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[PS3 Exclusive][PSN ID] UNCHARTED 3 : Drake Deception

[PS3 Exclusive][PSN ID] UNCHARTED 3 : Drake Deception
Please read and don't bother asking again or i will shoot you brother
![[PS3 Exclusive][PSN ID] UNCHARTED 3 : Drake Deception](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.vgrevolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/uncharted3logo.jpg)
![[PS3 Exclusive][PSN ID] UNCHARTED 3 : Drake Deception](https://dl.kaskus.id/oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/wiki-api.ign.com/game-companies-on-twitter/thumb/3/34/Naughty_dog_logo_full.jpg/228px-Naughty_dog_logo_full.jpg)
*REVIEW from IGN, damn!! Perfect TEN!
A major aspect of this patch is that were introducing a whole new system to Uncharted 3s multiplayer. The Tournament System ushers in a points-based competition that rewards you with in-game weapons and items. There will be three reward tiers which grant you special in-game weapons or items based on how well youve played. Once you unlock a weapon or item its yours to use until the next tournament period. The points formula for the tournament is as follows:
Points = [1000 + (100*kills) + (25*assists) – (80*deaths)] * [1.2-(party size*0.2)]
Minimum = 200, Max = 6000
For Example: 10 kills, 5 deaths, 3 assists, party size 3, wins the match = 1005 tournament points
Points = [100 + (10*kills) + (2.5*assists) – (8*deaths)] * [1.2-(party size*0.2)]
Minimum = 100, Max = 500
For example: 10 kills, 5 deaths, 3 assists, party size 3, player loses the match = 118.5 tournament points
Keep in mind that more Tournament points can be earned with smaller party size. Larger party sizes will yield less Tournament points.
The math just helps to keep the numbers nice, clean and round. A tournament leaderboard will be added to the leaderboards section so you can track your skill level among your friends.
Tournament FAQS
Credit to mas Panjoel
Uncharted Synopsis & stories:
Yang baru di Uncharted3:
Many new things is introduced in UC3 that we haven't seen in UC2, such as:
-New moves, sprint, sequential jump, hanging kick etc
-Upgradable boosters
-Weapons, emblem and skins customization
-Medal kickbackfor killing many enemies
-Three Team DeathMatch (2vs2vs2) and my fav:FREE FOR ALL
-Power play, Overtime and Sudden death for Team Deathmatch
-Buddy system-(you'll be able to collectively share your successes throughout the match with each other. You can even pick up Treasures for your Buddy and allows you to choose to spawn on your Buddy if they are safely out of combat)
-Late Join (ngurangin waktu matchmaking, bs lgs join match yg ga full!! khusus kalo sendirian)
Buat yg belum pernah maen Uncharted series (yang bener aje nih?!
Bagi temen2 sesama Uncharted lover mari ngepost apa aja yg berhubungan ama UC series, tip n trick, video, glitch, ide, kesan, kritik, saran, janjian ngedate, dll, tret ini gw buat murni karena gw cinta bgt ama nih game
![[PS3 Exclusive][PSN ID] UNCHARTED 3 : Drake Deception](https://dl.kaskus.id/cdn-u.kaskus.co.id/44/c8o7xal0.gif)

![[PS3 Exclusive][PSN ID] UNCHARTED 3 : Drake Deception](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.vgrevolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/uncharted3logo.jpg)
![[PS3 Exclusive][PSN ID] UNCHARTED 3 : Drake Deception](https://dl.kaskus.id/oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/wiki-api.ign.com/game-companies-on-twitter/thumb/3/34/Naughty_dog_logo_full.jpg/228px-Naughty_dog_logo_full.jpg)
*REVIEW from IGN, damn!! Perfect TEN!

Spoiler for Tournament System:
A major aspect of this patch is that were introducing a whole new system to Uncharted 3s multiplayer. The Tournament System ushers in a points-based competition that rewards you with in-game weapons and items. There will be three reward tiers which grant you special in-game weapons or items based on how well youve played. Once you unlock a weapon or item its yours to use until the next tournament period. The points formula for the tournament is as follows:
Points = [1000 + (100*kills) + (25*assists) – (80*deaths)] * [1.2-(party size*0.2)]
Minimum = 200, Max = 6000
For Example: 10 kills, 5 deaths, 3 assists, party size 3, wins the match = 1005 tournament points
Points = [100 + (10*kills) + (2.5*assists) – (8*deaths)] * [1.2-(party size*0.2)]
Minimum = 100, Max = 500
For example: 10 kills, 5 deaths, 3 assists, party size 3, player loses the match = 118.5 tournament points
Keep in mind that more Tournament points can be earned with smaller party size. Larger party sizes will yield less Tournament points.
The math just helps to keep the numbers nice, clean and round. A tournament leaderboard will be added to the leaderboards section so you can track your skill level among your friends.

