pairs with Hadi Rudyatmo and carried by the Democratic Party of Struggle. Rudi Jokowi pair won the 2005 election with 37% of the vote, defeating three other candidates, including incumbent partner.

The first breakthrough was made Jokowi revamping the system of ID cards and licenses. Previously, ID card takes 2 weeks, changed Jokowi to just one hour. Original licensing arrangements take 6-8 months, changed Jokowi to only six days because it uses one-stop service. If it can be easy, why difficult. If it can be fast, why have slowed.

Although the mayor, Jokowi still look plain and simple. He used to eat at the stalls that are simple roadside or „wedangan‰ in this famous place in the narrow alleys in the city of Solo. In addition to good food and cheap, Jokowi to encourage its citizens to build a people's economy remains strong.

Simplicity can be found from his reluctance to obey the rules of protocol. He does not want anyone to accompany voorrijder his official car while on duty. He does not want any of the police escort. Jokowi also used to sleep in a hotel room with his aide. The reason, to make budget efficiency and effectiveness of coordination. "I have no problem sleeping with an aide. Comfortable. Yes, if there are two single beds, we slept separately, but if only a double bed, side by side yes, "said Jokowi.

Similarly, when on a plane, Jokowi choose to sit in economy class and sat next to his aide. Jokowi even reluctant to replace Toyota Camry official car output in 2002, relics of the previous mayor. Principle, while still be used, do not need to be replaced. Because it can burden the budget.

Even more astonishing, for 6 years and a half turns out to be the mayor of Solo, Jokowi never took his salary. "I was never care my salary. My signature, but did not receive it, just try to crosscheck my aide, "he said. When asked to what's salary, with humility he refused to answer. "No, no, I do not want to answer, because it was too risky and so how so, I would not thought arrogant. That is my personal area. The important thing is I never took a salary, "said Jokowi who had had enough with the earnings from his furniture business.

One thing that stood out and got massive coverage by the media is the relocation of 989 hawkers (street vendors) in Banjarsari. There was no violence at all. Even the street vendors move to a new place that accompanied the procession with diverse cultural and arts groups palace soldiers. The success of the relocation of street vendors in 23 Banjarsari followed by relocation elsewhere. Achievements that have brought Jokowi to United Nations Headquarters in New York to speak before hundreds of invited guests at the event Governing Council Forum 2008. "Street vendor's assets, sources of revenue through tax. So do not be enemies. Do not be expelled by means of violence, "he said.

In addition to simple, unpretentious and pro-Grassroots, Jokowi also anti-KKN (Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism). He firmly rejected the investment made on a gross basis and justifies any means. "Please invest here, but do not try to bribe my staff and the administration in Solo to get permission. Currently there are 13 five-star hotel that wants to build his hotel in Solo, all licenses still on my desk. I will decide everything, certainly in a way that is open to anyone in the Solo can ask me how a hotel could be built and to get permission "he explained.

"To be honest, many are willing to bribe me. Maybe they have 510 times the establishment permission malls or hypermarkets, but as I make difficulty. Then they seduce and offer me something. But I refused, because it violates the rules, "he added.

To suppress the corruption of the apparatus, many policies have been taken. Among others, in terms of procurement, he implemented e-procurement system, the auction or procurement of goods and services electronically implementation being internet based. With this system, all auctions are conducted openly and transparently so that the opportunities for corruption to be difficult.

Jokowi has revitalized the city of Solo as a culture. He popularized a new slogan "Solo, The Spirit of Java". He operasionalkan Batik Solo Trans Bus, Bus Level Werkudara, railroad Klutuk Jaladara teak wood fired across the city center. He degree of cultural events that have been pickled into a national event such as the Solo Batik Carnival, ITB, Solo and Solo Batik Fashion Festival Keroncong. He set up along Jalan Slamet Riyadi on Sunday as the Car Free Day and he wakes up City Walk in a lot of roadway in Solo, and much more creativity Jokowi made during the reign.

With a myriad of achievements, it is not surprising when Jokowi return of its citizens believed to lead the city of Solo is the second time. In the 2010 election, he won 90.9% votes. A large vote was not by way of purchase of the popular vote, as it turns out that campaign funds are used only 500 million. He does not need to say much, because people can feel and enjoy the Jokowi leadership.

People are able to assess who actually Jokowi. He is the true leader, who loved his people and act on behalf of the people. He figures a sincere leader, tawadhu, not arrogant and do not want to be praised. Evidently, for 6 years and a half to be mayor, Jokowi photo never appeared on billboards or brochures Solo. Therefore, it was full of ideals of a true leader. (By Agus S, Indonesia)
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