Graphic Novel
Halo, thread ini didedikasikan secara khusus untuk membahas Graphic Novel / Novel Grafis.
Pertama-tama, apa sih sebenernya Graphic Novel itu? Beberapa berpendapat Graphic Novel sama saja dengan komik, tapi banyak juga ngga berpendapat kalau Graphic Novel tidak sama dengan komik. Daripada bingung mendingan cekidot referensi mengenai definisi-definisi Graphic Novel dari berbagai sumber. Bagi agan-agan yang mau nambahin, boleh silahkan
A graphic novel is a narrative work in which the story is conveyed to the reader using sequential art, either in an experimental design or in a traditional comics format. The term is employed in a broad manner, encompassing non-fiction works and thematically linked short stories as well as fictional stories across number of genres.
Graphic novels are typically bound in longer and more durable formats than familiar comic magazines, using the same materials and methods as printed books, and they are generally sold in bookstores and specialty comic book shops rather than at newsstands. Such books have gained increasing acceptance as desirable materials for libraries, which were once ignored when titled or viewed as comic books.
nyomot dari wikipedia
A comic book or pamphlet is the traditional periodical form most people are familiar with. A comic book can stand on its own or be a part of a series. A series is also sometimes called a title, which refers to the entire series, not a single, discrete unit.
Sometimes, multiple issues of a series are collected into one volume. It can be hardcover (as shown here) or softcover. Softcover editions are often called trade paperbacks, or just trades, regardless of size. A hardcover or a softcover can also be called a graphic novel.
When a story is published in the hardcover or soft cover format first (that is, without periodical serialization), it is referred to as a graphic novel and only a graphic novel.
Many of these terms are inter-changeable, as you can see. A graphic novel can refer to a hardcover or soft cover, to a reprint collection or an original story. Similarly, all of the formats referenced can be called comics or comic books.
nyomot dari Diamond Bookshelf
Istilah novel bergambar sama bermasalah dengan istilah cerita bergambar. Sebab, artinya adalah novel dengan gambar. Jadi, gambar di dalam istilah itu adalah ilustratif saja, tambahan pemanis saja, dan tidak memengaruhi pembacaan kita atas cerita. sementara dalam komik, cerita diceritkan lewat gambar. maka, istilah yg lebih tepat adalah Gambar Bercerita. Atau, yg sekarang sering dipakai sebagian teman aktivis komik, Cerita Gambar (dengan ber) dihilangkan.
Soal istilah novel grafis sering dirancukan dengan desain grafis, itu masalah pembiasaan saja. Tapi, saya ulik istilah novel grafis ini lebih karena istilah ini sudah mapan, sudah disepakati banyak orang di banyak tempat, tapi masih sering salah kaprah penggunaan atau penyikapan pembaca terhadapnya. Ini bukan istilah wajib kok. Hanya, saya berharap, bisa urun pemikiran saja dalam percakapan tentang novel grafis yg sedang tumbuh jadi industri penerbitan yg seksi di Amerika dan Eropa Barat.
nyomot dari blog-nya Hikmat Darmawan, pengamat dunia komik
untuk lengkapnya cek tekape gan
I think graphic novels tend to focus more on the story and narration. But if you ask me, I dont really know the exact difference myself [laughs]. But books I believe are graphic novels are those from Joe Sacco, a journalist/comic artist who often uses illustrations to spread his stories about war-torn areas like Palestine. I find it very inspirational for my own work. Others sources are Walt Disney, Hanna Barbera and another cartoonist from Malaysia called Lat.
Nyomot dari Wawancara Mice dengan Jakarta Globe