Tournament FAQS
Credit to mas Panjoel

credit to bro webi (PSN:revaga)

Spoiler for tutorial:
1. masuk community.
2. masuk cinema.
3. lo pilih dah tuh video yang mo di edit.
4. trs pencet tombol "X" pilih protect. trus start cinema.
5. nah pas lagi play disitu ada tombol bulet untuk record (tinggal record moment2 yang menurut agan2 perlu aja jangan kaya gw kebanyakan
6. ntar klo uda selesai record cari video yang uda di edit (ada tulisan edited) pencet "X" trus pilih convert video.
7. setelah selesai nanti ada pilihan mo di upload ke youtube, facebook ato XMB. trus tinggal agan pilih aja
note: untuk durasinya klo mo upload lewat UC3 langsung mending jangan lebih dari 1 menit...soalnya nanti bakal ada tulisan " your video is to long to upload...bla...bla..bla". klo emang videonya lebih dari 1 menit sebaiknya pas ada pilihan kaya di point 7, mending pilih yang XMB aja...ntar tinggal copy ke flash disk atao HD external, trus upload manual lewat PC atau HP ke youtube atau ke FB tergantung selera
sekian dari ane...semoga bermanfaat
2. masuk cinema.
3. lo pilih dah tuh video yang mo di edit.
4. trs pencet tombol "X" pilih protect. trus start cinema.
5. nah pas lagi play disitu ada tombol bulet untuk record (tinggal record moment2 yang menurut agan2 perlu aja jangan kaya gw kebanyakan

6. ntar klo uda selesai record cari video yang uda di edit (ada tulisan edited) pencet "X" trus pilih convert video.
7. setelah selesai nanti ada pilihan mo di upload ke youtube, facebook ato XMB. trus tinggal agan pilih aja

note: untuk durasinya klo mo upload lewat UC3 langsung mending jangan lebih dari 1 menit...soalnya nanti bakal ada tulisan " your video is to long to upload...bla...bla..bla". klo emang videonya lebih dari 1 menit sebaiknya pas ada pilihan kaya di point 7, mending pilih yang XMB aja...ntar tinggal copy ke flash disk atao HD external, trus upload manual lewat PC atau HP ke youtube atau ke FB tergantung selera

sekian dari ane...semoga bermanfaat

Spoiler for How to:
In order to do this, youll need to equip both named weapons on a loadout, as well as use the correct skin. Each character set also gives a different booster:
Note that only the first and original skin of each character will work, variants such as Suited/Desert Drake, Young Sully, Desert Talbot will not activate the bonus booster. The Jade Weapon set does not give any bonuses.
This combination also requires a named Long Gun and Side Arm, so one offs like Cutters KAL-7, Flynns M9 etc will also not give any bonuses.
Drake + Drakes AK + Drakes Para 9 = Explosive Buddy
Sully + Sullys Dragon + Sullys Arm Micro = For My Buddy
Elena + Elenas G-Mal + Elenas Raffica = Thanks Buddy
Chloe + Chloes M9 + Chloes Tau = For My Buddy
Marlowe + Marlowes M9 + Marlowes Para 9 = Sugar Buddy
Talbot + Talbots Fal-SS + Talbots Arm Micro = Stealth Buddy
Rameses + Rameses Kal-7 + Rameses Raffica = Booty Buddy
Setelah patch 1.13 lbh gampang dapetnya soalnya semua senjata unik bisa beli di PS Store jd ga perlu lg susah2 grinding treasure lagi
Ini videonya supaya lebih jelas:
Sully + Sullys Dragon + Sullys Arm Micro = For My Buddy
Elena + Elenas G-Mal + Elenas Raffica = Thanks Buddy
Chloe + Chloes M9 + Chloes Tau = For My Buddy
Marlowe + Marlowes M9 + Marlowes Para 9 = Sugar Buddy
Talbot + Talbots Fal-SS + Talbots Arm Micro = Stealth Buddy
Rameses + Rameses Kal-7 + Rameses Raffica = Booty Buddy
Setelah patch 1.13 lbh gampang dapetnya soalnya semua senjata unik bisa beli di PS Store jd ga perlu lg susah2 grinding treasure lagi
Ini videonya supaya lebih jelas:

Note that only the first and original skin of each character will work, variants such as Suited/Desert Drake, Young Sully, Desert Talbot will not activate the bonus booster. The Jade Weapon set does not give any bonuses.
This combination also requires a named Long Gun and Side Arm, so one offs like Cutters KAL-7, Flynns M9 etc will also not give any bonuses.
Credit to bro Dorecome

