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[Lounge] Pengguna Mouse & Keyboard A4tech X7 Series, Monggo masuk.
[Lounge] Pengguna Mouse & Keyboard A4tech X7 Series, Monggo masuk.
A4Tech X7 Series
Disini tempat kumpul para pengguna Keyboard dan Mouse gaming A4tech X7. Kita bisa saling sharing, bertukar pikiran, maupun berbagi tips & Trick disini. X7 mungkin bisa dikategorikan sebagai Produk KereHore, Murah tapi gk murahan. Ane udah lama pake produk A4tech, mulai dulu pake mouse cupu sampe sekarang ane pake Gaming seriesnya, yakni X7. Monggo agan2 sesama pengguna A4tech X7 Series, kita sharing di sini.
Spoiler for Sekilas Tentang A4tech:
Sekilas tentang A4tech
Since A4 Tech Corporation has founded in 1987 , our commitment and passion have not changed . Today A4 Tech is a global leader of personal computer peripherals . A4 Tech had won many awards in recognition for our unique innovative technology . A4 Tech maintains an exceptionally strong commitment to develop , for it's within the discipline of development that yesterday's fiction becomes tomorrow's reality . We strive to identify things which , when made better , improve people's life style .
A4 Tech has the latest in Optical technology , using these engines in most of the latest mouse products . A4 Tech makes many different shapes and sizes of pointing devices and ships over 25 million units per year . With high capacity manufacturing in China , A4 Tech has the ability to " build to order " . With natural beauty environment factory , A4 Tech's worker has the spirit to develop and assemble .
Because the need of quality award winning product is universal, A4 Tech is worldwide. A list of international partners from distributors to system integrators, from OEM partners to ODM personalized product. A4 Tech believes that the expansion into the global market is an essential link between product and people .
source: [url]www.a4tech.com[/url]
Since A4 Tech Corporation has founded in 1987 , our commitment and passion have not changed . Today A4 Tech is a global leader of personal computer peripherals . A4 Tech had won many awards in recognition for our unique innovative technology . A4 Tech maintains an exceptionally strong commitment to develop , for it's within the discipline of development that yesterday's fiction becomes tomorrow's reality . We strive to identify things which , when made better , improve people's life style .
A4 Tech has the latest in Optical technology , using these engines in most of the latest mouse products . A4 Tech makes many different shapes and sizes of pointing devices and ships over 25 million units per year . With high capacity manufacturing in China , A4 Tech has the ability to " build to order " . With natural beauty environment factory , A4 Tech's worker has the spirit to develop and assemble .
Because the need of quality award winning product is universal, A4 Tech is worldwide. A list of international partners from distributors to system integrators, from OEM partners to ODM personalized product. A4 Tech believes that the expansion into the global market is an essential link between product and people .
source: [url]www.a4tech.com[/url]
About A4tech X7
Produk A4tech dengan embel2 kata X7 merupakan produk A4tech yang dibuat dan dirancang khusus untuk keperluan gaming. Dengan mengeluarkan dana yang tidak menguras kantong, kita bisa mendapatkan performa yang sangat mumpuni untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gaming. A4tech X7 didukung oleh software yang TOP MARKOTOP untuk mengoptimalkan semua fitur2 dari X7 kita, yakni OSCAR EDITOR. Oscar Editor Mouse tidak hanya mengaktifkan fungsi mouse, tetapi juga menyederhanakan penggunaan mouse.
A4tech X7 tidak melulu hanya keyboard dan mouse saja, namun ada beberapa lini produk lain seperti Speaker, Headsed, Mousepad, dll. Namun di trit ini, kita hanya akan membahas keyboard dan mousenya. Namun bagi agan yang ingin sharing produk A4tech X7 selain keyboard dan mouse, monggo2 saja.
Produk A4tech dengan embel2 kata X7 merupakan produk A4tech yang dibuat dan dirancang khusus untuk keperluan gaming. Dengan mengeluarkan dana yang tidak menguras kantong, kita bisa mendapatkan performa yang sangat mumpuni untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gaming. A4tech X7 didukung oleh software yang TOP MARKOTOP untuk mengoptimalkan semua fitur2 dari X7 kita, yakni OSCAR EDITOR. Oscar Editor Mouse tidak hanya mengaktifkan fungsi mouse, tetapi juga menyederhanakan penggunaan mouse.
A4tech X7 tidak melulu hanya keyboard dan mouse saja, namun ada beberapa lini produk lain seperti Speaker, Headsed, Mousepad, dll. Namun di trit ini, kita hanya akan membahas keyboard dan mousenya. Namun bagi agan yang ingin sharing produk A4tech X7 selain keyboard dan mouse, monggo2 saja.
