Welcome to Nexia Server Yuri
PlayNexia for Friendship,Passion,Love
----------###RULES in GAME###------------
1. Do not abuse any BUGS/ERROR! [Permanently Banned]
2. Do not talk using Bad Words! [1-24 hours of Silent]
3. Do not using ilegal Program: Auto-Bot/SpeedHack [3 days]
4. Do not promote any Advertisement [1 hours of Prison]
5. Do not selling any items/coins/character [Permanently Banned]
6. Don't provoke any kind of Violation/Harm/Rude to others [Silent 1-72 hours / Banned]
7. Don't said/told anyone in any form that may downgrade The PlayNexia's Name [Silent 1-72 hours / Banned]
8. Don't try to fight any GM/MOD which following the RULES and keeping PlayNexia Name Clean [Silent 1-72 hours / Banned]
9. Don't Buy/Sell any items/character in Real Money (Ex: Rupiah/Dollar) [Banned]
10. Don't post any kind of Url-Link/Phone Number/Others Communication Number at SAGE,Chat,Bulletin,Whisper,Nmail [Silent 1-72 hours]
Everything inside PlayNexia must following PlayNexian Rules!
Please follow our rules and play with clean heart and mouth!
Please respect other players who still love PlayNexia!
1. Dilarang memanfaatkan BUGS/ERROR! [Permanently Banned]
2. Dilarang berbicara Kotor/SARA! [1-24 hours of Silent]
3. Dilarang menggunakan program ilegal:SpeedHack/Bot [3 days]
4. Dilarang mempromosikan apapun [1 hours of Prison]
5. Dilarang menjual character/koin/barang [Permanently Banned]
6. Dilarang memprovokasi segala jenis Kekerasan/Gosip/Tuduhan tak berbukti kepada player lain [Silent 1-72 hours]
7. Dilarang menjelek-jelekkan Nama PlayNexia [Silent 1-72 hours / Banned]
8. Dilarang mencoba untuk melawan GM / MOD yang ingin menjaga ketentraman PlayNexia! [Silent 1-72 hours / Banned]
9. Dilarang keras untuk memperjual belikan Character/Barang PlayNexia ke dalam REAL MONEY (Ex: Rupiah/Dollar)! [Banned]
10. Dilarang menyebutkan dalam bentuk apapun Url-Link/Nomor Tlp/Berbagai macam nomor untuk berkomunikasi terutama pada SAGE,Chat,Bulletin,Whisper,NMail [Silent 1-72 hours]
Semua yang ada di dalam PlayNexia adalah Hak dan Milik PlayNexia!
Mohon bermain dengan hati damai dan mulut terjaga baik!
Mohon taati dan jaga ketenangan bermain para pemain lainnya!
1.Dilarang menjelek-jelekkan nama "PlayNexia II", GM, moderator, maupun player lain baik secara tersirat maupun tersurat.
2.Dilarang melakukan postingan flaming, bad words, personal insult, junk, disturbing picture, long cat dan sejenisnya.
3.Dilarang melakukan postingan yang berhubungan dengan ekploitasi bug, cheat, bot hunt, dan program ilegal lainnya.
4.Dilarang melakukan postingan yang membahas game selain "Play Nexia II" di dalam thread ini.
5.Dilarang melakukan jual-beli karakter, item, jasa (joki, quest, dsb), serta hal lain yang berhubungan dengan "Play Nexia II" dalam REAL MONEY (Rp / Dollar).
Hal-hal yang lain yang tidak diatur dalam Rules ini akan diatur di waktu yang akan datang jika diperlukan
2. Lalu periksa Email yang kamu daftarkan di dalam registrasi di atas pada INBOX / SPAM / JUNK
3. Setelah mengaktifkan Account Forum lakukanlah LOGIN ke forum ini
4. Lalu kamu akan melihat Navigasi Menu bertambah "CHARACTER PANEL"
5. Click Registration (Jika Belum Registrasi Character di dalam GAME) > Besar Kecilnya Nickname kamu yang akan keluar di Nexia ditentukan di sini
6. Mohon diperhatikan Maximum Digit Password adalah 8 DIGIT, sedangkan Nickname harus berjumlah GENAP!
7. Mohon diperhatikan juga PIN tidak boleh di isi dengan angka 0 (nol) semua, harus dengan kombinasi angka!
8. Jika sudah REGISTRASI CHARACTER GAME jika kamu tidak bisa meng-AKTIVASI character kamu hubungi kami di playnexia@gmail.com
9. Kamu HARUS mengAKTIFKAN Character kamu terlebih dahulu sebelum dapat bermain
10. Cara Aktifasi mudah saja cukup Click CHARACTER PANEL > Activation > Masukkan Nickname, Password (character bukan FORUM) Lalu Tentukan PIN Bank kamu di bawahnya!