Uncharted Synopsis & stories:
Spoiler for :
Unchartedis a series of action-adventure/platforming/third-person shooter video games developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment exclusively for the PlayStation 3 video game console. The series follows the adventures of modern-day treasure hunter Nathan "Nate" Drake as he travels around the world in search of mystical treasures. The series includes Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, its sequel Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, a motion comic prequel, Uncharted: Eye of Indra, as well as an upcoming game titled Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception and a feature length film.
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is the third game in the series, and, like its previous installments, is a PlayStation 3 exclusive action/adventure video game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It is set to be released November 1, 2011. The story focuses on the heros relationship with his mentor and father figure, Victor Sully Sullivan, and has him searching for a legendary lost city that will ultimately take him to the Arabian Peninsula and the vast wasteland of the Rub' al Khali Desert, also known as the Empty Quarter (Said legendary lost city has been known by various names, including Iram of the Pillars and the Atlantis of the Sands). It will also include new features such as enhanced backward climbing and the ability to fight multiple enemies at once.
Courtesy of wikipedia.com (gw males nulisnya gan jadi maen kopas aja yg penting tujuan tercapai
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is the third game in the series, and, like its previous installments, is a PlayStation 3 exclusive action/adventure video game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It is set to be released November 1, 2011. The story focuses on the heros relationship with his mentor and father figure, Victor Sully Sullivan, and has him searching for a legendary lost city that will ultimately take him to the Arabian Peninsula and the vast wasteland of the Rub' al Khali Desert, also known as the Empty Quarter (Said legendary lost city has been known by various names, including Iram of the Pillars and the Atlantis of the Sands). It will also include new features such as enhanced backward climbing and the ability to fight multiple enemies at once.
Courtesy of wikipedia.com (gw males nulisnya gan jadi maen kopas aja yg penting tujuan tercapai

Pro Tips and Trick from big2krew:
Bisa juga diakses dari UCTV
Bisa juga diakses dari UCTV

Yang baru di Uncharted3:
Spoiler for :
Many new things is introduced in UC3 that we haven't seen in UC2, such as:
-New moves, sprint, sequential jump, hanging kick etc
-Upgradable boosters
-Weapons, emblem and skins customization
-Medal kickbackfor killing many enemies
-Three Team DeathMatch (2vs2vs2) and my fav:FREE FOR ALL
-Power play, Overtime and Sudden death for Team Deathmatch
-Buddy system-(you'll be able to collectively share your successes throughout the match with each other. You can even pick up Treasures for your Buddy and allows you to choose to spawn on your Buddy if they are safely out of combat)
-Late Join (ngurangin waktu matchmaking, bs lgs join match yg ga full!! khusus kalo sendirian)
Buat yg belum pernah maen Uncharted series (yang bener aje nih?!

Spoiler for :
Why Play Uncharted while there's many action shooter game?
-Dynamic movement, seems like u can do anything with your character, you wont find this kind of fluid movement on other shooting games.
-Awesome Graphic- This is one reason why you should be proud owning a PS3 dude!!
-Epic Storyline + full action scenes- just like A-class hollywood movie (read synopsis)
Con :
Single Player: nonedude, the storyline and action n graphic are just 2 perfect
Multiplayer: UC need high speed internet connection so players with turtle connection (mostly like us in Indonesia) will have trouble finding match, lagging games, and sometimes can't get into the lobby at all, it happen frequently in UC2 n hopefully NOT in this sequel
-Dynamic movement, seems like u can do anything with your character, you wont find this kind of fluid movement on other shooting games.
-Awesome Graphic- This is one reason why you should be proud owning a PS3 dude!!
-Epic Storyline + full action scenes- just like A-class hollywood movie (read synopsis)
Con :
Single Player: nonedude, the storyline and action n graphic are just 2 perfect
Multiplayer: UC need high speed internet connection so players with turtle connection (mostly like us in Indonesia) will have trouble finding match, lagging games, and sometimes can't get into the lobby at all, it happen frequently in UC2 n hopefully NOT in this sequel

Bagi temen2 sesama Uncharted lover mari ngepost apa aja yg berhubungan ama UC series, tip n trick, video, glitch, ide, kesan, kritik, saran, janjian ngedate, dll, tret ini gw buat murni karena gw cinta bgt ama nih game

![[PS3 Exclusive][PSN ID] UNCHARTED 3 : Drake Deception](https://dl.kaskus.id/cdn-u.kaskus.co.id/44/c8o7xal0.gif)
0 suara
Uncharted favorit ente (story+gameplay):
Diubah oleh minano 11-01-2013 05:51

KnightDruid memberi reputasi

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