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===Forum Baterai Rechargeable & Charger R/C===
=Thread Khusus Sharing Masalah Baterai Rechargeable & Charger R/C=

emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S) emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S) emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)
emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)---------------------------------------emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)
emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)-----emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)---------------emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)--emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)
emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)-----emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)------------emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)-----emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)
emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)-----emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)----------emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)-------emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)
emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)-----emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)--------emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)---------emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)
emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)-----emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)------emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)-----------emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)
emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)-----emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)----emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)-------------emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)
emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S) -emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)----------------emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)
emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S) -emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)----------------emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)
emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)-----emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)----emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)-------------emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)
emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)-----emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)------emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)-----------emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)
emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)-----emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)--------emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)---------emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)
emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)-----emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)----------emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)-------emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)
emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)-----emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)------------emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)-----emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)
emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)-----emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)---------------emoticon-Cendol (S)emoticon-Cendol (S)--emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)
emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)---------------------------------------emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)
emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S) emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S) emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S) emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)emoticon-Sundul Gan (S)

Bagi Kaskuser yg suka main R/C Car,Heli & Boat mari sharing di thread ini :
- Masalah yg dialami batre para Kaskuser,emoticon-Smilie
- Masalah yg dialami pada charger para kaskuser,
- Masalah yg dialami pada saat pemasangan di unit R/C Car ,Heli & Boat,
- Tips-tips mengenai batre & charger nya,
- Jenis-jenis,sifat & karakteristik batre Li-po, Ni-MH, Li-Fe, Ni-CD, Li-ionemoticon-Smilie

Pokoknya semua yg berhubungan ama Batre rechargeable & Charger silahkan posting di thread ini
emoticon-Angkat Beer

Rules of the thread:

1. Jangan ngejunk
2. Jangan Jualan di sini
3. Pada dasarnya thread ini khusus diskusi apa aja tentang baterai & charger , silahkan gabung,silahkan kl mau upload foto baterai & charger
4. NO SARA!!!!
5. Rate bintang 5 thread ini ***** emoticon-Rate 5 Star
6. Kirim cendol buat TS nya emoticon-Blue Guy Cendol (L)

Sedikit deskripsi mengenai Li-Po
Spoiler for Li-Po:

Teori merangkai Baterai
Spoiler for Skema:

Charger milik para kaskuser. . .
Spoiler for Charger:

Spoiler for Colokan Charger:

Gambar Rangkaian Automatic Dry Cell Charger (Charger Aki Kering Otomatis)
Spoiler for "Gambar Rangkaian Automatic Dry Cell Charger (Charger Aki Kering Otomatis)":
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