11. Jika sudah keluar tulisan berwarna HIJAU: Nickname Character tersebut telah diaktifkan!
12. Silahkan LOGIN ke dalam Game dengan menggunakan PlayNexia.exe
13. Gunakan Nickname yang diaktifkan pada nomor 8 tadi, akan tetapi tulislah dengan HURUF BESAR semua untuk LOGIN nya... Sedangkan untuk password tidak harus besar!
14. Jika sudah masuk... Click Kakek berwarna Putih... Pilih Wajah, Rambut, Kelamin, dsb...
15. Jika selesai mengatur CHARACTER anda... Click lagi pada Kakek > Saya Sudah Siap
For the Newbie who just play, to find out any kind of the main thing that must be done for building character with a quick time period, then we share a little knowledge is known.
1.EXP, This is done to be able to achieve a minimum status of G3 with the following status
Warrior: 850k/100k
Rogue: 410k/345k
Mage: 200k/525k
Poet: 300k/300k
2.adventure, adventure can be taken in place of each job by typing in "SEARCH / CARI" and after the "FINISH / SELESAI) at least up to the need to G3, with the following details
G1: 25 points adventures (most easily kills Big Bat)
G2: 75 points adventures (most easily kills Hop Rabbit)
G3: 200 points adventure (most easily kills Eclipse)
3.Ability, the ability is taken at a party when you do not get to hunt and before bed (use a macro program on the share on the bulletin board), "before you start taking sage mode abilities advance (you can take the sage mode by going to Sibuya south, after the forest you will see the well on the left entered into after that then left again towards the waterfall near the well, Sage 4x mode can be taken in 1 day duration each take the 1 hour "[you can see in F1 time for sage mode "or use BP for 4 hours at a time). due to G3 must have the ability masters 1
4.Mini Games, when the sage mode is up and you do not get a hunt party you can follow the mini-games in the game center to get exp and points BP (BP could be used for Sage Mode, on the other outstanding issues later BP can be used to exchange the items to forge equip). to schedule each Monday-Saturday at 7:15 PM and 8:15 PM, and on Sunday at the following times
Snowball 4.15PM
Dust 5.15PM
Water Sumo 6.15PM
Walking dead 7.15PM
Carnage 8.15PM
All Time in GMT +7
For Shortcut chat,
whisper ---> hold shift and " ; " then will appear To:[nickname] press enter and input your messages
Chat to Clan ---> Whisper to !
Chat to Ally ---> Whisper to @
Chat to Party/Group ---> Whisper to !!
If there any question u want to ask in game... you can ask me via whisp to SatsuraXXX
Credit to Djokerez and Friends
Penghuni Thread PlayNexia
Spoiler for Daftar Player N IGN:
sosukeX = SatsuraXXX - SatsuraX - SatsuraZZZ
1930 = drughi
yudhipri = YudhiPri
Arjuna_7 = Rooney
Potatto = eL
kayxrxs = Takeru
panning = SuDirMan DiPoNeGoRo
saicui = Hans
entah_mengapa = komeng
sugoykun = Aladin
d-tecnolife = Andrew
Nice! = Munaph
wanuxduff = wanzai
apratnyawan = bunyisendiri
wisewilly = PerSePhonE
Nexiaman = Keel
gepenk = Onyx
FuturaNexia = Kaisar
NoorHavarina = noor
xAutox = TOYOTA
dragreeder = Henz
LotusX = LotusX
2ndjune = Fuzz
d4n4r = gembul
irw4nn = SevenZ
ak47.h = Marlborrozzz
Korynsan = SanSan
Criglyz_Boy = CriglyzorG
Redstyle = RedStyle
ndo_1803 = Lamlui - Technology
Monsterzz = LionaI
Ndotzalone = sucmsd - kebo
Yudi.Sastra = Hidetoshikun
lius11118 = liusss
kaze.playnexia = Kaze
The10dency = OrangSialS
wanuxduff = wanzai
specops = KANGMASS
prestiger = prestigerz
djosmar = KOGURE
EteRnaLx = eternalx
ExcuseMoi = Chocolates
rikun123 = rayy
helios042 = LuCiFeeR
miracle1988 = banditzz
HeryDarmawan = deTTol
chazholic = ChaZ
Franz87 = Pillow
Vicii = SinKim
Pottato = Harvoc
Blue_GaLz = BlueMarine
Revelt = Jessz
kuyaarab = HunkiezFrozz
Tutorial Windows Mode
Spoiler for Tutorial Windows Mode:
klik kanan icon playnexia di desktop > properties > find target > open aplikasi tk display editor > pilih windows mode > ok
Original Posted By Nexiaman►Izin Post Makro buat para newbie...
Sehubungan dengan masih adanya sebagian user yg blm mengerti makro dan tidak punya bnyk relasi untuk membaginya maka saya share aja disini...
Ini makro buat mining ma shepherd ( saya rasa utk ini halal dipakai )