Beberapa Produk A4tech X7 Series
V-Track Gaming Mouse
Spoiler for F3:
Spoiler for F3 Fitur & Specs:
Vertical light
More accurate than Laser engine
5 modes
1 click to shift game macros
160K onboard memory
Stores custom macros
3000 CPI
5 free-adjustable levels
1 ms Response
8X more smoothly
Driver free to perform stunts
1 click to turn around 180 degrees
1 click to buy all weapons
1 click to perform game stunts
1 click to change gun
1 click to on hook
Smooth and accurate tracking anywhere
Innovative V-Track technology utilizes vertical light which goes deep into the details of all surfaces. Guaranteed smooth and accurate tracking anywhere. Enjoy the best precision during the game-play.
Smaller hole Great precise
Regular optic 75 mm2
Laser 40 mm2(Smaller)
V-Track 5 mm2(Smaller)
head-shot 100%
Custom macros with 7 fully programmable buttons;
Perform stunts to win the games effortlessly
5 modes selection
Set up custom macros for your games in each mode
Acceleration: 30 G/sec
IPS speed: 75 inch/sec
Report rate: 125_250_500_1000 Hz (1 ms)
Key switch response time: 3 ms (Regular mouse: 16ms)
Sensitivity: 100~3000 CPI (5 free-adjustable levels)
Default sensitivity:400 - 800 - 1200 - 1600 - 3000 CPI
Source: http://www.x7.cn
Spoiler for X-718BK:
Spoiler for X-718BK Fitur & Specs:
Tailor-made macros
Allows to setup commands and shortcuts to easily complete key combinations in game.
16K Onboard memory
Stores custom macros in the 16K memory, and perform them at any time.
Variable sensitivity with LED indicator
Allows to adjust the mouse sensitivity between 100-3200 DPI
Speed mouse button response time up to 3ms
Respond much faster than your opponents during game play.
(Regular mouse: 16ms)
4-way wheel
Smart vertical and horizontal scrolling
Response time 1 ms
Designed with extreme fast report rate up to 1000 Hz
Ahcceleration: 30G/sec
IPS Speed: 75 inch/sec
Report Rate:
125-250-500-1000 Hz(1ms)
Key switch response time:
3ms (Regular mouse: 16ms)
Sensitivity: 100~3000 DPI
(5 free-adjustable levels)
Default sensitivity:
400-800-1200-1600-3000 DPI
Source: http://www.x7.cn
Spoiler for F4:
Spoiler for F4 Fitur & Specs:
Smooth and accurate tracking anywhere
Innovative V-Track technology utilizes vertical ray which goes deep into the details of all surfaces.
Guaranteed smooth and accurate tracking anywhere, Enjoy the best precision during the game-play.
5 modes selection
Set up custom macros for your games in each mode
160K onboard memory
Stores custom macros and perform them at any time.
High sensitivity up to 3000 CPI
You can shift from pixel-precise targeting ( 100 CPI )
to lightning-fast maneuvers (up to 3000 CPI) in each mode.
Response time 1 ms
Designed with?extreme fast report rate up to 1000 Hz
Oscar classic macros platform
Upload or download your favorite macro commands via [url]www.x7.cn[/url]
Default sensitivity:
400-800-1200-1600-3000 CPI
Sensitivity: 100~3000 CPI
(5 free-adjustable levels)
Key switch response time:
3 ms (Regular mouse: 16ms)
Acceleration: 30 G/sec
IPS Speed: 75 inch/sec
Report Rate:
125-250-500-1000 Hz (1 ms )
Source: http://www.x7.cn
V-Track Wireless Gaming Mouse
Spoiler for R4:
Spoiler for R4 Fitur & Specs:
No lag technology
Provides the smoothest cursor motion during game play
20 m operating range
Adjustable between 15 and 20 meters
Far operating range setting provides best RF quality
Custom macros with 7 fully programmable buttons;
Perform stunts to win the games effortlessly
5 modes selection
Set up custom macros for your games in each mode
160 K onboard memory
Stores custom macros into the receiver. Perform them at any time even no Oscar software is needed
2 ms response, 4X more smoothly
Designed with?extreme fast report rate up to 500 Hz
Oscar classic macros platform
Upload or download your favorite macro commands via X7 website [url]www.x7.cn[/url]
Acceleration: 30 G/sec
IPS speed: 75 inch/sec
Report rate: 125_250_500Hz (2 ms)
Key switch response time: 3 ms (Regular mouse: 16ms)
Sensitivity: 100~3000 CPI (5 free-adjustable levels)
Default sensitivity:400 - 800 - 1200 - 1600 - 3000 CPI
Source: http://www.x7.cn
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