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All about MT Nestle
All about MT Nestle
Nestle ngadain Campus road show neh gan!!?
untuk sementara ane tawna di ITS Surabaya ama Unibraw Malang...
Nama Perusahaan \t: \tPT. Nestle Indonesia
Judul Lowongan \t: \tLowongan Kerja PT. Nestle Indonesia
Posisi \t: \tManagement Trainee
Batas Pengiriman \t: \t3 Agustus 2010
\t \t
Keterangan \t: \tWe are looking for ambitious young graduated people with a vision, determination and a desire to succeed. Able to work in a team, integrating well with different disciplines, cultures and nationalities. People with leadership qualities, self-confident and realistic to become our:
Management Trainee
Campus Road Show will be held:
Place: Gedung Widyaloka Universitas Brawijaya
Date: August 5 & 6 2010
Time: 8:00am 5:30pm
If you are:
- A graduate of year 2009 or 2010, fresh graduate or having less than 1 year professional experience with Bachelor / Master Degree from reputable university and with min. GPA 3
- Fluent in English
- Actively involved in organizational / extracurricular activities
Please pre-register yourself before August 3, by submitting your:
1. Name
2. University
3. Major/faculty
4. Year of graduation
5. GPA
6. Email address
7. Phone number
to the following address:
Job Placement Center
University of Brawijaya
Jl. Veteran
nah klo buat yg di ITS besok gan acaranya... bingungnya ane bsok itu ngapain yaaa??? klo tes kan biasanya diumumin pesertana ??
kali2 dsini ada agan2 yang taw ALL ABOUT MT Nestle monggo d share gan....
termasuk GAJI and Suasana Kerja di Nestle Gan???
untuk sementara ane tawna di ITS Surabaya ama Unibraw Malang...
Nama Perusahaan \t: \tPT. Nestle Indonesia
Judul Lowongan \t: \tLowongan Kerja PT. Nestle Indonesia
Posisi \t: \tManagement Trainee
Batas Pengiriman \t: \t3 Agustus 2010
\t \t
Keterangan \t: \tWe are looking for ambitious young graduated people with a vision, determination and a desire to succeed. Able to work in a team, integrating well with different disciplines, cultures and nationalities. People with leadership qualities, self-confident and realistic to become our:
Management Trainee
Campus Road Show will be held:
Place: Gedung Widyaloka Universitas Brawijaya
Date: August 5 & 6 2010
Time: 8:00am 5:30pm
If you are:
- A graduate of year 2009 or 2010, fresh graduate or having less than 1 year professional experience with Bachelor / Master Degree from reputable university and with min. GPA 3
- Fluent in English
- Actively involved in organizational / extracurricular activities
Please pre-register yourself before August 3, by submitting your:
1. Name
2. University
3. Major/faculty
4. Year of graduation
5. GPA
6. Email address
7. Phone number
to the following address:
Job Placement Center
University of Brawijaya
Jl. Veteran
nah klo buat yg di ITS besok gan acaranya... bingungnya ane bsok itu ngapain yaaa??? klo tes kan biasanya diumumin pesertana ??
kali2 dsini ada agan2 yang taw ALL ABOUT MT Nestle monggo d share gan....
termasuk GAJI and Suasana Kerja di Nestle Gan???
ceuhetty dan bos.kutang memberi reputasi
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Dunia Kerja & Profesi
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